#947: Who spies on this? Appears in Wang Family Immortal( sought subscription)

„I, no matter, you when the time comes, must be many before your Uncle Gu in any case, gave my elder sister to speak a word of praise.”

„Otherwise I may be unable to forgive you.”

„Knew, your girl was so barbaric, grows up may no one marry you.”

„Snort, wants you to manage......”

The quarrelling voices of Chen two he and king calf two children, interrupted the train of thought of white clothing female, making her recover.

She returned to normal, looks to front these children.

Almost all children, two his elder sisters are offering advice to Chen chaotically.

Although they are young, but the matter about a man should take a wife and a woman should take a husband, may understand much.

one by one is self-important, appearance that understands very much.

This makes the white clothing female somewhat smile, shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not.

However this scene, made her many trains of thought restrain.

No matter how said, the deceased husband, the past events may not pursue in this way.

Even if she immerses in the middle of these passing memory every day, is impossible to change anything again.

With the such limitless fantasy and anticipation, faces directly all these would rather, restores soberly.

The happy dreamland of that establishment, shatter, the edge has also appeared covered with blood.

Does she have what does not dare to face directly?

King two Niu is situated in the place of village, is not remote from the private school, walks also less than several li (0.5 km) distance.

White clothing female after teaching all children, left this small academy.

Her figure goes into hiding in void, follows in king Xiaoniu, Chen two he and other children behind, planned that looks at person of this Gu.

Several children are innocent, in going home on the way, has not forgotten to take the morning matter, teased Chen two he.

„Two he, you grew up, is must like your older sister, asked an attractive man to marry?”

The little misses of several same age sizes, said grinningly.

„That is natural.”

The Chen two his big eyes are transferring turning round, shows the self-confident smile, said that „after I grow up, definitely compared with my elder sister attractively, looks for also to want attractive husband compared with calf Uncle Gu.”

„You are so barbaric, others cannot have a liking for you.”

king Xiaoniu curls the lip.

However his this saying saying, suffered the Chen two his small fists, two people start one to create a disturbance, at the same time runs toward the outskirts.

Other companions are pursuing in behind, worry-free, very merry happy.

The white clothing female looks at this scene, pours also somewhat envies.

This is purely, the plain emotion of does not have any impurity.

Perhaps two children now could not have felt, when they grow up slightly, can understand.

The of present creates a disturbance to play, is how rare pure sentiment, childhood sweethearts and innocence of childhood.

But at this moment, before the king calf main house gate, the scene is quite lively.

Many villagers encircled, solemn watching the fun appearance.

Many busybodies still in the joking words, teased are coming the person.

Wears the pale-green long skirt, the facial features are beautiful, the fair-skin female, in the surface facial expression is somewhat shy, is lowering the head, the white hands firmly hold the skirt swayed, stands in the parental elder behind.

Her thin powder top dressing, slightly uses the cosmetics, in this raises the sceneries of person, pours also has a beautiful moving beauty.

The elder sisters of Chen two his mouths, Chen Ya.

The Qingshan Village famous beautiful woman, in has a tofu shop that the village opens.

Not only person beautiful is dexterous, good-hearted, the tofu that makes is also delicious.

Many busybodies, is called as tofu beauty her, may know its beautiful appearance.

Does not know that nearby many young mens, want to marry to go home her.

In rich people on including the city, comes to raise kissing/betrothal, but was rejected by her.

Before Chen Ya's body, is her parents, smiles very genial matchmaker, in drawing the king calf mother's hand, the words the daily family activity, is chatting the matter.

The surrounding villagers, often interrupted with a laugh, lent a hand.

They can also look, Chen Ya parents lead Chen Ya to be in front of the goal personally, but also leads a matchmaker, why its meaning, was naturally needless to say much.

That Gu man but who they must see, today followed the king two cows together the going to the market city.

Sells fruits and melons that some plant, this will not have come back.

The young men who hears the news, envies.

To them, Chen Ya is like the goddess, usually in discusses marriage no matter, was turned down by her.

But who can think, her daughter family/home so will be brave, does not hesitate to convince the parents, leads the matchmaker to visit personally.

„Pitifully I do not have others appearances, Xiaoya she cannot have a liking for me is also normal.”

