#912: Should go to the place of samsara, trains the household utensils of severing yin army( sought subscription)

Cen Shuang cannot believe all these simply, but has to believe these, her big personal enemy also world.

Eternal in the past, his elegant demeanor does not reduce, stands erect in Juedian, overlooks endless all living things.

Especially present Immortal Domain, compared with Ancient Immortal beforehand Taboo Age, even Immortal King is not rare, but command various side universes.

But Gu Changge he arrives as before powerful desperate, easily may destroy completely Immortal King, and even foreign land the ancestor of Emperor Clan.

How does she revenge?

In Cen Shuang heart full is unwilling, is not willing to accept all these.

But the fact is, Gu Changge this big personal enemy, has stood in her front now, she does not have the make a move courage.

This makes her hate own to be incapable with secretly weakly.

„It seems like brought back you to my not good memory.”

„Time may really cross quickly......”

Gu Changge smiles lightly, the vision puts aside from Cen frost body.

Cen frost is staring at him stubbornly, nearly clenches jaws, the attractive pupil, therefore appeared the blood-color.

She is enduring patiently as before, is not willing therefore to implicate big not turns over to the city, the long spear/gun in hand to be pinched the disruption trace by her quickly.

If in other place, she does not count any consequence at this moment, rushes over, must go all out with Gu Changge.

Old City Lord and turtle are old, other Elder that medicine Grandma is an exception, fell into silent.

Most of them, are actually the Taboo Era later survivor, from the beginning with the Cen Shuang not too big relations.

Actually they are not very clear, Cen Shuang has hates Gu Changge, has hates this chief criminal.

Most people regarding the awe and fear of Gu Changge, are actually more than hatred.

However Gu Changge has not paid attention to care about these, he floats Yan Jing, wants to determine a matter.

Qingyi is leaving Upper Realm, after returning to Immortal Domain, has not arrived floats Yan Jing, has not sought for Immortal Palace Lost Clan.

That is only left over, last possibility......

„It seems like, she should to the place of samsara, plan to repeat the samsara, making once these people reappear......”

Gu Changge guessed correctly the Qingyi goal, otherwise is really unable to explain her present trail.

In big Immortal Domain, without her aura, even is doubtable, this side True World True Spirit must dissipate, vanishes from world.

Without True Spirit asylum True World, in boundless sea just like lightening lighthouse, these in the trek life and expert attract.

Before beyond the universe, shone upon the fearsome phenomenon, just like must extinguish the world to be the same.

This is mountain sea True World, the reason that had been crossed the life that notices by the boundlessness.

Hundred years, these lives will follow luminous in this darkness at the latest, just like smells the bloody shark like that comes in swarms, offering sacrifices entire mountain sea True World, receives and instructs their behind world to arrive.

This is vast All Heavens, the survival principle of boundless True World, each other True World can swallow suppress, after decayed, welcomed the new life.

„Should she also notice this matter, therefore planned that in the shortest time, receives and instructs the return all.” In the Gu Changge heart somewhat pondered over.

Words that goes to think, that could also think through.

Before the second quantity tribulation arrives, Qingyi deployed ahead of time, not exist(ence) his true slaughter extinguished the views of all lives.

In soul that in that war withers away, was received and instructed some place by her, dodges the catastrophe by this.

So long as the time is appropriate, the past vast world will be shone upon the return by her from the place of samsara.

Present Immortal Domain, is spreading all kinds of hearsay, many lives were guessing, once left Immortal Domain these expert, will return again.

Actually and not so, what true return is in these hero souls of place of institute deep sleep samsara.

Some have lived at the first quantity tribulation, following Qingyi establishes the Immortal Palace later senior statesman level character, may trace the extremely remote time.

But what are more once was in the immeasurable life and cultivator that in Taboo Era was killed.

Therefore, Qingyi also paid the serious price.

However was also lucky her as the mountain sea True World True Spirit status, otherwise is unable to withstand this terrifying causes and effects, is unable to practice trickery.

