#896: Witnessed the birth of myth, the superior and inferior qualities by the later generation commented on( sought subscription)

Immortal Domain and Upper Realm after the innumerable eras, melted the collision again obviously in one.

Great Dao of two world, contain the boundless and serious mighty force, shines in heaven and earth interweaves.

At this moment, the innumerable Upper Realm lives, saw the vault of heaven deep place, has the vast ray obviously.

All kinds of phenomenon gush out, that is an illumination ancient world, has the immortal light to emerge, various immortal materials fill the air, must sprinkle in various Upper Realm corners.

By such a, the wall of the world bonded becomes transparent and blurred, can see clearly two world are contacting.

That type of vast complementary waves, made any universe shatter sufficiently.

The middle some ancient world, in instantly, the egg shell of shatter, make the clear crack sound probably, then cuns (2.5 cm) entirely to extinguish, collapses unceasingly.

However the lives in these ancient world, have moved before, otherwise under such extrusion collision, Immortal Realm exist(ence), must become the fragment powder even instantaneously, vanished in a puff of smoke.

A side side world is crashing, is disintegrating, in shatter, belongs to the chaotic chaos.

But in these broken world, there is a vitality to breed.

The meaning of new student/life just like dao technique to continue, the collision because of the world has not destroyed.

Gu Changge sat cross-legged at this moment probably in the All Heavens end, became the lord of heaven and earth, in his behind, had fuzzy River of Time phantom obviously, the rough seas were torrential, the momentum resounds through the past and present in the future.

He lifts the palm to cover the pressure on fall, lets Immortal Domain and Upper Realm borders on the collision, each other say/way in melts, 3000 different dao mark, appear to condense there.

The new student/life say/way covers two world, the ray shines to each corner.

Immortal Domain starts to start to fuse with Upper Realm, place that most starts to contact, is south Immortal Domain location that piece of vast universe.

Immediately crashed, cannot withstand this new chaotic strength.

The life in south Immortal Domain all cultivator lives, looks at all these with amazement panic-stricken, was worried that was killed by shock by two world the strength of collision.

However, gives a thought to 10 Changge vision to fall, the sleeves wield lightly, has probably the Great Dao ripples to proliferate, the trace of there avalanche is recovering, a mighty force appeared, consolidates the two worlds wall barrier.

The two worlds say/way, is actually fusing in the contact at a slow steady speed.

This is a slow process, but will not last is too long, the Gu Changge true body suppression in heaven and earth, the pupil light is gazing at the All Heavens corner every inchs.

„After this is the day passes certainly, for the first time witnesses Immortal Domain location......”

„I think that he channel between Immortal Domain and Upper Realm punctures, but, he is to make two worlds fuse the normalizing.”

„This is the plan reappears the ancient time the magnificence, making heaven and earth restore the most prosperous time again?”

„So the boldness, I and others felt ashamed of one's inferiority.”

Upper Realm many ancient cultivator, deeply were shocked by such a, during spoken languages completely regarding the admiration of Gu Changge.

So long as had understood the people of present age many historical records, understand, Gu Changge is not a good person, even becomes reconciled this character not to touch on slightly.

Even can say, he is the evil person of real sense, ruthless spicy indifferent, depends on the amiable aloof image, hoodwinked the world.

Since his come into the world, the matter of doing, is dug up by various clans, although does not dare to raise, but actually no one does not know.

The god country stands initially, can develop until now the position rapidly, can mediate Gu Changge to have the most direct relations.

If not awed by his ominous prestige, various clan various Dao Orthodoxy, how also to so easily choose to submit to? Even hands over the strength of mind, by its control life and death?

At the present Gu Changge make a move, lets Immortal Domain and Upper Realm contact normalizing, since it can be said that the Taboo Era first magnificent feat.

At this moment, All Heavens Myriad Domains is causing alarm, radiant radiance, shines upon each piece of heaven and earth and each corner!

Among the universes has the golden Saint lotus to bloom, dao sound resounds through in each piece void, contains the supreme deep meaning, probably may guide all living things to move toward the ultimate of say/way.

Immortal Domain was covered instantaneously, all cultivator and lives, felt this change.

Probably has Heavenly Dao of new student/life to breed, had a will probably, in covering heaven and earth.

Afterward this consciousness, is arriving toward All Heavens Myriad Domains, must cover all.

