#903: Still at weak in childhood, bases on all visible invisible it end points( sought subscription)

The rich time thick fog package, stands erect in the terrifying form of this place, the golden pupil seems like the lava, is flowing the dazzling light.

At this moment his in the eye pupil, has to pass through the eternal sharp sword to cut probably, must front universe tearing.

„Not necessarily...... does not have the opportunity.”

Probably flash, but seemed like separated the long-time years.

This terrifying form, opened the mouth finally, sound incomparable hoarse, contains the vicissitudes and exhausted.

But in the instance that his words saying, opened the mouth compared with the beforehand eight emperors, but also wanted the astonishing terrifying the phenomenon, appeared in this piece of heaven and earth.

The blood red thick thunder, must span the trim universe simply probably, is dividing to fall to him directly.

One after another, opens heaven and earth, tears the universe, tyrannicalally to making one trembles, made here the vast thunder and lightning sea instantaneously.

As if any material and exist(ence), under this type of fluctuation aura, will blast open shortly, becomes the endless fragment powder.

This is destruction in the true sense.

The universe of trim foreign land, under this type of aura, is frail just like the small boat, was torn tattered and torn.

The innumerable foreign land lives, kneel down on the ground, tremble unceasingly, divine soul must be crushed.

To them, such scene, compared with a moment ago Gu Changge and eight emperor fight times, wanted the terrifying to be astonishing, with extinguishing the world also had no difference.

Is away from very far numerous Immortal King, the skeleton also in makes noise, cannot withstand this complementary waves, the organism cracks the trace, the bloodstain flows, is very scary.

They evade to draw back fast, evacuated several pieces of universes all of a sudden, appears in the distant place.

„Is starts talking merely, inspiring such fearful phenomenon, once begins, does not dare to imagine, perhaps will ruin this world, making heaven and earth return to the chaos.”

„Such terrifying causes and effects, cannot withstand including the immortal imperial capital......”

ancient Old Xuan Immortal King sound slightly trembling said/tunnel.

After all this is an immortal emperor in the true sense, counter treads River of Time to come, is not the present age.

Any words that he spoke, any action that does, will involve the huge causes and effects, will frequently make all confusions, reshuffles.

Said unrestrained/no trace of politeness, if this immortal emperor began at this time, and even hit to collapse this era.

That will inevitably have the influence that is unable to obliterate to the future.

Naturally, this piece of heaven and earth definitely will have the strength of counterattacking restraint to 577 this immortal emperors, is impossible to make its destruction all truly.

Of immortal emperor, counter treads Time River, simply is easy.

From River of Time this end, looks to put on another end, to them, is only together the matter of vision.

River of Time in the hand of immortal emperor, can mediate the toy not different.

However even if the immortal emperor, not possible to change through River of Time disturbs anything.

Will frequently shuffle all greatly, letting the matter that has to repeat again, and even belongs to the chaos.


Ten thousand lean the blood red thunder and lightning, surges in the vault of heaven end, howls just like the angry dragon, blocks the sky, the duplicate pressure falls.

And has the ancient pavilion Imperial Palace scene ups and downs, even the fuzzy person's shadow, just like the gifted general, grasps Heavenly Blade divine weapon obviously obviously, rushes ahead.

This is because this immortal emperor starts talking, but astonishing causes and effects of inspiring.

The heaven and earth deep place, is breeding the terrifying power, imitates, if a fearful extinguishing world grinding pan, must obliterate from the present age him.

Comes from the immortal emperor of later generation, has seriously disturbed this era laws and order.

However, he stands erect there, the whole body is winding around the endless time fragment, the pupil optical phenomena are Heavenly Blade scary, closely are staring at Gu Changge, has not moved, has not chosen to depart.

, And......

He washes one's hands of gently, the mighty force that is inconceivable bursts out, gives the evaporation who the vault of heaven end deep place emerges directly.

All principles broke, becomes the fragment powder, vanishes into thin air.

Myriad dao technique do not moisten the body, resembled to base in the unknown domain, even Great Dao is blasting open.

