#850: Who disturbs my plan, you came finally( sought subscription)

In cave mansion, is filling rotten stink, the middle-aged man tears the own face, at this moment looks like from the evil spirit that in Hell works loose is the same.

His being unwilling heart is whooshing, struggles is crawling on the ground, must seek for the antidote.

„Who you are......”

This thinks that all these are flatter retaliations, but he has not thought that in cave mansion will also present the second person.

Moreover this person, he has not seen before then, probably general of not exist(ence) this world.

However, Gu Changge has not paid attention to him, even the vision has not fallen.

„Walks.” His palm falls on flatter head, the tone heavy not slow.


flatter nods, although she must be much higher compared with the same age young girl, but only arrives at the shoulder of Gu Changge as before.

At this moment lifts the clear pupil to look at him, is surging the mood of difficult word.

She extends the small hand, held the Gu Changge sleeves, follows silently in him behind, went out of cave mansion.

„Saves me...... to save me......”

„flatter saves me...... I am your Master......”

Middle-aged man body in fast rotten, gushes out the black blood from inside, he calls out desperately, wanting flatter to save him.

However actually can only see two people forms, vanishes beside cave mansion gradually.

The god sect range is very big, covers the surrounding area nearly several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km), is one of the side the world's strongest influences.

Some Elder words, easily can decide many influences withering away exist(ence).

Regarding cultivator and uncivilized nationalities of this side world, god sect kind of colossus, is Supreme Ruler.

„Senior, how I then must do......”

flatter follows Gu Changge, stood above the mountain peak, obviously the boundless mist fluttered, the distant place had the vast ding to transmit.

Elder died, to the god sect, is the extraordinary important matter, immediately alarmed various peaks.

From this place recent some mountain peaks on, has spirit rainbow to plunder, many Elder disciples come in swarms, must peep the outcome.


Sky over the vault of heaven, stream of spirit rainbow catches up fast, flatter Master body falls instantly, is responsible for guarding the life token person, first detected, immediately dispatched cultivator to come to here to investigate the situation.

„Do you fear?”

Gu Changge has not replied her, but smiled asked.

flatter shakes the head, said, „flatter did not fear, follows side the senior, I am very instead relieved.”

She has not thought before, some day oneself will experience these many things, is feels the own state of mind as for her, had the indescribable change.

Even if Elder and disciple who regards these to catch up with, incomparable quietness, state of mind not slight rise and fall.

This is the fearful transformation process.

flatter has not thought that short several days, she looked like experiences the innumerable things to be the same, clearly recognized the so-called fact.

„Since did not fear that will kill them.”

„These people, should become your nourishment.” Gu Changge said.

„Only had to kill them, you can see, truth that you wanted to understand.”

In flatter pupil emerges the black vicious tendencies, looks up to the distant place, said, „killed them? I understood.”

„Who are you? Why on wishing the Elder mountain peak......”

, Has cultivator that catches up with by far, notices Gu Changge exist(ence), during the vision is vigilant, loudly shouted.

Other cultivator plunder to the expansive sky, above the form is fluctuating the light shadow, all looks shocking to Gu Changge.

Big barbarian god sect within/inner, they have not seen such strange form, if had seen before, definitely has the impression.

„Wish Elder life token shatter, the doubtful body falls, is absolutely related with him.”

„Takes this person.”

God sect Ganlai many cultivator, direct shouted coldly, planned to begin, Gu Changge taking.

„Only has the transformation of pinnacle, only then tempering invincible dao technique and will.”

„Today, this place is belongs your, no one can block you.”

However, Gu Changge has not paid attention to them, but is light to flatter smiles.

As his voice falls, among heaven and earth has some indisputable blood and iron will to reappear probably, the fearsome momentum rumble said.

The Great Dao rule in the turbulent, innumerable laws and order chains, is locking in this piece of heaven and earth in an instant.

In the god sect location area range, imitates, if got down some order and custom, the heaven and earth will withdraws.

flatter does not know that this means anything, but she can feel, in the own body, was given the inexhaustible strength probably instantly.

She calmly closes the eye, is opening instantly, the facial expression a piece has iced indifferently coldly.


flatter takes a step, lifts in the palms to condense countless rune, changes to Heavenly Blade, the big sword and lance, spirit light is shining, just like one piece the divine weapon thick fog that surges vastly.

cultivator that crowd of rushes come, but also without responding this is anything, was torn by these Heavenly Blade and big swords in an instant, shortly will become the blood fog to blast out.