Except for the region of boundless overseas.

Except that before being eternal, these are flooding chaos unknown area Outer Territory, besides these forbidden area of independence in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) bustling place.

The new student/life say/way, covered it thoroughly.

All cultivator lives, no matter came from Immortal Domain or Upper Realm, can the clear sensation arrive at such change.

Not is only the spiritual energy becomes even more rich, Heaven and Earth Rules even more is clearly complete, a more direct-viewing feeling is, they can feel exist(ence) clearly.

Before, exist(ence), was illusory and fuzzy, common cultivator, no opportunity touched.

However now, the new student/life say/way is clear and complete, trim heaven and earth even more suits cultivator to go to cultivation.

„This is the true big world......”

Many people excitedly and loudly exclaimed excitedly, is kneeling down to the Gu Changge location direction devotionally.

Especially some life enter half-step cultivator hopelessly again, is as excited as the tears and snivel crossflow, had the further hope.

It can be said that without Gu Changge, then their life to the end, the vitality failure and road ahead were also uncertain, in the remaining days, can only wait for passing away.

This may be the magnificent feat is not so only simple, this is the true good fortune!!

These Ancient Existence, were called the old fogy of background character before, is difficult to cover the exciting color.

„I was really could not completely understand more and more...... , if we had known, several hundred years later, will have such situation......”

„Initially competed for Era Tree these fellows, can regret? Has a more further opportunity obviously.”

Has restored young Celestial Maiden Jin Yang, stood in clan within the earth, calmly is feeling all these, the expression was very complex.

She is away from Immortal Ascension that step, is actually not far.

However does not have the real opportunity, touches so-called say/way, let alone peeps the road of Immortal Dao.

However with the two worlds contact fusion, new student/life say/way emergence, everyone felt that the road ahead was illuminated.

Including her is so, is not exceptional.

By her talent, in the present heaven and earth environment, again the self-torture several hundred years and number thousand years, Immortal Ascension that is the inevitable matter.

„Eternal karmic virtue, may go down in the later generation history......”

Side Celestial Maiden Jin Yang, Jiang Luoshen is standing similarly, she is muttering, feels the clear say/way, probably the light rain sprinkles, good fortune All Heavens, shines upon various world.

Regarding Upper Realm all living things, Gu Changge exist(ence) is very special.

Some people respect him and some people to fear him, some people hate him, some people to its hate to the marrow of the bones, wishes one could to tear to shreds it.

Wishes one could to overthrow the god country, takes revenge for the Upper Realm older generation who the past fell from the sky.

Gu Changge can arrive this step, can say under foot every step contaminates completely the endless blood and skeleton.

Once elder brother extremely calamity, many Dao Orthodoxy influences, many universe Ancient World, destruction in history.

Upper Realm even presented the short historical fault/chasm, many background character, was buried alive dead by him, was built up to change into the world big medicine.

These are also simply innumerable on the number.

More things before Kunming extremely calamity, did not need to mention too many...... were too many, quick was innumerable.

„Superior and inferior qualities, only commented on by the later generation.”

Monster World Empress Yao Xi, is also muttering at this moment, thinks this Gu Changge once to the words that she said.

She is thinking suddenly, Gu Changge is from the beginning, has such goal and plan.

Matter that he must handle, was above the imagination of the world, perhaps the name of so-called demon, he does not care.

One like today, he by supreme dharma power, causes the two worlds normalizing, is this what kind of karmic virtue?

Right and wrong , can 1-2 words evaluate can it be that?

Thinks of here, the Empress Yao Xi vision is complex.


Newborn say/way emergence, Six Paths Samsara falls toward the universe deep place, changes to side deep silver sea, is vast and mysterious.

That World Tree of starts to open, incomparable big, the light is the tree trunk looks like the exceedingly high achievements of myth time.

Above leaf blade, lush green, is luxuriant and dense, each piece of leaf blade, can continue a side ancient world.

„New Era Tree!! It is not right, now it is World Tree!”

„Witnessed the birth of myth......”

The innumerable lives and cultivator, kneel down in the place, bow politely toward there, devotionally to pinnacle!

Looks with own eyes that World Tree appears, even the universe seems tiny in its front.

A world, drags, the innumerable world rumble transfer, makes the sound that shocks!