„Not necessarily doesn't have the opportunity?”

„I actually in your eyes, saw desperately.”

„You want to kill me, ends years, stills all.”


Gu Changge is repeating his these words, however the light happy expression of corners of the mouth, actually does not reduce slightly.


This immortal emperor seemed like responded suddenly, pupil light fearful scary, just like sword qi, the sidewise compression excessively was together eternal, illuminated entire River of Time, cleared away the past and present.

His form is shivering, as if must not stand steadily, what are more is unbelievable.

„Very desperate?”

The Gu Changge vision is unrelieved, resembling to give to see through the time thick fog that this immortal emperor covers, understands clearly his origin.

„Who are you?”

The voice of this immortal emperor, was difficult to cover shivers, resembles to realize anything.

That pair is exuding the golden pupil, unceasing contraction, including various terrifying phenomenon to reappear, universe avalanche, River of Time annihilation.

„Who I am, this is unimportant, more importantly, I want to know, you are.”

Gu Changge smiles lightly, „why wants to come present age to kill me?”

An immortal emperor counter treads Time River, will come from the future, planned that this life killed him.

This lets Gu Changge will not think of mountain sea True World unavoidably to the third quantity tribulation.

When the third quantity tribulation will arrive, he now is not clear.

But if River of Time in mountain sea True World has not crashed , to continue as before, that will explain in the future, mountain sea True World or exist(ence).

Such being the case, why that will have from the future immortal emperor, counter treads Time River, coming this to kill him?

What goal does he have?

Mentioned reasonably, by the mountain sea True World background, was impossible to support the first quantity tribulation.

However the first quantity tribulation, because of Gu Changge incarnation Demon Lord, by once cuts down a day of status, leading mountain sea True World to escape.

Because of this reason, mountain sea True World is the loss is also serious, many peak expert, fell from the sky in that quantity tribulation.

Some people fall into the deep sleep, some people in the law of alternative, model the samsara again, the waiting will reappear world in the future.

The second quantity tribulation, that is because Qingyi and Gu Changge discussed, the design deceives All Heavens ingeniously, evades that quantity tribulation, could be ten thousand to delay such long years to recuperate for all living things in mountain sea True World spirit.

The present third quantity tribulation, it is estimated that did not have good luck that let alone, Gu Changge also had other scheme.

Is undesirable that has happened more than three times, once the third quantity tribulation arrives, then regarding entire mountain sea True World, absolutely is destructive.

No one can escape this settlement.

But if mountain sea True World has not supported the third quantity tribulation, that this immortal emperor, from future when?

Also or came from other True World future time lines?

The words then, will present immortal emperor, come from some protagonist of future actually, Son of Destiny?

Gu Changge is somewhat interesting , can only guess.

After all, this vast River of Time, has spread boundless All Heavens True World.

But River of Time in mountain sea True World, is only one.

„Indeed as you said that only then killed you, can still all.”

„This has had no alternative.”

„But who...... are you? Why, in the past in the future, without your form?”

This Emperor Dao Xian the form, the mood fluctuates is very big, was wrapped by the endless time thick fog obviously.

But the appearance actually must collapse to disperse, or saves in the present age.

His saying touched very big causes and effects, this body was about unable to preserve, had the trace of splitting, must blast out in same place collapse.

This is also he felt that suffocates with unbelievable, even desperate reason location.

Gu Changge at present age this time, has not been the level of immortal emperor obviously.

To Gu Changge, he even is also in „small and weakly” time.

But why in Gu Changge body, his sensation is not the aura of other space and times and other time, or fluctuation of exist(ence).

Imitates if Gu Changge has collected the forms in all time lines truly, endless space and time normalizing, eternal only.

As the immortal emperor, he knows that this means anything, all will be unbelievable, even is desperate.

He stands erect in the present age, could not seek Gu Changge in the past form.

He seemed like not exist(ence) in the past, not exist(ence) in the future, only exist(ence) in his location present age.

