#888: Mistrusts each other plans respectively, the counter dust and king not die young( sought subscription)

The great strength of counter deep clan, does not need to discuss, can any life between body possession heaven and earth.

No matter visible, is invisible, can be their mortal bodies.

Otherwise will not leave other True World to dread, finally destruction in river of history.

But since the present counter dust, is known as counter deep clan these many eras, most tyrannical Heaven's Chosen.

exceptionally talented, once almost took to exceed Emperor Realm that step.

But failed eventually, does not have enough time, making him sense more profound realm, touches that level.

Because great tribulation arrived at entire counter deep True World, even other True World expert, killed.

That fights lets counter deep True World shatter thoroughly, in light of this sinking ruins.

The counter dust until the present, still remembers his Royal Father, is counter deep clan final sovereign.

In a that terrifying war, is dragging the most powerful that several enemies, charges into the remote boundless deep place, must perish together with them.

Also therefore, makes him be able to live, left behind the vitality and hope to the counter deep clan, has the fire seed to continue as before.

„My life level has enhanced, although was unable to be close to the True Spirit situation by far, however general Immortal Dao cultivator, is inferior to me.”

„Mountain sea True World and war casualty Yin True World...... all foes, I can one by one make them return, this all pains and hatreds, must make them repay.”

The counter dust sits cross-legged in this piece of desolated remote Star Territory, the eye pupil deep place is glittering the deeply ingrained hatred.

„This side world, will become my clan new clan earth sooner or later, I will lead you, sees outside world......”

The counter deep clan the remaining these clansmen, dwells now in side extremely desolate small world.

Was worried that was once slaughtered counter deep True World these expert to seek, counter dust even beside small world, arranged Yin-Yang reincarnation grand formation.

Becoming vortex that does not extinguish does not extinguish, may isolate all deductions and traces.

However that 210 side small world, are soon decayed.

If he in hundred years, but also is unable body possession mountain sea True World, to meet the clansmen.

Then all clansmen ruin the destruction there, turns over to the ruins with that side small world.

The counter dust is seemingly calm, but at heart actually also anxious, knows the time the urgency.

„Hundred years, to me, should be enough, do not worry.”

„Face, father and mother, fellow brothers, we will meet quickly again.”

Quick, the counter dust reorganizes the good state of mind, restored the tranquil, big sleeve wielded, gives to accept these soul fires that the front floated.

These soul fires are counter deep clan beforehand ancestor brave.

Through some secret art, keeps exist(ence) world, follows side the counter dust.

If meets the dangerous time, these ancestor hero souls, can help him.

Strength that they survive, although insufficient peak 1/10000, but , can also contend with 12 facing Immortal King with joint forces.

This can also be one of trump card the counter dust has.

Afterward, when the counter dust right hand lifts, in his palm, presented an vortex of starry sky.

He lowers the head, looks at that vortex, such as saw oneself.

„This is my present incarnation, the level and Immortal Domain level do not have two same.”

The counter dust stares at the starry sky vortex in hand, for a long time later closed the eye slowly.

When it closes eyes, his divine sense integrates in this vortex, such as shuttled back and forth this piece of Star Territory, enabling nearby this not to have him to read nowhere.

This is a very strange feeling, this vast starry sky is he.

This clone unable to move, has no astonishing divine ability, but...... in this in all lives, will be grasped the life and death by the counter dust.

All external people, in this World, must be restrained the counter dust.

Because, this is his!

However, senses cultivation base in the counter dust, wants to further delay this World the time.

His complexion suddenly changes, then the brow tight wrinkle, looks to here Star Territory end.

That place, suddenly had the fluctuation to pass on at this moment.

Very is not intense, but actually undisguised, alarms the universe, has probably the footsteps to resound in the vast starry sky.

„Who is?”

Counter dust complexion gloomy and uncertain, in the heart gives birth to an intense anxiety suddenly, seemed given to stare to be the same by anything.

„At this time, who will arrive at this piece of desolated Star Territory?”

However the counter dust is not the average man, quick is eventually calm, in this piece of Star Territory range, even if True Immortal also takes him not to have the means.

He first suspects once chased down these foes of counter deep clan.

After all these people are in hot pursuit, must the counter deep clan, thoroughly from this world, except that.

However mountain sea True World already shatter, they , to pursue, is very difficult, in endless boundless sea, crisis on top of crisis, even if he is also fee/spent completely many times, the accident/surprise wanders about destitute hence.

But various ideas in the counter dust mind passed over gently and swiftly, the facial expression gradually becomes heavy time.

That person's shadow that the distant place walks, exuded the laughter suddenly, as if has long known that the counter dust hides in this place is common.

„You will very hide actually, but was given to find by me.”