Regarding god sect, this is absolutely fearful a day, the shadow of death covered.

No one has thought that because a body of Elder falls, but is hard to imagine the disaster that in following derivation.

When Elder that behind catches up with, witnesses that big piece surging blood fog, the whole person is trembles frightened.

„This wishes the Elder apprentice, Princess of that uncivilized nationalities tribe......”

Some people recognized flatter identity suddenly, the facial expression fears, but the next quarter actually by Heavenly Blade to tearing, pū blasted out.

flatter wears very simple clothing, the black hair seems like the waterfall to fall in torrents to sprinkle, on the white enamel busy small face, the mood has not fluctuated slightly.

She goes down from the mountain peak on step by step, lifts in the hands to have myriad star light to gather probably, then interweaves to become the fearsome weapon to fall.

This vast and terrifying power and influence, regarding ordinary cultivator, looks like extinguishes the world catastrophe simply.

Even if Elder of seventh boundary, heart startled with amazement, has not thought that such a young young girl, will have this grade of terrifying strength.

This simply is the unthinkable matter.

Moreover, in she is standing behind young man, is wear a look of the chuckle, looks at all these there, in pupil facial expression not slight mighty waves.


The distant place broadcasts the sound that angrily roars, god sect many expert catch up, must prevent all these.

However flatter look is unrelieved, as before ice-cold indifferently, she walks in blood fog, body is filling the rich smell of blood, among heaven and earth obviously the innumerable wisp of scarlet red rays, charges into her body.

That is the cultivator source of falling from the sky, changes the energy of rushing, was absorbed to swallow by her.

The present flatter barbarian, looks like the flower of scarlet red constantly changes, is embezzling all close to her life.

She walks every time one step, the aura is changing, the terrifying tsunami that probably a front surface throws, must submerge heaven and earth.

But at this moment, in distance god sect very far piece of primitive Great Desolate, in an ancient uncivilized nationalities tribe.

Wears the black robe, the facial features covers in the hood, appears some rickets old forms, is manipulating the medicinal herb that many are seasoning at present, often coughs.

The person in tribe, regardless of the male and female size, saw when him seems very respectable.

This is the tribe paternal grandfather, noble character and high prestige, the age is very big, runs in the tribe sacrificial offering, pharmacology and other business.

Is besides Clan Head, most prestigious character.

At this moment, in side of this black robe old man.

A skin color presents the bronze and build very tall and strong big middle-aged man, is discussing anything with it.

„Also is left over is less than four years, I must step that road, perhaps the life does not have the opportunity, touched the seventh boundary.”

„Is only left over for four years to flatter, does not know how in the god sect she crosses.”

Clan Head of middle-aged man tribe, is running tribe all clansmen, his several points of worried look, is in sight the distant place wear a look, there is the direction of god sect.


„flatter she was intelligent since childhood, even if in god sect that place, some people cannot bully her.”

„Clan Head you feel relieved.”

The rickets the old man of body, is coughing several, shakes the head smiled.

„But, I did not feel relieved as before, flatter she is only more than ten years old, but must bear that big responsibility.” The middle-aged man sighed to say.

„Particularly recently, I can the sensation to the predecessor god's summon, he seem like faintly must say anything to me......”

„Might warn me, is telling me something, but has anything probably, is stopping all these, making me unable to hear clearly.”

Hears this saying, the black robe old man reorganizes the medicinal herb the movement , then quickly gets back slightly.

He shakes the head to say with a smile as before, „Clan Head did not have the rest to be good recently, the predecessor god has disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years, does not have his trail and legend.”

„How you may hear his summon.”

Middle-aged man hears word is actually the whole face assured said/tunnel, „I will not misunderstand, the god Sir indeed wants to tell me anything.”

„This is his instruction, I must find the reason that the god Sir vanishes.”

„This also saves the means of uncivilized nationalities only.”

This saying made the black robe old man silent, he shook the head, not many languages, but in the vision had the vague ray to pass over gently and swiftly.

Suddenly, he felt anything, the brow wrinkled all of a sudden.

Many medicinal herbs that is reorganizing at present, because also his strength has not controlled, by complete crumb.

„Clan Duke, you how?”

The middle-aged man notices the facial expression of black robe old man, is somewhat surprised, the first time is on his face, sees this gloomy ugly appearance 0

The clan of this appearance Duke, making him feel several points of inconceivable and strangeness.

