#712: Really brought back my interest, why to go round the sun to meet the moon( sought subscription)


One continuously is quite slight and obvious crack, appeared on Samsara Platform, incomparable clear.

These cracks are then getting bigger and bigger, rapidly spreads to entire Samsara Platform.

Shining ray from spurts comes out thinly, blasting open, is split up loudly.


this scene lets the Severing Yin Sovereign Court people, the delay lived all of a sudden.

The happy expression facial expression on face, vanishes instantaneously does not see.

„Broke to pieces?”

Jia Nan stares the big eye, looks inconceivable to that crack, suspected that oneself misread.

How possibly?

The in perfectly good condition Samsara Platform embryonic form, how disrupted suddenly, exploded everywhere ashes?

Not only at this moment is in her heart completely cannot believe.

In clan earth, is gazing at all these six big ancient ancestor, is difficult stays quiet.

Their state of mind fluctuates is very big.

If not for has scruples too, must come personally, how investigates this Samsara Platform to break to pieces.

Is this merely accidental/surprised?

Said, this is Gu Changge is intentional?

„If he uses the trick......”

ancient a ancestor complexion is ugly, gloomy to pinnacle.

Another five ancient ancestor complexions are also unattractive, the appearance looks at Gu Changge bad.

„Where has problems, why will break to pieces suddenly, it seems like these live the stone dead stone to be wasted, was again heavy.”

But the appearance that Gu Changge does not know the circumstances of the matter at this moment, shakes the head gently, extremely pitifully said/tunnel.

From his expression, the people do not know that completely he said intentionally.

Doesn't the disruption of this Samsara Platform, have to relate with him slightly?

„That can only exhausted Young Lord Changge be laborious a time.”

Although in the Jia Nan heart also wants to inquire Gu Changge, why Samsara Platform will break to pieces.

But at this time, deeply inspires, making oneself calm down, the words as far as possible are maintaining tranquil.

Actually she also very suspected, is Gu Changge intentionally so.

But in perfectly good condition, why can Gu Changge do that?

„Might as well, but was a pity these lived the stone and dead stone.” Gu Changge shakes the head to say gently, seemed a pity as before very much.

Jia Nan deeply looked at his one eyes, nods, is not talking too much.

Six ancient ancestor has not voiced, she does not dare to take responsibility.

Other severing yin lives, do not dare to say anything, is only the look in vision, worried.

Over the following several days, here was covered by the boundless black and white two colors again.

A Gu Changge vision quietness, the entire portrait fell into some to implant.

He according to the first mold method, will live the stone and dead stone again is concise, constructs for new Samsara Platform.

On Samsara Platform will break to pieces together, naturally is because he fudges.

He wants to probe merely that six Old Monster attitude, but has not thought that they so can endure unexpectedly.

From this aspect, Gu Changge can also look, Samsara Platform to them, is quite definitely important.

„This as if merely is a coordinates, not communicates the deep meaning of Nine Serenities samsara.”

„Is it possible that do they want to receive and instruct what person to come?”

Under the Gu Changge heart is somewhat astonished actually however.

The turbid water that Yin Severing Heaven hidden, sees him absolutely now is deeper.

„Such being the case, I actually am impolite.”

After making clear these, he looked at Yin Severing Heaven clan earth most deep place one, smiles lightly.



Around this square, bit by bit the meaning of samsara takes turn.

The spring, summer, autumn, winter rotate, throughout the year, the bustling place is billowing, the life hundred condition are all reappearing.

Compares in first casting Samsara Platform time.

The this time aura was richer.

Many lives of body week have to plant to melt to say into the feeling of samsara.

Arrived behind, entire Yin Severing Heaven received this type of aura to affect.

Misty Kuang Hua shooting up into the sky, the gloomy vault of heaven, shone upon a translucence.

Originally by the clan earth deep place that the fog winds around, receives this aura to affect.

Everyone saw clearly, there has six terrifying and fuzzy six forms stands erect.

Imitating if at the beginning is epoch-making exist(ence), has been passing the great and infinite aura, collapses by pressure sufficiently all rules.

„Is six big ancient ancestor, they really recovered.”

Many severing yin lives see this scene, could not bear to that direction kneel down.

Six big ancient ancestor has not thought, Gu Changge through Samsara Platform, will shine upon unexpectedly their forms.

However at this moment, they have nothing to conceal.

Calmly stands erect there, the indifferent pupil light falls, is passing the suffocating pressure aura.

As Yin Severing Heaven origins ancient ancestor, because they were born the severing yin life, constructed to create all these.

Without a doubt, they are in all severing yin life minds Supreme god exist(ence).