„Where is that?”

Gu Changge the vision looks later, falling to fully is high mountain ridge and palatial boundless remote mountain direction, asked.

The endless thick fog, spreads to come from that place, might submerge this place thoroughly.

„That is location of sea boundary, initially with floating the wonderland of Yan Jing together paragenesis, but some behind space cracks appear, making there be corroded by demonic qi, by innumerable demon classes occupying......”

The turtle replied old respectfully,

„Since these years, our generation is slaughtering with the demon class that in the sea has run out.”

„Floats Yan Jing?”

Gu Changge turns around to leave not turns over to the city, the form in a flash, goes toward the place of Yin Severing Qi filling the air a former sensation arrived.

The turtle old and other numerous not turn over to Elder of city, sees that stares, does not understand the intention of Gu Changge, but hurried follows.

Cen Shuang is gripping tightly the long spear/gun, an eye of band of light is stubborn and firm and resolute, similarly changes to together the flowing light, follows close on.

She until now slaughters in the blue quiet place and demon class, tempers her cultivation base and fight experience.

For the later some day, can use truly.

It can be said that not turns over to the city no one, must be familiar with here compared with her.

The demon class that can never kill, continuously, runs out from that vast aquamarine radiance.

Without not turns over to the city until now and demon class battle slaughters, here does not have the demon class occupying, will not have what life exist(ence).

Let alone is such green vast, is vital, if the side world of paradise.

Not turns over to many Elder of city, at this moment also catches up to come to here, the facial expression becomes heavy.

„demonic qi was richer......”

„Moreover these demon classes, compared with before must manic, perhaps without this matter, how long we are unable to stop their.”

They cannot bear the sinking sound say.

Luo king, blood owlet Immortal King and the others, the vision is a little also astonished, sees this grade of material for the first time.

They attempt to search divine sense, but the next quarter actually facial expression changes suddenly, heard in the nihility, sent out the acoustical shadow.

„This is anything, can corrode our divine sense unexpectedly......”

Immortal King divine sense, is how tyrannical, read may sweep away several pieces of universes.

However in front of the mist here, actually seems extremely frail, is unable to spread is too deep.

At this moment, they is a little clear, why not turns over to the city these Immortal King Elder, can be such expression.

„severing yin mist, but compared with the mist of Upper Realm time, the level is higher......”

Gu Changge looked, selects the eyebrow slightly.

Looks from afar, this is one piece seems like the deep green lake, but, will discover that these are the rich aquamarine thick fog.

Before this and Gu Changge, when the severing yin mist that Upper Realm sees, is obviously different.

However, has no difference essentially actually, can easily corrode divine soul of cultivator and life, occupies its mortal body, in breeds one to know spirit wisdom that again crazily and only slaughters.

This place has much by the life that the severing yin mist corrodes, changes floats Yan Jingnei people to regard as the demon class of archenemy.

„Really the channel hidden in......”

Gu Changge takes a step, appears in the deep place, is looking at the scene of deep green mist deep place, many cracks span in void.

Toward the demon class that he kills, blasted out on the collapse in the midair, was eaten the food by other behind demon classes completely.

Other Immortal King, quickly caught up, wants to know that Gu Changge must make anything.

Cen Shuang is grasping the long spear/gun unemotionally, will whoosh an demon class that comes to give to pass through, vented the hatred and anger in heart.

In edge part, obviously blood red trace, probably by blood incarnadine.

It seems like the innumerable years, many lives struggle in this, the bloodstain of stays behind, some places flood are black.

Another side of these cracks, are floats the sea boundary that Yan Jing co-exists, but had lost the vitality.

Performing is desolated lands, various places are the blood-color lakes, some place giant terrifying gulfs, have spread obviously several hundred over ten thousand li (0.5 km).

Innumerable demon classes, sends out to shout, was corroded by the severing yin mist, similar does not let off, has slaughtered, does not know exhaustedly, each other as food.

Looks at this situation, Gu Changge knows that behind floating Yan Jing, should has channel exist(ence).

