#1097: Black calamity survivor stages a comeback, the immortal Chu Hao earth's first playboy

In the palace, everyone's expression is a little dignified, wants through the probe of this time, to look at Gu Changge whether also in the Immortal Spirit civilization.

But who knows, he has not left unexpectedly, but hides in secret, waits for these ethnic groups to jump.

This also enables clear/pain Gucheng to keep many informers of Immortal Spirit civilization, the superposition destroys completely all.

Change that the black fog that clear/pain Gucheng the sensation arrives at abates, likely is only the Gu Changge method.

Then will deceive them intentionally, made him to leave the false appearance of Immortal Spirit civilization.

Currently speaking, explained that Gu Changge has actually noticed them, and does not fear completely hopes the Yuan civilization.

„Moreover, he likely in the Immortal Spirit civilization, waits for us to pass......”

clear/pain Gucheng is serious, in heart is not good to have a premonition, is even more strong.

He thinks that anxiety of oneself mysteriously and inexorably sensation when seclusion, as well as that side rising sun day civilization, that jade slip that transmits.

could it be he is really doomed, will meet with unprecedented great tribulation?

His plan is as far as possible does not meddle the Immortal Spirit civilization the matter.

But how no matter behind he consoles oneself, is hard to reduce and solve in the heart that anxious and worry, simply such as fishbone in throat.

Words that does not dispel, heart demon that clear/pain Gucheng staying behind will be hard to erase absolutely.

Therefore, he will contact Immortal Spirit civilization that side influence, thus make a move.

„Monarch, the matter of Immortal Spirit civilization, indeed thorny strange, why won't I and others while your birthday feast, inform in Xiyuan the civilization this matter other influences?”

„That Gu man, is really rampant, ignores the custom, establishes to cut down a day of pledge intentionally, knew perfectly well that this matter, in the taboo that in boundless does not permit absolutely.”

Eight True God and the others, are also opening the mouth at this moment, supplies ideas.

At this time, no one dares to leave to go to the Immortal Spirit civilization personally, even/including Chugu the city dreaded very much.

However hopes the Yuan civilization after all is the one side supreme civilization, the background is above the imagination.

If can unite expert of various clans, one and sends the army to go, even if the Immortal Spirit civilization now is a dangerous spot, will easily be razed to the ground.

They do not believe that Gu man, depending on one's effort, can contend with an entire Greek Yuan civilization.

Hears subordinate these words, clear/pain Gucheng the brow tight wrinkle, is also pondering over saying that

„This matter, it seems like indeed needs to inform other influences, depending on my immortal Chu Hao earth, but may also not solve.”

„Moreover, when the time comes my immortal Chu Hao earth, once suffers disaster, other influences, are doomed surely. From many relations, I suspected this so-called cuts down a day of pledge, black calamity survivor that actually had not exterminated initially establishes......”

„Cuts down day of Achieving Dao, eliminates Heavenly Dao, this laughable doctrine objective, but to cheat ten thousand spirit common people, devotes life to that's all for it.”

„This method, and hoped Yuan Saintess and the others with initially me, that place black calamity survivor foothold of destruction, how was together similar, they caught innumerable cultivator and lives, raised in the universe, in thousand world, day and night chanted scripture, brainwash and provide belief power of hope continuously......”

His this saying saying, eight True God and the others the facial colors are also changing.

As if black calamity survivor these four characters contain some frightening charm, to cause/make one palpitation.

„Monarch, or you go to a Greek Yuan sacred hall again, can have other favorable turn 々 ¨?”

Another side white eyebrows white beard white eyebrows star Monarch, knits the brows at this moment long time, in the opens the mouth, the persuasion said.

Greek Yuan sacred hall in Greek Yuan civilization, has the unusual position and significance.

Moreover has the mirror of civilized supreme treasure samsara to assume personal command.

Previous he brings clear/pain Gucheng the correspondence to go time, actually also ran into a wall, has not seen to hope Yuan Saintess.

Following clear/pain Gucheng goes personally, finally is also the same, even the person have not seen.

hearing this, clear/pain Gucheng a complexion change, resembles is also considering the consideration.

Then he nods slowly, the sinking sound said, „hopes Yuan Saintess not to contaminate the causes and effects, staying away, if related with black calamity survivor, how she said again, cannot stand by.”

„I had contacted with gold/metal of rising sun day civilization and the others, this matter is important, indeed needs to borrow the mirror of samsara.”

Hears this saying, the people of this place, facial expression also in abundance one austere.

They know clear/pain Gucheng the meaning.

Implication, if hopes Yuan Saintess to insist on not seeing, that immortal Chu Hao earth may have no other choice, resorts to the strong method.

This is related to the future of immortal Chu Hao earth after all, and important important matter of clear/pain Gucheng destiny, not possible careless.

„Cuts down the matter of day of pledge related, you defer to my instruction, informs other influences, said that this is black calamity survivor, stages a comeback again.”

„In addition, the white eyebrows you with several other star Monarch, invited to hope Yuan civilization various influences personally expert, attended my 130 discipline birthdays.”

„The Zixiao mountain, governing Immortal Palace and person of Ling Shenku, the light deep temple, the endless monster territory and Tathagata buddha, must invite inevitably.”

clear/pain Gucheng says.

he shoulders, is looking at outside the palace, the vision is profound, seems sun and moon to rotate, the facial expression is fearful.

Although he has no evidence , indicating this to cut down a day of pledge to be related with once black calamity survivor.

But if did not say, other influences might stand by, is not willing to meddle, thinks that this and they have nothing to do.

The trouble that if provoked by the immortal Chu Hao earth, that nature by the immortal Chu Hao earth solution, other influences is also glad to see him succeed.

„Yes, Monarch.”