At this moment, under the samsara aura shines, all around void and rule blurred.

The aura that as if the carrying/sustaining they recovered, must collapse to crack.

„Does the Gu later generation, you shine upon us intentionally?”

ancient a ancestor takes a step from clan earth.

His whole body was wrapped by the gray thick fog, the pupil light falls on Gu Changge body, the sound is indifferent and brutal, the vast as mighty bell sweeps across, turbulent universe.

Plan that they have not come to from beginning to end.

Even if were that day at night, Gu Changge went to clan earth most deep place to spy on, was detected after by them, has not pursued.

But today, was actually in front of all severing yin lives by Gu Changge, shining, making them feel that one received humiliation.

At this time, if they no longer expressed anything, perhaps will be despised to despise by Gu Changge.

In front of an numerous severing yin ethnic group, will lose completely the face.


Terrifying pressure, if suddenly Heavenly River burst a dike falls in torrents to submerge under.

Cracks in its periphery laws and order, the void destruction, all light and energies are extinguishing.

„It is not good.”

„ancient ancestor got angry......”

All severing yin lives, become tremble the anxious, incomparable terrified, kneel down in the place.

A bright heavenly prestige aura, suppresses covers in everyone's top of the head.

„ancient ancestor they really lost one's temper, the situation already toward the reform that being hard to tidy up.”

Jia Nan and the others the complexion changes, scalp one tight, some hearts by the feeling that the person blocks stubbornly, soon suffocates.

Since the ancient times, Yin Severing Heaven deep place deathly stillness silent.

The matter of rare ancient ancestor come into the world, let alone was ancient ancestor gets angry.

This regarding Yin Severing Heaven all lives, is no different than fantasy story, since has the ancient book record first time.

„Couldn't repress quickly?”

However at this time, facing a Yin Severing Heaven ancient Zu's anger.

In the Gu Changge surface as before is the serene facial expression, then moves away from the Samsara Platform embryonic form the palm slowly, seems not accidental/surprised.

At this moment, his is really shines intentionally them . Moreover the plan is in front of all severing yin lives.

Doesn't six big ancient ancestor like watching for all these in secret?

That Gu Changge does not make them pleasant.

And also wants them to be clear, the initiative controls at the present in his hand.

Just came Yin Severing Heaven time, he was not clear about this place background, was not clear about these six Old Monster intentions, therefore has not chosen to alert the enemy.

At the present, he has known, Samsara Platform regarding the Yin Severing Heaven importance.

And, these six Old Monster strength situations.

Gu Changge naturally does not need scruples again too.

„, So long as you are good the Samsara Platform casting, we take an oath by Great Dao, will not feel embarrassed you absolutely.”

At this time, people in another five big ancient ancestor, seemed like saw the Gu Changge intention, the sound that no mood fluctuated resounded.

Hears this saying, that ancient ancestor who has taken clan earth most deep place, stopped the step.

Before the Samsara Platform casting becomes successful, they do not want many conflicts with Gu Changge.

A moment ago this action, wants to shock Gu Changge, making him do not resort to the wishful thinking and method.

If they want to begin truly, certainly not only then ancient a ancestor takes clan earth most deep place.

Another four ancient ancestor, as before indifferent like Demonic Mountain, stands erect in the clan earth end, maintains total silence, gives the greatest terrifying deterrent effect, making one breathe is about to suffocate.

„Awkwardly below?”

„...... Do you have this ability?”

However hears this saying, Gu Changge is still light smiles, appearance of not caring at all, extremely at will.

His saying one, was not only Jia Nan and the others the complexion changes.

All severing yin lives all around, arrived at the pinnacle with amazement, feels scalp tingles, unbelievable.

ancient ancestor created Yin Severing Heaven Supreme Existence, the god is nearly common.

This world who dares to contradict disobediently they?

This action, in their opinion, can only with crazily and described inconceivable.

„Is the Gu junior, you provoking us?”

A moment ago that ancient ancestor who hears word, took a step to go out of the Yin Severing Heaven clan earth, complexion all of a sudden ice-cold.

He has not really thought, Gu Changge is in front of all severing yin lives unexpectedly, ridiculed provokes them?

This is not does not place in the eye is so simple them.


The next quarter, the terrifying gray thick fog, is probably wave-like, submerges from clan earth most deep place.

Blots out the sky, surging forward, continuous not, must this world myriad things embezzling.

Has saying that the Gu Changge words made them really live the anger.

In the long Imperishable life, some people dare to provoke to them for the first time.

Especially Gu Changge is a young junior.


The terrifying aura fills the air, the land cracks, falls to extinguish void, the Yin Severing Heaven deep place as if fell into forever lonesome.

