#710: A refreshed person, who lightens the coordinates actually( sought subscription)

Severing Yin Sovereign Court clan earth most deep place.

Fog heavy, fog is floating continuously, casts the rich shadow, as if a piece of gloomy ghost legendary creature.

Here heaven and earth is difficult to bury, the rule cracks, a gloominess, cannot see any color in addition.

Yin Severing Heaven six big ancient ancestor, is defending three mysterious ancestor wells, stands erect in the clan earth highest place, overlooks this piece of heaven and earth indifferently.

They seem like from epoch-making at the beginning, on exist(ence) in this world.

Indifferent and ancient, the whole body is winding around the gray thick fog of being able to see through, the pupil or ice-cold, or brutal, or empty, is the dead grey.

Only then extends above the arm outside thick fog, may see many decayed traces and livor mortises.

The entire Yin Severing Heaven life, in the feeling that this moment palpitations submit, must pay homage to toward clan earth most deep place kneel down.

Six big ancient ancestor molded entire Yin Severing Heaven, accumulated raised to create all severing yin lives.

In the past time, is Yin Severing Heaven has some drastic change even if, only then ancient a ancestor comes to come into the world.

At the present like situation that six ancient ancestor simultaneously has, has been Yin Severing Heaven is since absolutely epoch-making the first time.

The ordinary severing yin life, the fundamental understanding cannot imagine this on behalf of anything.

Only the bloodline is quite pure, as well as some cultivation base profound severing yin lives, had a premonition anything.

But at this time, in a Severing Yin Sovereign Court palace.

Crown Princess Jia Nan is knitting the brows to handle something.

Suddenly, the huge change of sensation to clan earth deep place, making her being unable to bear stand, the vision looked to that place, performing was surprisedly uncertain and anxious.

„Also only then sovereign courtyard a small number of talents know that matter of ancient the ancestor come into the world, at the present six big ancient ancestor simultaneously manifest, why is?”

„What matter was alarmed them?”

The Jia Nan brow tight wrinkle, quickly puts down the thing in hand, changes to together spirit rainbow, toward clan folk recipe to rushing.

Meanwhile, she passed on a message informs Severing Yin Sovereign Court other expert, making them overtake.

Besides six ancient ancestor, Severing Yin Sovereign Court at the present also many Ancient Existence.

Although the strength is far less than six big ancient ancestor, but also is Dao Achiever, may assume a side.

„Did small nine that sides have what accident/surprise, Gu Changge submerged the clan earth?”

Jia Nan heart within grows intermittent anxious, was worried that Gu Changge detected anything at this time.

Quick, she across restriction, enters into a dry lonesome sores land layer upon layer.

Is going against the gray fog of rich and broken powder, sought six big ancient ancestor in clan earth.

„What ancient ancestor here had?”

Jia Nan wear a look of respectful, cannot bear ask.

„Not the important matter, should be that Gu later generation seeks the clan earth, and others was detected after by me, has retreated fast.”

ancient a ancestor looked at her one eyes, said lightly, the tone does not have the billows without the wave.

„Gu Changge he really cannot repress.”

The Jia Nan complexion has slight sinking.

She has made Jia Jiu'er focus on the Gu Changge action, finally Gu Changge submerged the clan earth in secret.

„He should not detect anything, when he just submerged this place, and others was detected by me.”

Another ancient ancestor says, did not think within such short time, Gu Changge can discover anything.

However they do not have the slight evidence to show, before detected that change that is Gu Changge.

But heard this saying, Jia Nan also understands.

Gu Changge should just step into clan earth, then by six big ancient ancestor simultaneously sensation.

After all survived nearly endless years, six big ancient Zu's sensation strength is how astonishing, especially is also backing on the clan earth and ancestor well.

Here they are nearly the Imperishable Spiritual God, has the vast and unimaginable mighty force, omnipotent.

„If so, I felt relieved actually.”