Quick, in this Soaring Firmament Hall, eight True God and white eyebrows star Monarch and the others, according to the instruction, draw back respectfully.

After the people depart, the brow of clear/pain Gucheng tight wrinkle, stretched.

He is looking at outside the palace, cannot help but muttered, „I rose in burning sun, when was small and weak, was betrayed, nearly the body fell, if the help of no Master, were almost very difficult to live, then after many misery and inexorable fates, Achieving Dao, leads the clansman and young person finally, flew upwards thousand world, in established the Great Chu state.”

„Behind , to continue painstaking cultivation several eras, finally steps becoming a lay priest boundary, then hundred years of era, cultivation base progresses by leaps and bounds, even if the bitter experience hopes the planning interception of Yuan civilization many ethnic group influence, can turn danger into safety, mysteriously and inexorably, results in great destiny to assist.”

„Since this time crisis, has seriously been my cultivate dao long years, meets most troublesome one time, almost cannot see any way out.”

„Is that Gu man, where sacred?”

But pondered over when clear/pain Gucheng with rapt attention, guessed the Gu Changge origin unceasingly.

The one slender form, came from the distant place lightly, its bearing is gentle, the appearance meanders.

clear/pain Gucheng the knot sends the couple, named the Wang Xue heart, knows with clear/pain Gucheng when burning sun, accompanies, very love.

„Husband worries this matter, might as well go to look for the law Saint senior, invited his make a move, deduced.”

The Wang Xue heart gentle sound conveys.

She as the nation's mother of immortal Chu Hao earth, the model mother world, naturally also knows crisis that this time clear/pain Gucheng suffers.

But that law Saint that she said that is actually clear/pain Gucheng Master, one cultivation immeasurably deep Old Monster.

Initially when burning sun, clear/pain Gucheng obtained ancient jade accidentally/surprisingly, checked the wisp of remnant soul of law Saint, the law Saint is killed secretly, unavoidablily a wisp of remnant soul, falling gently from all walks of life, wandered about destitute burning sun to go.

Also at that time, his pays respects Fasheng is a master, obtained many directions and guidances of law Saint, can defuse these crises repeatedly.

Then, clear/pain Gucheng from a mediocre youngster, the growth hoped the Yuan civilization step by step until now, wields the millions and millions life, the innumerable universes live lord of one generation of immortal Chu Hao earth extinguishes.

Said unrestrained/no trace of politeness, without the law Saint, that there would be no nowadays him.

„Snow heart you said, making me seek for Master? But I do not know where now Master places, although he have vast magic powers, but also faces the disaster that the beauty's eighth fades, previous he said that time must go to the dimension space and time the deep place, seeks the breakthrough turning point, now walks, has known how things stand ten eras, I cannot relate Master.”

„' 々 let alone, my present cultivation base, not necessarily is inferior to Master, even I do not have idea, perhaps Master does not have the means.”

clear/pain Gucheng sees the wife to come, sighed, shakes the head.

He is not does not want to seek for Master, but could not find, is useless.

„So that's how it is.”

Wang Xue heart hearing this stares.

Her cultivation base, is far less than clear/pain Gucheng.

In various stack of heavenly materials and earthly treasure and under rare and precious divine object, a distance boundary, has a very far distance now.

She thinks that can be the common trouble as usual, but, making clear/pain Gucheng be so worried to worry.

„Ok, this matter did not say that the snow heart you look for me, has other matter?”

clear/pain Gucheng shakes the head gently, later smiled asked.

Although he with Wang Xue heart incomparable love, but also not just married her.

This walks, Heaven's Proud Daughter that clear/pain Gucheng knows are many, some side also many young people and son.

The Wang Xue heart complexion reveals several points of helplessness, said, „I come, has not wanted with you saying that clouds matter, he does not listen to advise, does not pay attention while me, left the immortal Chu Hao earth secretly, although I told Uncle Fu with the past, but worry clouds will appear accidentally/surprisingly......”

Hears this saying, clear/pain Gucheng also stares, then the complexion appears for several points to be inwardly angry.

„This disobedient son......”

„Depends your me to his spoiling, in present this moment, but also dares to leave the immortal Chu Hao earth secretly, hurrying makes Uncle Fu grasp him, does not permit() well makes him cause trouble outside.”

In his surface is difficult the helplessness that covers is inwardly angry and hates him not to struggle.

clear/pain Xiao is he and a Wang Xue heart youngest son, to the cultivation base of his present, already under very difficult birth heir.

But clear/pain Xiao the birth, is completely an accident/surprise.

Initially when the accident/surprise knew in the Wang Xue intention, clear/pain Gucheng also was very accidentally pleasantly surprised , then resorts to many methods, the clear/pain clouds were for fear that hard to give birth smoothly.

Although on the way some twists and turns, but is well smooth in finally all.

He is the character who becomes the ancestor, now has a youngest son again, that naturally is loves tightly.

The entire immortal Chu Hao earth, regards as on clear/pain Xiao the palm the treasure.

All clear/pain clan clansmen, regarding this little ancestor in the true sense, that protect the pinnacle.

Wants the wind to the wind, wants the rain to the rain, regardless of clear/pain Xiao proposed anything to request, will satisfy him as far as possible.

But clear/pain Gucheng and Wang Xue heart, regarding this youngest son, that naturally was also spoils does not have the words to say.

Pitifully, clear/pain Xiao has not inherited clear/pain Gucheng talent, cultivate dao talent, can only can be general.

Present cultivation base also with many heavenly materials and earthly treasure, builds.

Usually , the side is the clansman and subordinate who flattered to flatter, fostered the personality of his extremely arrogant domineering and rampant playboy.

Frequently makes terrorizes men and take their women, the behavior of fish meat native place.

By many cultivator of immortal Chu Hao earth, was called the first playboy skin secretly.