#834: that person taboo exist(ence), will make this world fall into scared( sought subscription)

„This is...... this is unable the thing of looking straight ahead......”

Kun profound Immortal King and azure deep Immortal King and the others, dao heart are trembling, in the vision is completely with amazement and inconceivable, the sound trembles, contains the big fear.

In a moment ago, them only looked at Eight Desolates Demonic Halberd in Gu Changge hand, then the eye stabbing pain, must flow off the tears of blood, quickly puts aside the vision.

In Knowledge Sea, transmits the tear pain, as if really has the halberd light together, is away from star sea to divide to fall toward them, must let their shape ~ god entirely to extinguish.

Places the Immortal King level, their some fearful secrets to this world- understanding quite a lot.

Some things, possibly mortal or ordinary cultivator, but also cannot see to distinguish, will not have any effect.

In these top levels, place in the latitude high life eye, was the thing of Great Terror, cannot explain in words said, frequently had the danger of perishing.

Can easily make cultivator fall into and other conditions demented, collapses dao heart is scarier.

exist(ence) that if cultivation base is higher than them witnesses this thing, perhaps was not the eye bleeds was so simple, possibly divine soul will have the turbulence, since birth dying big crisis.

At this moment, Kun profound Immortal King, azure deep Immortal King and the others, the mind tremble, never expected that oneself some day will meet in the legend may not the thing of looking straight ahead.

Generally speaking, this cannot look straight ahead, the indescribable thing, will only appear in source.

Before such as by degeneration really hou Immortal King that Gu Changge kills, it is because in the contamination source that side Yin Severing Qi, will enable the mortal body to have some transformation, is tyrannicalally indestructible.

Yin Severing Qi the place of origin, is source, that is also world the thing of one cannot explain in words.

They had once heard some ancient immortal, has Immortal King to encounter one dense fog in thing of cannot explain in words.

Is away from saw very much, the mind is then uncontrolled, walks toward there, gathers around the dense fog, degenerates into the good-for-nothing.

Must know that is Immortal King, merely is only because is away from the remote distance, looked at such a, receives this disaster, always can not be reincarnated.

Thinks to make one be afraid, is hard to trace these strange thing the sources and origins.

„Why he will have this is not possible the thing of looking straight ahead......”

„Said, actually...... from the beginning, I and others thought mistakenly......”

Thinks of here, they look to the Gu Changge vision, the possibility of the start having changed, associates before them cannot think.

But at this time, was different from Kun profound Immortal King, azure deep Immortal King and the others trembling is terrified.

„That...... that is......”

The bright king had actually arrived at the pinnacle with amazement, simply is scalp tingles.

His whole body is trembling, could not have spoken, looks at that side black sea Gu Changge.

That is only shaking the hand of great halberd, in trembling slightly.

Even if bright king vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered foreign land many eras, was dreaded by many Immortal King, was called the ominous king by the world.

But feels the endless fear at this moment as before and with amazement.

Cannot believe the own eye simply.

„That is the real thing...... you are......”

Bright king naturally recognizes Eight Desolates Demonic Halberd, although initially was only the description a halberd light.

But he can actually see the scene of that All Heavens avalanche, the great halberd across the sky, chops to fall from the eternal blue sky above, crushes shatter all.

Without seeing its main body, how he possibly to can have imitated in the later generation.

But bright king true has not thought, oneself some day, really can see the real thing, moreover is away from him is so near.

However, most made the bright king feel that what scared and feared was, now Host/Master of this real thing, stands in his front, they even also thought to say a moment ago, must encircle and hunt him.

Before then, the bright king has not thought toward that aspect from the start, after all extremely in unthinkable.

The Taboo Era chief criminal, causes the Immortal Palace destruction, the origin and Immortal Domain separation, that taboo exist(ence) that the day passes certainly, appears before him now unexpectedly livingly.

This who can think? Who can think?

That is only the hand shatter 3000 states, Nine Heavens Ten Lands all scared taboo exist(ence).

Even once control All Heavens Immortal Palace, still insufficiently looked in its front, Immortal Palace big Palace Master because of its, but the body falls, Immortal Domain because of its deteriorates, can say that the piece of incomplete heaven and earth of present, causes because of his reason.

Even if in foreign land that side, even Imperishable the ancestor of Emperor Clan, when mentioned its exist(ence), had the awe, to dread, and even frightened.

At this moment, the bright king felt that oneself from head to toe is the chill in the air, the hands and feet sends coldly, after understanding clearly truth, the courage of even speaking did not have.

In his surface full is frightened and anxious, did not have that again proudly self-confident.

„It seems like you should be recognize.”

„Since you know that who I am, that should also understand, I was not joking with you a moment ago.”

The Gu Changge corners of the mouth hold the light smile as before, subsequently Eight Desolates Demonic Halberd sweeps across the sky.

Dreadful fiendish qi must simply front universe to collapse open/start, some divine sense that all around spies on.

Shortly will break the fragment powder ashes, only listens snort/hum to transmit stuffily, then the square universe that many tremble with amazement, becomes deathly stillness one piece.

„Really is that person......”

Azure deep Immortal King, Kun profound Immortal King and the others, the sound are shivering similarly.

After witnessing bright king's facial expression change, understood, matter really such as they guessed like that.

Absolutely terrified at the same time, they only think that divine soul trembles unceasingly, after this is becomes Immortal King, has never had mood.

Frightened, terrified and anxious......

That taboo exist(ence) reappears world, and appeared before them.

This type just like the ancient myth reappears frightened, even if Immortal King also mind trembling difficult secure, even if the ancestor of Emperor Clan appears here, perhaps still with them is the same response.

If said at this moment, is not slightly accidental regarding this scene, that was continuously in side Big Red Bird.

It fully realized that the Gu Changge status, nature clear Gu Changge reappears Immortal Domain, regarding at the present world, means anything.

Once this news spreads, at that time entire Immortal Domain, and even was that side a foreign land, will fall into the endless panic.

Before Taboo Era, Demon Lord not yet and Immortal Palace break off.

He somehow, once went to the foreign land, the slaughter has extinguished side Emperor Clan, even the ancestor of Emperor Clan, was cut to kill by it.

That is the foreign land strongest influence, may trace at the beginning of the birth, but actually in light of this destruction, became that side the foreign land, Emperor Clan that the only destruction crosses.

Must know that the ancestor of Emperor Clan, basically means the Imperishable life, Emperor among Immortals, is most exist(ence) that in True World may be born, has stood in certainly the summit, means the ceiling.

Even if Immortal Palace big Palace Master, in most flourishing peak time, can defeat at most the ancestor of Emperor Clan.

Therefore it can be imagined, the Emperor Clan destruction incident, to the stir and influence that side the foreign land causes big.

Following Immortal Palace unify All Heavens, the foreign land does not dare to visit Immortal Domain, is because has this relations to be one of them.