Here severing yin mist, is not fills the air accidentally, but has the life in the remote place, with the aid of the severing yin source, tries to raise the gu, trains the true Imperishable severing yin army.

So-called sea boundary, but trains the small place of severing yin army.

In Gu Changge memory, once had the ethnic group with the aid of the severing yin source, the big ancient universe, as rearing in a pen the field, trains the severing yin army.

But such matter, has wound universe Tianhe, long ago was forbidden.

Even if in source, may not for ban.

At the present in the sea within the boundaries discovery so much severing yin mist, can only explain, has the ethnic group to violate the ban, through the flesh channel, sends the severing yin source material, trains the severing yin army secretly.

Source besides the Supreme three source real ancestors.

Each real ancestor basically has the attachment ethnic group and retinue, since, was granted the eternal life and authority, the smooth priority that the tribulation arrives in proper amount, levies All Heavens True World.

But most principal aspect of collection, is the destiny, next resources and other thing, are insignificant.

Since the ethnic group that these are responsible for levying, the eternal immeasurable years, has grown strong.

Some have become one of the source most ancient ethnic groups, area endless, even control many True World.

But such ethnic group, there are nine.

Sometimes the source real ancestor regains consciousness ahead of time, must conduct the All Heavens big settlement, by several ethnic group host big sacrifices.

Except that beside three source real ancestors, these ethnic groups can be said as the source most ancient terrifying strength.

Was born in source, the real ancestor shelters, even if fell from the sky beside source, was erased thoroughly, can be reactivated, was in the true sense did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish.

At this moment, Gu Changge stands erect in the blue quiet bank, has not visited.

Which ethnic group he does not care is, trains the severing yin army in this.

„Since innumerable years, have poured are also trained a positive result to come out......”

Gu Changge shows the light happy expression.

When he just visited floats Yan Jing, can feel this space to fill an ancient eternal strength.

Because of exist(ence) of this strength, can the revolution be free, causes not to turn over to the city not to crash.

Gu Changge is actually very familiar with this strength, in Upper Realm, has swallowed on by Great Dao Precious Vase concise, is the severing yin source.

However in this severing yin source, but also is doping other materials and energies.

Not turns over to the people in city, takes it as the demon class source core, in not turns over to the city center stage, then has such a ancient altar, that huge source core, has supported is not turning over to the city to revolve so many years.

It looks like in Gu Changge, that source core, at least is also the energy of a severing yin life that endures compared with accurate immortal emperor exist(ence) agglutinates.

He thought that in this side sea, may have to make him feel pleasantly surprised thing exist(ence).

Next quarter, as he takes a step to go, this place sends out thundering of shocking , everywhere aquamarine thick fog collapses, disintegrates toward both sides rapidly.

All demon classes, are disintegrating the collapse silently, probably by the monstrous waves have washed out the silt, was involved in the thick fog.

Front space is splitting, presents the fearsome gateway.

The Gu Changge under foot ripples spread, change to the energy of rushing, making this space and time stagnate.

He walks gradually, submerges that piece endless to be slaughtered with the desolated world that the chaotic aura floods, the land splits, all demon classes probably were insane generally, kills toward him.

Some demon classes build, probably ancient times Divine Mountain that big or small, probably different life splicing, shape, if evil spirit.

More has the Human Race contour, the remainders have other race characteristics.

„Behind this is the sea boundary......”

Does not know the people who Gu Changge goal , can only clench teeth with the past at this moment.

In the past time, even if Immortal King, does not dare to approach the sea boundary, was worried that was corroded by mist, turns into the demon class.

But now, Gu Changge comes, and visits, was beyond control they not with.

The dreadful severing yin mist is turbulent, this place camouflage, cannot see the vault of heaven directly exist(ence).

Not turns over to several Immortal King in city, visits this place virtue for the first time personally.

But the feelings of whole body unnatural, some type of aura surges, making them uncomfortable, divine soul is trembling gently.