Afterward, Jia Nan long breathes a sigh of relief, has not continued to disturb six big ancient ancestor here, retreats quickly quietly.

In her opinion, since Gu Changge knew six big ancient Zu's exist(ence), that should not dare to act unreasonably over the following several days.

From some perspective, this is also an enormous shock and awe.

„Originally is hiding six old fogies, but this aura was also too decayed......”

But at this time, in the palace, Gu Changge also set out slowly.

In his forehead position, has a vast fluctuation to reappear, the primordial spirit villain passed over gently and swiftly comes void, vanishes fast does not see.

Actually saw a moment ago, a little came as a surprise to Gu Changge.

He has long known Yin Severing Qi in Yin Severing Heaven in the failure.

But has not thought that Yin Severing Qi actually contained such six Old Monster, does not know that barely managed to maintain a feeble existence many years.

That type decayed and odor aura of vicissitudes, looked like one in the coffin decayed the corpses of era.

Naturally, most makes him be that what is surprised is, these people of mental power are quite that huge vast, the degree far ultra Dao Achiever this realm can be.

„The aura that their body flows, molded at the present Yin Severing Heaven, so-called did Origin Artifact accomplish all?”

Gu Changge fell into during the thinking.

He always feels mysteriously and inexorably, seems what character, is planning to plan all these.

Why can Yin Severing Heaven want completely all means to mold Samsara Platform?

Before coming Yin Severing Heaven, Gu Changge has not thought from the start must for its casting Samsara Platform, he want to take the severing yin source to leave.

However from the present situation, this Samsara Platform right and wrong casting may not.

Gu Changge was not worried that Severing Yin Sovereign Court suddenly to his make a move, before Samsara Platform did not have the casting success, even if in their hearts again has the complaint, does not dare the multi- languages.

Tonight regarding entire severing yin, being doomed is not tranquil.

Six big ancient ancestor comes, stands erect in the clan earth deep place, form incomparable big, dauntless, is covering the endless fog, made one trembling palpitation, couldn't help kneel down getting down.

Besides Jia Nan, no one knows that in Yin Severing Heaven clan earth had anything, why will alarm six big ancient ancestor.

Almost all severing yin lives, shock, lies prostrate in worship in that direction, many people are become terrified.

„ancient ancestor why does simultaneously regain consciousness to alarm?”

Some strength extremely powerful severing yin lives are whispering.

In the Jia Jiu'er also same core palpitates, cannot bear to salutes toward the clan folk recipe respectfully, subsequently looked to is peaceful the palace.

A'Dai such as place terrifying Demonic Mountain stands erect as in there, passes with killing intent that indifferently the living person be not entering.

She does not dare to go forward, even if guessed that six ancient ancestor was alarmed with Gu Changge is concerned, but does not dare to try to prove.

Next day, in the giant square of Severing Yin Sovereign Court dynasty dead center.

The black crystal that are carving the strange trace and writing, was piled up is placing here.

These black crystals, incomparable neat, does not know that from where, the whole body is winding around a vague death intent.

Even if the severing yin life approaches, there is a divine soul frozen feeling.

But in another side, then the stack is placing a lot of white crystals, similarly is carving the strange trace and writing.

Different from the black crystal, these white crystals are passing the abundant vitality, is lingering silk threads vitality divine chains.

Around the square had been cleaned up cleanly.

Besides Jia Nan and the others, other severing yin lives are unable to approach, even waits and sees in the distant place is not good.

„Is this casting Samsara Platform material? Lives the stone and dead stone?”

Gu Changge comes, with silent A'Dai, Jia Jiu'er that as well as frightenedly is somewhat difficult to be peaceful.

„This is my clan endless years, the fresh stone and dead stone that seeks, with by casting Samsara Platform, is enough.”

Jia Nan replied, an eye of band of light the profound meaning was looking at Jia Jiu'er, but Jia Jiu'er shook the head to avoid her vision.