All severing yin lives tremble, divine soul alarmed and afraid, wants kneel down in the place.

„Today makes you understand what for to awe.”

This ancient ancestor pupil light ice-cold, finds out a big hand that covers entirely the grey to grow hair, one grasped toward Gu Changge.

Another ancient ancestor who opened the mouth a moment ago, at this moment was also make a move.

Order chains, are thickly common like the mountain range, appears from him behind.

Then pierces heaven and earth, tears all dao technique, just like the arrow arrow to Gu Changge piercing.

They do not have kill.

This merely is their demonstration of authority, wants to make Gu Changge understand, who in this Yin Severing Heaven is Ruler.

After all they must keep Gu Changge to come for their casting Samsara Platform, will not write off it at this time.

Quiet eternal Yin Severing Heaven clan earth most deep place, six big ancient ancestor simultaneously comes.

And two are the opens the mouth, the disseminate words, want make a move to teach Gu Changge.

this scene lets all severing yin lives, shocks trembles, after all that is ancient ancestor!

The creation as well as Supreme Existence of breeding entire Yin Severing Heaven ethnic group, Imperishable does not extinguish, with time with saving.

„This saying I want to you saying that actually, Yin Severing Heaven has been on the verge of depletion after all, I think that your several old fogies, how long should unable to live.”

Gu Changge sees this to not care a whoop, smiles lightly, laid bare six big ancient ancestor the facts that directly wanted to conceal.

His saying to be not aimless.

For these days he also found out in Yin Severing Heaven the source of severing yin aura, is that mysterious clan earth.

These six old fogies from dying woke up, absolutely was because this matter has endangered their life and death.

Therefore they will attach great importance.

While the Gu Changge speech, side dim Ancient World phantom appears, the implication infinite mighty force suppression falls, directly front all attacks to keep off to extinguish.


Hears Gu Changge this saying, many severing yin lives shocked, stared the big eye, cannot believe.

How long couldn't ancient ancestor they live?

„Junior, the doing nonsense, we existed forever since old times, heaven and earth is difficult to bury, with River of Time in, how dead of old age?”

In several other ancient ancestor who in clan earth have not left, the complexion at this moment was also cold.

They do not know how Gu Changge judged all these come.

However, they will not allow, the secret of clan earth deep place, was known by others.

So long as the well water in ancestor well is unceasing, they will not fall from the sky dead of old age.

No matter they received the big wound, the life dries up, or destroy both body and soul.

Only needs by the well water irrigation, can remould, restores such as beginning.

This is their Imperishable relying upon that is difficult to extinguish.

„It seems like given to say by me, in that clan earth, indeed is hiding Yin Severing Heaven the thing of origin, was that thing created you.”

The Gu Changge smile some are meaningful.

By the present, he also no longer concealed the own purpose in coming.

Always before Yin Severing Heaven, he has not been hugging plan that helps its casting Samsara Platform.

Since there is Yin Severing Heaven the thing of origin, why he can go round the sun to meet the moon?

„What do you mean?”

That ancient ancestor who takes the clan earth, a brow wrinkle, in the heart has not a right feeling suddenly.

They seemed like underestimated Gu Changge courage and intention.

„You brought back I very big interest, I really want to know now, in that clan earth deep place, is hiding anything.”

Gu Changge said lightly, the happy expression on facial features collects.

He faces forward to take a step to walk directly, the terrifying aura fills the air, the Yin Severing Heaven trim universe is thundering, all around star space crack.

In surrounding all Severing Yin Sovereign Court expert, cannot withstand this aura, coughs up blood in abundance collapse blasting open.

„Does he want to ancient ancestor make a move?”

Jia Nan looks at this scene, is incomparable with amazement, cannot believe.

Although her young, but actually knows about six big ancient ancestor extremely deeply, understands they are true does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, exists forever with the world.

Although Gu Changge the strength is immeasurably deep, is inconceivable.

But he facing six big ancient ancestor, can even the enemy, but still meets the strength to use up to perish finally.

This is the fact that is unable to change.

„Does junior, what you want to make?” Six big ancient ancestor complexion simultaneously big change, has not thought completely, Gu Changge really dares to their make a move.


The clan earth of Yin Severing Heaven most deep place, while Gu Changge takes a step, he finds out a hand, must the front fog ripping open.

That place, cracked all of a sudden.

At this moment, Gu Changge silk undisguised own aura, the palm spans to go, chops to fall to shake.

Surrounding dao rule collapsing, the rule was obliterated, the land is also split up, the fog extinguishes for invisible, making all severing yin lives terrified, alarmed and afraid to pinnacle.