„It seems like has uncertainties......”

„Who intervenes my plan?”

However the clan Duke has not replied his words, but muttered the said/tunnel, in that muddy eye, had the cold light to reappear suddenly.

His arrange/cloth in the board game piece of god sect, annihilated unexpectedly silently, the life aura vanished, broke the relation with him.

The middle-aged man is startled, the next quarter actually sees the present clan Duke, shakes the clothes robe, the form bang changes to the black fog, from vanishes same place does not see.

„This is......”

„How is this possible?”

His double pupil opens suddenly, finds it hard to believe seen all these.

In his mind, the clan Duke is the reason that because the young time is wounded, causing cultivation base to drop, now the courage vigor has defeated dry, has no difference from the average person.

But did the clan Duke actually vanish to disappear from his front a moment ago?

Such method, even if he cannot achieve.

God sect within/inner, had been flooded by the boundless blood-color at this moment, in various mountain peaks, all has fiendish qi shooting up into the sky, be continuous unceasingly.

flatter walks step by step at a moderate pace, conquers by killing mountain peak that passed by.

Her pupil has the slight blood-color, originally the immature face, actually an indifference, present all cultivator will also regard as the ants slightly obviously now.

In her forehead position, sends out the misty blood light, on the fine busy face, is covering a blood-color grace and talent.

„Who you are......”

„She is impossible to have this strength.”

Elder of god sect, looks completely frightened in flatter behind, Gu Changge that follows at a moderate pace.

He can look, flatter will have this change, is the Gu Changge reason behind.

This incomparably mysterious young man, falls merely the vision, makes his blood probably freeze, the fire of divine soul must be put out.

„Does true main body, need to come?”

Gu Changge is smiling lightly, does not pay attention to these Elder.

In the Sect Master main hall of god sect, a middle-aged man had died a tragic death, the eye pupil stares stubbornly in a big way, performing is frightened and desperate.

In strongest expert as the god sect, his cultivation base has achieved the situation of being close to the eighth boundary, in this side world, is illustrious peerless expert.

However the forehead was actually referred to piercing by the sword together, is translucent, shortly will be obliterated divine soul.

„Sect Master......”

Many Elder disciples, look corpse that the middle-aged man died a tragic death, the facial expression is sorrowful and fears, merely is conveniently one finger/refers, strongest expert of their god sect, then perished instantaneously.

This grade of terrifying method, they do not dare to imagine.

„flatter she behind, how will have such terrifying exist(ence)......”

Song Qinger full was desperate, from head to toe is trembling.

The Gu Changge vision, one by one has swept the present people, finally fell on flatter body.

„Light is this degree, but also 2.0 by far insufficient, becomes the true demon, but also needs a turning point.” He shakes the head.

„She also needs to cut off the past causes and effects personally......”

Although through god sect incident, making awaken ahead of time the demonic nature in Demonic Heart, degree that but the distance can regard as important for him, but also insufficiently.

At least in the state of mind, looks like in Gu Changge, but also is bad.

He wants to train a right successor flatter, during the following turbulent situation, captures to harvest the Upper Realm All Heavens destiny.

Then flatter must discard many looks like in Gu Changge, may be called the weakness flaw the thing.

„Ten thousand discipline difficult homing variable.”

„Your this variable, why may call it variable, pouring should make me have a look.” The Gu Changge light language said.

flatter stands before the big palace gate of god sect, the whole body is fluttering the blood-color thick fog, originally plain clothes robe, contaminated the blood red.

She calmly closes the eyes, seems waiting for anything.

All around seems not a visible vortex, the energy of among heaven and earth scattering, swallows into the body crazily.

In rushing Demonic Heart, the specters are dreadful, probably is interweaving to become to plant the fuzzy ancient form, sits cross-legged there.

She at this moment, is indifferent together seems like the cold ice of dust-laden ten thousand years.


But at this moment, trim heaven and earth actually trembles, a terrifying fluctuation is filling the air, the supreme aura arrives at this place, might gives to split general the day and place.

The black fog fills the air, then condenses together the form fast, from the black robe old man who the uncivilized nationalities tribe catches up with.

Also is the paternal grandfather in flatter mouth.

„You came finally......”

flatter in this moment, opened the eye suddenly, in the pupil has the ancient chill in the air not to flow probably.