Sees that Jia Nan knows that last night made Jia Jiu'er observe closely the Gu Changge matter, was definitely defeated 0

Regarding this she has not actually had the high hope.

„Lives the stone and dead stone Nanxun, only has the legend to involve the place of Yin dying Yellow Springs, some opportunities see.”

„Never expected that Severing Yin Sovereign Court collected so many unexpectedly.”

Gu Changge has the sigh saying that as if not know completely last night had what general.

„After all related to the Samsara Platform important matter, is difficult to seek, my clan must use all looks.”

Jia Nan replied with a smile, some implications, want to tell Gu Changge, casting Samsara Platform was quite important to Yin Severing Heaven, can use to pay to them importantly.

On the one hand was also worried that Gu Changge moves what hands and feet.

Even if another six ancient ancestor, knows nothing to Dao of Samsara.

„Since the material were uneven, that starts.”

„The thing that right, I wanted, does not know that Jia Nan Princess did prepare?”

Gu Changge smiles lightly, to following tone one revolution, the vision looked to Jia Nan.

„This is natural.”

„In this is the thing that Young Lord Changge you want, remaining that parts, after the Samsara Platform casting is completed, both hands offer surely.”

Heard that said Jia Nan is not accidental/surprised, the maidservant will be carrying a paint black earthenware jar gave Gu Changge.

She knows that Gu Changge is that type not to see the rabbit not to scatter the character of eagle.

Although at the present Yin Severing Heaven has been drying up.

The severing yin source is extremely precious, but takes out the part, first stands firm Gu Changge, can achieve.

„Jia Nan Princess actually refreshed person.”

Gu Changge has the light smile to say as before, is not accidental/surprised.

Beckons then to paint the black earthenware jar to give to accept, has not looked at one, as if does not care contains many severing yin sources to be the same.

„He should not dare to use the trick, only if he does not want to go out of Yin Severing Heaven.”

Yin Severing Heaven clan earth most deep place, six indifferent brutal vision, have stared in the square Gu Changge every action and every movement, divine sense are surging.

Over the following several days, this place was covered by profound wonderful black and white two colors.

The Divine Flame ignition of big piece, melts the metaplasia stone and dead stone, again by some order construction.

The rule collapses, the time appears intermittently, has the strength of not measuring to past.

The people saw that flows rapidly the restless Yellow Springs, the unknown latitude appears, carrying/sustaining immeasurable ghost and skeleton.

In this Yellow Springs, side dao platform ups and downs, winds around the misty black and white two colors, the Yin-Yang comparison, the life and death the line.

„This air/Qi 4.9 breaths mistakenly, really mistake.”

„Really is samsara ancient Samsara Platform, can shine upon that place......”

At this moment, even if the state of mind like the dead sea six big ancient ancestor who will not regenerate the mighty waves, the vision also concentrates, has the happy expression and exciting meaning flashes through.

Meanwhile, in some mysterious remote space.

Sits cross-legged in the nihility deathly stillness, the whole body covers the Daoist in misty say/way air/Qi, seemed like the sensation to anything, suddenly opened the eye.

„This fluctuation, who lightens the coordinates? Originally there......”

„It seems like to harvest time.”

His pupil is very brightly clear, but resembles the incomparably muddy vicissitudes, is sometimes indifferent profoundly, does not have the mood.

Only in a flash, his vision as if passed through the time and years, washed some time.

However the next quarter, seems like suddenly the sensation to anything.

This sends out an indifferent ridicule just like the Ancient God Daoist, „ignorant ants, this play you to never have slightly the chance.”

During the speeches, in front of him void presents layer upon layer the ripples, then appears the picture.

That is a side similarly endless remote ancient world, a piece by piece big universe avalanche, laws and order break.

Shouted " kill " heavenshaking, fought intent shooting up into the sky, supreme expert of many vitality tearing skies, gave out desperate angry roaring, is saying the form battle with cannot explain in words of some unknown latitude, the form fell from the sky to collapse, changed to everywhere blood fog.