#860: Tracked down once truth, the heart of Chan Hongyi trembles( sought subscription)

This is burying in the time fragment of ancient era, four wild are completely dark, was submerged in River of Time, wants to seek, can only rely on the luck completely.

Chan Hongyi is indefinite, whether oneself can leave safely, can return to be her present world to go.

To her, walks toward the upstream following this River of Time now, seeks for the truth that she wants, is most important.

In this process, she has not returned to that mountain top, but looked at one from afar, she worried that oneself will immerse in the past happy fragment, but put behind the original intention, finally indulges in this passing.

Her mental firm, but may not guarantee saying that really meets toward is affected.

The time passes, but becomes slow, then starts to reverse, Chan Hongyi walks in these fuzzy years scenes, just like a traveler, experiences these scenes.

Finally returned to that familiar mountain top.

At the foot of the hill, a Hongyi little miss, holds on slurred person's shadow sleeves timidly, stands in it behind.

In the front of this Hongyi little miss, many class/flow bandits are kneeling panic-stricken, full is frightened, freely begs for mercy.

„They destroyed your village, burnt your homeland, don't you want to revenge?”

The moderate male voice conveys, has probably some unusual charm, makes anxious, angry, leads the Hongyi little miss of hatred, is gradually peaceful.


She replied said, the sound was clear, contains the strong will.

„You revenge now, they before you, how you want to handle them.”

The voice of man is still temperate, probably not because of the thing of this world, but has any mighty waves.

Chan Hongyi looks at this scene in the distant place, looks at that Hongyi little miss, is grasping plain blade, pū, massacres front class/flow bandit one by one.

She does not attend to the blood spurting on the face, spurts in body, in the limpid pupil, performing is the hatred of retaliation.

At that time in her mind, indeed was this group of class/flow bandits, before the slaughter extinguished her , the location village, the slaughter extinguished her parents, innocent villagers.

Starting from that day, she started to be bound by a common destiny with Master, was regarded as world most own person him.

At that time she has not been thinking, someday in the future, will discover the brutal truth.

Class bandit who that crowd of slaughters extinguish the village, can be unexpectedly her Master told that arranges.

In other words, she until now awes Master that admires, is her biggest personal enemy.

Understands all these times, she feels like a knife twisting in the heart, cannot believe these simply, is not willing to accept.

Until she cries to run in front of Master, interrogated him, those who obtained serene was time, suddenly discovered.

Originally Master indifferent has been rooted in bone to inter the body, never attended to her then rending and pain.

Also starting from that day, Chan Hongyi discovered the world that oneself until now thinks collapsed, thinks incomparably familiar Master, has not actually seen clearly his real face.

At the present sees such a again, Chan Hongyi is also difficult to cover the heart the sadness, does not endure to look.

„So-called truth, important?”

She is asking oneself.

This walks, she had seen, but has not gotten the answer that she wants.

Also arrived at the under foot of this mountain top, sees passing that has once not wanted to recall again, must the scar wound, rip open simply probably steadily again general.

Chan Hongyi settles down by far, but chose departure finally.

She does not know the truth that oneself wants to know is anything . Moreover, this truth saves not exist(ence).

„Said, this is only I believes that feels a exist(ence) thing?”

„But actually this thing, not exist(ence)?”

Chan Hongyi seems like a lonely wandering soul, trek in this ancient years, everyone cannot see her.

Alone this solitary one seemed like once that Hongyi little girl all alone.

Behind, she arrived at the bank of nether world, saw is also only small monster Tao Yao, at this time, Tao Yao was also subject to bullies, many old Great Monster, are bullying her.

„Once Tao Yao, was a very gentle timid person, but changes the appearance her now.”

„Flaunts the theory is I......”

Chan Hongyi muttered, has stretched across several years, the ripples proliferated, had arrived at a familiar small village unknowingly.

This is the place that she was born, is situated at the foot of a hill and beside a stream, crisscrossing communications, houses set out in neat order, a school of auspicious peaceful scenery.

The villagers early rising, rests at sundown.

Some fuzzy face, at this moment also becomes clear, these cannot name the character, actually very familiar villagers.

That time she, worry-free, has not known that what is cultivation, is only from the parental mouth, knew this world exist(ence) flying escaping place Immortal.

But all these, some day night, were being destroyed thoroughly, the class/flow bandit who suddenly kills, conquered by killing the village, fire, burns down all entirely completely.

She wants to know merely why initially Master must do that his reason also or reason.

Even if gives her one appropriate or the inappropriate explanation.

She can make oneself accept.

However, is a simple explanation, or the lie does not have.

Chan Hongyi sighed one lightly, calmly looks at all these, the time proceeded to postpone several years, to her come into the world that year.

„This is......”

However, at this moment, the pupil of Chan Hongyi narrows the eyes suddenly, changed the tranquility, the vision observed closely the nighttime sky stubbornly.

There red light passed over gently and swiftly together, probably the meteor is brilliant, under jet black nighttime sky, incomparable obvious.

But this red light, rushes to the village that she was born to come directly.

„Is this red light I?”

In this red light, she felt the familiar aura, that was her oneself.

Also is instantly, along with crying aloud of baby the red light falls, she was born.

„Why did I have no memory before?”

The Chan Hongyi brow closely is wrinkling, searches for memory in mind carefully, may not have impression of half a point about this matter.

She has not listened to the parents to talk about, she was born, this grade of scene.

Such a astonishing red light, illuminated half village directly.

Various places are the dog's bark sounds, many villagers heard the news to catch up.

No one has thought, a newly-born baby, can have the so fearful phenomenon.

Even if were her then birth parents, was very panic-stricken, must give to discard her.