In the foreign land, there is a region that the mist rushes, some different race Immortal King stand erect, the form is big, wound around by endless Chaos Qi.

They also in sensation change of Immortal Domain, although has not bordered on with the foreign land truly.

However the sound of that vast world, basic on impediment, even if whether there is distance completely, can pass to this side clearly.

„Immortal Domain and once origin, started the normalizing......”

„Does not know when affects the foreign land.”

These foreign land Immortal King opens the mouth, have a heavy heart, does not dare to prevent in this time make a move.

They have even been able to feel, the Immortal Domain rule, was stronger to their suppressions.

At this time, they, if dares to arrive at Immortal Domain, will pay the serious price absolutely.

Let alone, leads all these people, is Gu Changge, that exist(ence) that makes the ancestor of Emperor Clan also probably dread.

The ancestor of that Emperor Clan at the present regains consciousness, regarding this matter's attitude, is fuzzier, making them ponder over airtight.

Many Immortal King were guessing, the ancestor of that Emperor Clan, may make a decision that affects the foreign land entire situation.

Floats Yan Jing, not turns over to the city.

„Is this plan conforms with the strengths of two world?”

Old City Lord shuts tightly to focus, mutters opens the mouth to ask, can actually the sensation to all these, float Yan Jing clearly in the final analysis also in Immortal Domain.

All that Immortal Domain has, naturally can shine in this place obviously.

Many lives that floats Yan Jingnei, actually can also be affected, after all this is the good fortune All Heavens common people, the important matter of immeasurable life.

If Heavenly Dao, bestows karmic virtue obviously, this will be immeasurable power of karmic virtue.

„The Immortal Domain environment, became more suitable cultivation, regarding the ordinary life, this indeed was a good fortune good fortune, was supreme karmic virtue.”

Qing Feng also in the opens the mouth, the expression has complex of faint trace.

Under he in not turns over to the city the informer to be infected, extinguishes the world demon regarding that naturally has no favorable impression.

However sees this one, the state of mind is quite complex.

„No matter what, 510 are unchangeable, he is the fact of my absolutely irreconcilable personal enemy. This thinks that he to bury to extinguish in that era, but he, since reappeared in this time, I will let him for the former behavior, paid the price.”

In Cen Shuangyan pupil, actually performs hates, nearly clenches jaws to say.

Her father, as of immortal star Monarch Immortal Palace four supreme star Monarch, die in this demon hand, this hatred, she will not always forget.

Qing Feng hears word looked at her one eyes, sighed.

Cen Shuang wants to rely on the own strength to revenge, this hope is really uncertain.

Although these years, Cen Shuang whet oneself in the self-torture, but wants to touch realm of that demon, but also is too remote, basic on no opportunity.

„Senior Brother Qing Feng, when without revenges before the father, plan that I have not gotten married.”

„I know, by my strength, wants to complete this matter, the possibility of almost having no.”

„Therefore, can only sorry......”

Afterward, Cen frost looks like his one eyes, said that is raising the bloodstained long spear/gun, turned around and departed, in the clear valiant sound, contains the unprecedented meaning.

She in actually heard the talk of old City Lord and Qing Feng a moment ago.

However she own life, uses above revenge cultivation, basic busy children personal relationships.

Moreover she to Qing Feng, indeed treats as the elder brother to regard.

Has not mixed with other emotion in inside.

Words that spoke, hopes that he can understand, compared with the direct rejection, he should feel better like this.

She does not plan to continue to stay here now, not, but the old City Lord character, the bitter word will persuade absolutely, lets her and Qing Feng gets married.

„Revenge? This I not necessarily cannot help you.”

Looks that to goes toward the blue quiet place, must continue the suppress and kill demon class Cen frost, Qing Feng actually cannot bear mutter said.

Lies down old City Lord on bed, regarding Cen frost can be such response, sighed, later confessed other very important matter.

„It seems like the time does not wait for the person, Qing Feng, then you must try to find the solution, looks whether to find another seven wonderlands.”

„Initially many supreme expert, have the later generation, hides in, many people also once were Immortal Palace troops......”

„If you can find Nine Heavens location, perhaps that can also change anything.”

„Nine Heavens, is the place of illusory legend. But that is actually one day ago on the exist(ence) vestige, some families' origins, want ancient compared with first Heavenly God words time glorious, even possibly came from the place of Outer Territory, is born opening the day ago.”