„Since old times the beautiful woman with the handsome talent, that should also be.”

However they also know that oneself looks like, had self-knowledge, the worthless people were the same, Chen Ya could not have a liking for them, that was also natural.

Chen Family in Qingshan Village, slightly has the abundance.

Therefore Chen Ya with parents and the others, has not been thinking, wants what bridegroom's gift to bride's family.

They visit personally, wants to convince mother of king calf, making her lend a hand to speak some words.

In their opinion, Gu Changge gave shelter to by Wang Family, usually in contacts most people, that is the Wang Family family of three.

Wanders about destitute hence, without family or friends, perhaps has its heart, Wang Family these three, been regarded as the family member?

Chen Ya parents body has the air of scholarly refinement, stems from the scholarly family, during the conversations is also courteous appropriate.

This lets the king calf mother, in heart helpless, is not good to speak frankly the rejection.

This matter, how can they take responsibility for Gu Changge?

„Elder sister, father and mother......”

At this time, jumped to stumble to stumble Chen two he and king Xiaoniu to come back, saw this scene, collected.

Chen Ya sees younger sister oneself, on the face shows the smile, put out a hand to pinch her nose.

„Elder sister, you do not know that acts with constraint, others do not know that but also thinks that you are do not marry.”

„But, I let the calf, helping you speak some words of praise.”

„How do you want to thank me?”

First here, Chen two he starts to take undeserved credit, on small face grinning.

Chen Yashen make a move finger/refers, poked under her brow, feigns the vitality/angry saying that „few speeches, no one, when you are a mute.”


The king calf also welcomed.

„Calf you comes back well, that dao priest person who before you said that now family/home middle-grade you.”

Visits him to come back, the king calf mother, cannot help but shows the smile, quickly holds on him, said.

this morning, a wear somewhat tattered dao priest person, having one to seem like very uncommon middle-aged man, suddenly appears in their family/home.

Inquired by mentioning names, here is king Niu.

The king calf mother, is only an ordinary peasant woman, where has seen such stance, was startled.

However before thinking, the immortal fate matter that the king calf said that calms down, then to reply honestly.

Although dao priest person a genial appearance, but that middle-aged man of his side, makes the king calf mother anxious, dread.

She wants to go to the private school to look for the king calf, making him go home.

But the dao priest person hints not to need so, he waits for here well.

But this waiting, is one in the morning.


Hears this saying, king Xiaoniu the eyes stare, after responding, the pleasantly surprised expression on face, could not conceal from the start.

He must feel that dao priest gentleman is deceives his, or gave to forget him.

However, this dao priest gentleman really came unexpectedly, but also appears in his family/home.

At this moment, after anything by the brain of his throwing .

Where compares favorably with oneself immortal cultivation importantly.


On king Xiaoniu the face full is happy and self-satisfied, is excited, cannot bear to Chen two him shows off saying that „two he, your two Brother Niu I starting today, must become Immortal.”

„Later who dares to bully you, you said to me, has me to cover you.”

Before king calf mother, slightly without mentioning this matter, without mentioned to Chen Ya parents and the others, in main house gate, chats the words daily family activity with them casually.

But at this moment, all villagers are listening to this saying, shocked, suspected that oneself misunderstood.

Can king calf fellow, become Immortal?

Chen Ya whole family by this saying was also the shock, almost forgets the oneself goal.

„Hasn't calf, you deceived me?”

Chen two he was also feared, small gossipy, unbelievable.

They from a young age on knowing, this world have Immortal exist(ence).

The Immortal flying escapes, omnipotent.

They also once respected to yearn, some day becomes such Immortal.

However immortal cultivation is needs the chance and talent, as soon as they do not have talent, two not to have the chance, naturally also misses immortal cultivation.

Now but suddenly, king Xiaoniu tells her, can oneself become Immortal?

How this does not make Chen two him shock and envy.

„On that day cowherded, I ran into a genial dao priest person, his governing sword came......”

king Xiaoniu said complacently, surrounding many villagers, because of his saying, is more shocking.

This luck, simply without whom.

At this moment, in king Niu, a facial features genial dao priest person, puts on has some tattered feather robes, is sitting on the backless stool, calm appearance.

„This boy looked like came back......”

