#964: World-wide common people and his what does/works? True body already not in

Gu Changge stands in boundless void, looks that these rays seem like light rain, after sprinkling into the respective young person within the body .

Yue Mingkong still in seclusion, immerses in cultivation, the whole body is winding around a spatial deep scene, has not detected all these.

But Jiang Chuchu resembles the heart to have a feeling, toward cutting down a day of pledge the location direction looks at one now......

Now this big world, everyone is grasping time cultivation, they are not naturally exceptional.

They had the big destiny and big good fortune person, contacts the close, present destiny with Gu Changge, similarly with prosperous True World, but the transpiration rushes.

By the cultivation speed, they have flung many people only after behind, lacks is also only time that's all.

Gu Changge looks at this scene, later closes the eye slowly.

He huge vast will, slowly proliferation.

Shortly, shuttled back and forth trillion void, covers endless Ancient World, entire say/way prosperous True World, covers all.

„It seems like already not in prosperous True World?”

Gu Changge tries to discover aura of person.

However divine sense takes away as many things as possible, searches through the universe the corner every inchs, has not discovered the trail of that young girl.

Initially successor flatter barbarian who he looked for specially, that cultivating young girl who came from the wild world.

Gu Changge leaves behind together the will in her body specially, for in the future, with use.

However with similar that also he expects, flatter now already not in prosperous True World, was received and instructed other world.

After seeing clearly flatter fate changes, Gu Changge also guessed her origin, but had not spoken frankly for it at that time, planned to observe calmly the change.

flatter is not the prosperous True World life, but came from beside the boundlessness.

But looks like in Gu Changge, she is more like a operated poor man, lives by illusory and lie.

Paternal grandfather who she respects, is only her taking care of person, making she another make same mistakes over again.

When she such as daughter father, is one by the puppet who the god manipulates, the barbarian god of true belief, is actually others 's board game piece and servant.

The goal also lets her in first another, forgot the past, put behind passing, awakened truly Demonic Heart.

Naturally, Gu Changge knows that this possibly to flatter, is some trial, after she endures broken illusory and lie, was broken cocoon to become butterfly that day.

But such matter, to her, extremely in cruelty.

Gu Changge is seeing clearly her fate, when seeing her will become disaster All Heavens Demoness in the future, will have many interests.

Then say/way prosperous True World, the destiny was also not enough to support growth and birth that a character who by far had such fate.

Therefore, Gu Changge has not been thinking keeps side her, but is the ignores her oneself grows.

Tears to pieces the lie and illusory by her oneself, faces directly the blood dripping truth.

From the other hand, he also wants to fish with flatter, fishes that she breeds to prosperous True World secretly the person.

„It seems like she has torn to pieces illusory, crushed oneself to live personally in middle the lie.”

Gu Changge does not have to care about this matter actually, at that time he sought for the appropriate seedling, is holding the thought of trying.

flatter in the future, will grow to what situation truly, that also looks at her own good fortune.

oneself also appears in the right time merely, solved for her exactly appropriately some troubled that's all.

Gu Changge was searching say/way prosperous True World a moment ago, wants before departure, first to determine a matter.

„It seems like before many eras, has other True World people, noticed prosperous True World location, flatter behind that person, can quietly arranged these, the method but actually also uncommon.”

His vision is somewhat profound.

After returning to cut down a day of pledge, Gu Changge left behind a will, then during the plan left to go to is boundless.

He may not plan that continues to remain here, waits for boundless beside that crowd „hunter” to arrive.

By his strength, crosses boundlessly, does not need to rely on any external object.

But also requires time, sees clearly some True World boundless coordinates.

He is not always the big good man of helping the distressed, has not been considering, must pull building in Jiangqing truly.

The simple point said is, world-wide common people, with his what does/works?

If did not consider that the following many plans, Gu Changge does not have so many thoughts, changes name as prosperous True World, sets up Heavenly Dao concept anything.

So long as he thinks, then this world is impossible to have the person, can threaten him to want the person of asylum.

Now, said prosperous True World, so long as were not affected by other True World, at present destiny rich degree, only even more prosperous powerful.

That crowd so-called „hunter”, to prosperous True World all living things, perhaps is the catastrophe that is hard to resist.

But in the Gu Changge eye, is only insignificant, small insect that may be run over and die conveniently.

He never has to care about this crowd truly „hunter”, but to let various clans at the right moment is scared, said a point.

He leaves behind together the will, then deters them not to dare to approach sufficiently.

Nowadays what he must consider is how to let cut down a day of pledge exist(ence), spreads over entire vast boundless, expands unceasingly prosperously.

But these, may not only need a side True World background support.

Gu Changge plans to seek other True World location now, either its occupies, either its refining up the annexation, integrates cuts down day of pledge attached.

Although such action, will affect his present reputation, making people think that he and boundless outside these „hunter” does have what strange/different?

Again makes all living things dread, scared, lives in the fear, but Gu Changge may not care.

After all, he in many eyes, does not have Demon Lord that may ponder over and be subject to changing moods.

Facing once loved the young person, but also cruel-hearted kill, may send into exile the apprentice before the boundless space and time, sends into exile the years to eternal.

He also has any crazed matter unable to do.

Said many things in prosperous True World, Gu Changge also has arranged appropriately.

Cuts down a day of pledge many business, he hands over by the Gu Family ancestor processes, although attended to not having has not been clear about something absurdly, but in the Gu Changge eye, Gu Family everyone, available, can be a he very early board game piece.

Has again is the following matter of related so-called Dao Child counter dust, all also during the operation of Gu Changge plans.

He did not worry, the counter dust can turn out what storm.

Before to clearing the way prosperous True World, Wang Zijin looked for his one time, even she also planned to want the seclusion self-torture.

For the solution pain of yearning, she does not care about many minor details actually, thought him, that will look for him.

But after Wang Zijin seclusion, entire say/way prosperous True World, many forms that Gu Changge is familiar with, was few.

Initially that similarly by him from Lin Qiuhan that Lower Realm brought, in self-torture Pill Dao, already seclusion many years.

However before departure, Gu Changge went to a Qingshan Village.

Hence, Gu Family ancestor and the others, does not know, his true body already not in this side True World.