Therefore, as he of immortal emperor, is impossible on River of Time, understands clearly Gu Changge passing.

It is not able to know the Gu Changge origin, does not know his future, even does not know such a person.

As if Gu Changge is general of emerging out of thin air.

This is how shivery matter.

According to truth, he as immortal emperor, came from the future, in Gu Changge still at „small and weak”, solves him.

Although this possibly causes the dreadful causes and effects, the rewriting future trim history, will invert River of Time, will let in the future big Fan.

But this in his opinion, is the only opportunity and hope.

But when he really arrives at the present age, suddenly despairs, discovered entirely different that all and he thinks.

Gu Changge „small and weak”, is only representation that's all, even present Gu Changge, perhaps possibly is only a representation.

Some of he also more fearful speculations, true Gu Changge, in his at present, this even possibly is not only a shining body.

True Gu Changge, went to the situation that he, was unable to guess not unimaginable.

After immortal emperor realm, he knows that following actually also has a road named Transcendence.

Only has Transcendence, but true free and unrestrained eternal, concise greatly Luo fruit position.

Big Luo, broad, represents immeasurably.

Luo is a net, represents includes.

Big Luo is immeasurable, is contains various has.

Was boundless, big Luo is immeasurable, has the border.

Big Luo in some sense, Transcendence is then comfortable, the concise self- say/way, All Heavens is eternal, collects all time lines.

No matter which time and which era, so long as there is a body, that is my really I, does not save in another.

Gu Changge before Taboo Era, has crushed the body of Transcendence obviously, otherwise is impossible to reenter the samsara, reincarnation re-cultivate.

After all the body of his Transcendence does not have the smashing words, why must re-cultivate, each age is really I, in the past, the future, now, is so.

But now, his in Zhushi is why eternal, can't seek the Gu Changge form?

Obviously in his present Gu Changge, including the immortal imperial capital isn't?

„It seems like, you as if really understand me very much, or has studied me, brings to prepare completely safe?”

„You have come the present age before, and ahead of time understood clearly all?”

Gu Changge has been looking at this immortal emperor's facial expression change, at this moment cannot bear smile, spoken language as before will.

He had roughly guessed correctly the origin of this immortal emperor.

„I took a rash step , before being eternal the big evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, the origin was above my imagination unexpectedly.”

In this immortal emperor eyes pupil projects the fearsome chaos light, the true body surrounding time starts to twist, in cuns (2.5 cm) entirely broken, collapse break.

He the carrying/sustaining has not soon lived to say the terrifying causes and effects that these words bring.

Even in the oronasals in the overflowing blood, must collapse the spallation to come quickly.

He has soon dissipated in the present age , to continue to support very much difficultly again.

Arrived their such levels, each action can trigger the inconceivable change.

Let alone he came from the future, each few words that says, possibly let heaven and earth to repeat, the future all happen shuffle greatly.

„Before being eternal big evil behind-the-scenes manipulator?”

„After this is the eternal life, to my name?”

Gu Changge smiles lightly, regarding this name, slightly unconcerned.

Regarding the immeasurable All Heavens life, his really my exist(ence), has based on the end points of all visible invisible thing.

This end point, is the end point of concept, can understand for the end point.

Also can understand is, because of his really my exist(ence), will be born a concept.

However this immortal emperor, could not have spoken, trim heaven and earth is repelling him, the true body is collapsing.

Even if there is a time thick fog package , cannot support, in oronasals blowout blood.

The River of Time turbulence, he is retreating fast, the form dissipates there.

That command All Heavens the fearful aura that wants nirvana to fall, in retrogression like surging tides.

At this time, even if he wants to begin, is not possible.

Said these words, has meant that withstood enormous terrifying causes and effects backlash.

Gu Changge not make a move, but looks that this immortal emperor form disappears.

The shatter time fragment, resembles also remains same place, but the true body has disappeared.

„Future years?”

The Gu Changge vision is somewhat profound, but in River of Time that in he sees, in the future the immortal emperor will not be born.

The immortal emperor who came to a moment ago, which space and time also came from?