This is one seems like very handsome young man, the white robe long wide sleeve, on the face has the indifferent self-confident smile.

He walks gradually, the starry sky of under foot has ripples layer upon layer to proliferate, before covered the body of counter dust, all of a sudden.

„Is you......”

The counter dust pupil reduces, recognized at present this young man instantaneously.

The Immortal King aristocratic family Wang Family present age successor king not dies young.

He in the boundless battlefield, was once saved by Wang Zijin accidentally/surprisingly, therefore behind treated in the Wang Family training after a period of time, at that time, has seen the present young man.

At the eyesight of counter dust, naturally not can look at the king dead young is not simple, is seemingly amiable, actually ruthless spicy.

To be on good terms with Luo Wangfu, does not hesitate to reconcile own cousin Wang Zijin and Luo Xuan, even if knew perfectly well that Wang Zijin incomparably was sick Luo unreliably.

„How can you here?”

Various thoughts flash through, the counter dust facial expression quickly restored, opens the mouth to ask very much lightly, does not have the big mighty waves.

He has not reduced, must fear the king not dead young the situation of this young people.

Before then, actually he has the plan, planned that is close to Wang Family through Wang Zijin.

Thus finds the way, body possession to occupy the body that the king not dies young, then nibbles Wang Family gradually.

However, what making him somewhat surprised was, this plan has not been implemented, not died young for looking by the king.

„You hide here, me naturally have to look.”

The kings not die young light saying, on the face are flooding indifferently with the meaning of serene.

He regards the counter dust the vision, is similar to regards a prey to be the same.

„You do not need to be flustered, in you treat in Wang Family, I left behind the mark in your body in secret.”

„So long as you are away from me to be not very far, without leaving the Immortal Domain range, I had the means to find you.”

hears word, in the counter worldly thoughts sinks, before thinking, at Wang Family time's something.

He is naturally impossible to make such mistake, therefore behind has also investigated the situation carefully.

However is very obvious, the king not war casualty leaves behind the mark the method, compared with the fearfulness that he imagines.

„You are so self-confident, can cope with me?”

The counter dust asked lightly, set out from the ground, the vision looked straight ahead the king who is walking not dead young.

He does not know where presented the careless mistake, causing oneself not dead young for staring by the king, meets not the far trillion li (0.5 km) unexpectedly, coming this place to kill him.

„That is natural, without this self-confidence, how I dares to look for you.”

The kings not die young lightly smile, said, „you are very perhaps puzzled, why I must cope with you. However the matter had been in this situation, I also show mercy tell you......”

„Your really should not have, was rescued by the Zijin cousin, should not offend Luo brother, becomes hindrance that my Wang Family and Luo Jia marry.”

„Therefore, I can only your being in the way thing, solving.”

Speaking of behind, the smile in his surface disappears, reveals several points of chill in the air.

hears word, the counter dust one stares, then responded fast.

This is because did he in the middle, hinder marrying of Wang Family and Luo horizontally?

In other words, Wang Zijin because of his relations, will therefore reject marrying of Luo?

So thinks, the bonus is the counter dust is mental, has a daydream.

Although he and Wang Zijin contact, few several words, but can feel, she is one with the common female different people, very much particularly, making one ascertain airtight.

During that time, he healed from a wound in Wang Family, was lucky Wang Zijin sent the maidservant to deliver the medicine, will cause his wound, good quick.

Luo Xuan of latter veil palace comes Wang Family to visit Wang Zijin, he looks in the distant place, in seeing Wang Zijin reveals disgruntledly, but Luo Xuan as before entanglement time, he could not bear come, scolded Luo Xuan.

Also because of that reason, he offended Luo Xuan.

However Wang Zijin treats his attitude, not big change, as before very optional nature.

Naturally, she treats maidservant, even if treats Luo Xuan, king not dead young, is such attitude, as if who is in her eyes same.

This lets the counter dust, is very profound to her impression, sometimes even thinks of her, meets rapid heartbeat some.

Saw the counter dust the facial expression to have some changes, on king not dying young face that gradually walked, appeared to wipe to sneer.

He said, naturally to speak thoughtlessly to deceive the counter dust, making him divert attention, he comes this's goal, not because of Luo Xuan, because of the status of counter dust.

Counter deep clan!!!

Now Immortal Domain soon chaos, if can make him obtain terrifying divine ability of counter deep clan, then in the future, can have opportunity of the foothold.

In various ancient books through clan, as well as informing of Immortal King old ancestor, he had basically determined, in the counter dust hearsay, has vanished the exterminated the clan counter deep clan.

The quantity of this clan is small, it can be said that in this vast All Heavens, one of the scarcest rare races.

But counter deep True World, actually names with its name, may know the great strength and terrifying of this clan.