He is listening to outside sound, shows the light smile, takes down the waist is hanging bottle gourd, raises head gurgle gurgle is drinking.

Side this dao priest person, but also is standing a middle-aged man.

But the wear of this middle age with the facial expression, with appearing the sloppy dao priest person is extremely incompatible.

A golden long gown makes by the Yin-Yang Divine Flame silk, wears the gold crown, the clothes robe is spacious, some places are also letting fall the order trace.

The eye pupil opens and closes, there is a silk threads golden light to pass over gently and swiftly, Yue Zhiyuan ting, the aura was palatial, did not get angry from the prestige.

Obviously, this middle-aged man is cultivation base powerful cultivator.

Even if the aura has restrained, seems extremely fearsome.

„Ancestor, you really determined, outside that fellow, is really a good seedling?”

„In my opinion, he really has no merit to speak, even might as well these disciples in sect......”

The middle-aged man regarding this dao priest person, is very at present respectable.

At this moment actually also revealed that some comes puzzled, cannot help but asked.

In such remote small mountain village, meeting will let the ancestor he, seedling that praised?

He thought that some cannot believe that in various methods, had actually sized up that the fellow a moment ago named king Xiaoniu.

But let alone the root bone, the feeling was mad him to estimate that could not achieve.

As for sword bone Sword Dao talent, but must have the premise that can cultivation is good.

In his opinion, this child named king Xiaoniu, is only the luck is good, has sword bone that's all by chance.

In addition, does not have the manager.

But in present this big world, how the sword bone, to let his cultivation millennium ten thousand years even, is still useless.

Let alone sword bone such talent, does not calculate specially powerful.

„The vision of old man, haven't you letter/believed?”

„This little fellow may not be simple in the future, because of his present appearance, do not look down on him.”

„Bullies the youngster to be poor not.”

Appears somewhat sloppy dao priest person, hears word also shakes the head smiled, has not explained anything.

His body is filling rich liquor air/Qi, sloven, sloppy.

If appears in other place, perhaps will also be considered that will be an old beggar.

Hears this saying, the middle-aged man also no longer multi- languages, but the heart has doubts as before.

He very clearly at present the status of this dao priest person, therefore regarding its words, did not suspect from the start.

„Goes to have a look at this little fellow.”

The dao priest person set out, patted the dust of buttocks, walked toward outside with a laugh.

The middle-aged man follows close on after on.

All villagers, by these words shock that the king calf said that long time could not speak.

Some people even forgot, oneself comes to here, comes to see Chen Family lively.

But with the dao priest the appearance of person and middle-aged man, villagers of some also exist(ence) doubts, no longer suspected, the facial expression becomes respects and dread in abundance.

No matter how said, Immortal and they are not a character in the world.

The great strength longevity and day are uneven, extinguishing heaven and earth, even if are the most powerful dynasties, only need a finger to be able the destruction.

This middle-aged man light/only stands there, takes to the terrifying oppression that they one type is unable to explain.

The soul seems trembling, must get down toward his kneel down.

But he facing this sloppy dao priest person, is actually the incomparably respectable appearance.

This lets all villagers, is envies to the king calf, the origin of obviously this dao priest person is the astonishing terrifying.

„I and others had seen Exalted Immortal.”

Some villagers dread, cannot help but kneels down, starts to salute.

Chen Ya, Chen two he and the others, is in the heart dreads, does not dare to speak again, before did not know Wang Family completely, will have Immortal exist(ence).

„Does little fellow, you still remember the old man?”

The dao priest person actually and does not care about these, looks with a laugh to the king calf, the complexion is genial.

King calf to him, does not have too many fears.

hears word, is too busy nods, the hurried say/way, „remembers, this is you give my jade pendant, I have been receiving well.”

Saying, took that fine sword mark jade pendant, gives the present dao priest person benevolent.

Sees this sword mark jade pendant, the middle-aged man pupil shrinks, in the heart shocks.

Never expected that ancestor this jade pendant, gave to donate.

However he notices the ancestor quickly, looked at one toward void of not far away, then took back the vision.

The middle-aged man is puzzled, looked, then soon detected that is unusual.

He a brow wrinkle, cold -ly snorted and said, „who peeps in this immediately, covers up, doesn't dare to come?”