Many villagers were shouting must give to burn her, thinks that such red light, is the blood light of unclear representative, later in the village, will cause the catastrophe.

Some villagers start to pick up some stones, is throwing to that in baby girl still at swaddling clothes.

Her parents, are the flare that looks to light, the face belt/bring hatred and anger, must the newly-born daughter burning.

„Day falls the scarlet light, unclear trillion......”

Chan Hongyi the first time is saw such picture obviously, in the eye pupil full is startled and vibrates.

If personally does not see, she cannot believe simply, must know in her memory, her parents are the honest industrious people, how to show so the hatred and angry expression?

Before the kind auspicious villagers, were so unexpectedly stingy, can start to a newly-born baby?

Because her newly-born time, had an astonishing red light?

This and village and villagers in her memory, but is completely different.

„My did memory have the problem? These days, has problems?”

The brow of Chan Hongyi closely locked, where is thinking deeply had the problem, why will cause her memory, with scene that the present sees, has that big discrepancies?

„It is not right, my memory does not have the issue, scene that at the present sees, does not have the issue.”

„Is only the village that I lived since childhood, the exist(ence) issue.”

But is quick, she wants to be clear crux location, the issue does not have above her memory and sees at present.

„Is this villagers who my true parents and these are together?”

The Chan Hongyi corners of the mouth raise wipe the curve of ridicule, does not know that ridicules oneself, is ridiculing these people.

The flame soars to the heavens, everyone's face, shines upon flickers, distortion, anger and fierceness.

The flare that one by one lights, was lifted up high, the childhood baby girl who newly-born and has not opened eyes, sobs there.

But actually no one goes forward the manages, her birth parents, insists on burning 0 her

The baby girl who has the unclear blood light birth, in this time, is not only representative unclear, but also means the misfortune, will become the enormous burden.

Because had a daughter, her mother, the facial expression becomes the hatred, resembles is scolding her, why aren't you a boy?

Her father, the facial expression incomparable anger is also indifferent, looks at the surrounding villagers, throws the one by one pebble, pounds in baby girl body, does not have any changing countenance.

Chan Hongyi returns, when saw oneself birth this scene, should angry she, the mood actually especially tranquil, does not have any mighty waves.

Probably from a world outsider angle, is experiencing all these.

Even to her now, in heart also some relaxed? Perhaps this is the truth that she has sought.

„Really is one group of illiterates.”

The dog's bark, burns in the sound unceasing village incessantly, suddenly presented a male voice that cannot listen to the mood to fluctuate.

„Master...... reveres...... reveres......”

Chan Hongyi sound slightly trembles, after this is she returns, for the first time from the mouth says these two characters.

Cannot see clearly the appearance/portrait, to cover the form of thick fog together fuzzily probably, suddenly appeared in the village.

He squatted, the side has not visible ripples probably, stone that all throws, touched the fragment powder.

Saw only him to hug the baby girl of ground, originally in the baby girl of sob, at this moment also extraordinarily was peaceful, the weeping sound stopped gradually.

All villagers are panic-stricken, thinks that the big evening saw the monster, wants to run away.

However their feet actually filled the lead to be common probably, could not move, in the vision full was frightened, shouted there scared.

„Pitiful little fellow, if were not I passed by chance, your now evening may be burnt, was battered to death with the stone.”

The heavy not slow sound, is passing the mood of difficult word.

Although cannot see clearly his facial features, but from this familiar sound, Chan Hongyi actually knows, he is own Master.

Before then, she does not know that has tonight such matter.

Does not know, own birth parents, since that moment that in oneself was born, is thinking must give to burn her.


At this moment, Chan Hongyi is looking at him, the heart trembles, in the pupil full is all kinds of mood.

„Pitifully I will not look after the child, otherwise pours to be able you to bring back to the mountain, the eyebrow accumulated hemoglutination lives, previous life should be not a common fellow.”

When he spoke, a misty clear light, sprinkled in baby girl body.

These by the place that the stone crushes and injures, fast healing.

Entire 4.8 processes time, all villagers seem like by the anchorage are been common, the eye stares stubbornly in a big way, looks at all these completely panic-stricken.

„Ignorant will never give a pretext, in addition the tiger poison does not eat, flaunts the theory is a person.”

Chan Hongyi looks that Gu Changge said this saying calmly, resembling to wave to cancel the lives of these people, but actually stopped.

But at this time, another her unexpected form, appeared unexpectedly.

This is together the Qingyi form, is very fuzzy, but is difficult to cover the peerless grace and talent, the black hair like the black, hair dances in the breeze, the pupil is static and clear, the probably mild jade, seems like the glistening white busy moon/month.

„Immortal Palace big Palace Master......”

Chan Hongyi naturally was recognizes her, only knows that Gu Changge actually called her for Qingyi, two people resembled the friend to be common, the relations were sorrowful.

She has even also asked Gu Changge, two people are anything relate.

But he replied each time, relates good friend that's all.

Chan Hongyi has not thought, she in this passing, sees this familiar form, moreover appeared in her was born day.

„The fiercest tiger does not eat its cub, but the person is uncertain......”

Big Palace Master hears this saying, resembles also approves of nods, then the vision falls to the baby girl, the sound, if sounds of nature, exquisite interesting to listen, said, „can actually make me bring back to Immortal Palace her, this little fellow eyebrow accumulated hemoglutination lives, the root bone is good, in the future the achievement will be limitless.”

„Immortal Palace will only teach the person, but not necessarily can lead the person.”

Gu Changge shakes the head, the sound is gentle, said, „she must pass a calm and steady worry-free childhood here.”