#698: In palm True World, true Ancient God( sought subscription)

„Plan that it seems like Lord of Hell until now, has not come.”

Gu Changge looks at Ancient World that this side is flooding is completely bloody and slaughters, divine sense sweeps away to go.

Hell ten palace Palace Lord, besides a few fall from the sky suffers extreme penalty, others not submitted to accidentally/surprisingly pledged allegiance to him.

In addition, several Dao Achiever, extremely in the unruliness, rather die than submit, were cancelled the intelligence by Gu Changge finally, refine the puppet.

this time exterminates the war of Hell, he can say the harvest to be many, the Dao Achiever quantity hand/subordinate turned several times.

After A'Dai absorbed many broken sources, originally is in front of the goal one to the boundary of also difference Dao Achiever step.

But Gu Changge bestowed wisp of True Blood aura to him, making him break through that matter shackles.

Naturally, looks like most important in Gu Changge, swept clean Hell this hindrance.

As for Buddha?

This has not been in the consideration of Gu Changge, Hell perishes, Buddha naturally nothing to be worried.

„This is Hell final resisting stubbornly.”

„Today will certainly destruction Hell!”

ancient war ship rumble, the flags of many Dao Orthodoxy influences are free, launches in void, is passing the bone-chilling cold meaning.

Everyone is bellowing the rush in the past, changes does not have the thing not broken mighty current, vibrates heaven and earth, sweeps across Eight Desolates.

The terrifying energy, the mountains and rivers burst a dike probably, surging forward, is unable to imagine.

The potential of Hell destruction is avoidless, this is almost the consensus in all cultivator hearts.

At this moment the Hell ten palaces, the destruction nine main halls, have only had this third palace to resist stubbornly.

However here also indeed gathers all expert that Hell remains now.

„Even can the destruction I and others, but you must pay the heavy price today.”

590 many Supreme stand before collapsing ancient interface, looks at many ancient war ship that above the vault of heaven is arriving at to come indifferently.

They are the Hell final nuclei, besides strongest expert outside Dao Achiever as well as Quasi-Emperor.

Facing stream of spirit light that falls from the vault of heaven, endless expert.

They angry roar, takes a step, the whole body sends out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray.

Even if for killer, but also however has the courage and uprightness, will not easily beg for mercy to surrender.

Hundred million Myriad Daos spirit light bloom to interweave here, has probably brilliantly is spurting thinly to the pinnacle smoke and fire, a side side small world annihilation, dissipates silently.

The vault of heaven deep place, the Dao Achiever weapon ups and downs, Sun is spanning probably, lets fall next trillion wisps of Chaos Qi, collapses by pressure all.

This was as frigid as an pinnacle war, the blood and bone is blooming, changes to torrential Blood Sea, mixing with the terrifying is bloody, made the average person frighten the faint sufficiently in the past.


Shouted " kill " heavenshaking, vibrated this piece of universe, the army killed, penetrated into the this World center.

Without the killer can run away, this is a irreconcilable until death war, various Upper Realm Dao Orthodoxy people have made up mind is the destruction falls Hell, wipes out this dark state.

Flames of war, blood dyes the land, this side world starts to crash, bonds shatter, the reappearing innumerable say/way cracks.

Although this side world glorious ancient, but cannot withstand the fluctuation that so many expert slaughter, already in destruction edge.

„Ancestor dies content, today shatter Hell, welcomes your skeleton, making their soul peaceful.”

In expedition, many eyes flood red, bellows unceasingly, must vent until now to the hatred of Hell.

Not is only their ancestors, their family members, has encountered the Hell violent treachery.

Regarding Hell, he can not speak morality and justice, price that so long as wants to him, even may kill the brother to murder the father.

Many Dao Orthodoxy patriarchal clans have the hand and foot the remnant matter, actually the back has the Hell shadow.

Regarding Upper Realm, Hell and Buddha such killer state, is actually the malignant tumor, should wipe out early.

The innumerable cultivator lives, abhor these two influences.

The war cries are shocking, the terrifying fluctuation sweeps across eight sides, all divine island mountains and ancient palaces, are crushing, is collapsing fast.

At the present can Hell, how resist such terrifying Upper Realm army?

This side world is trembling, 100.02 million armies are galloping, overstep the expansive sky, such as the gifted general, such as the Hell deep soldier, is knockdown.

The Hell killers are slaughtering to angrily roar, such as weeds harvesting, does not seem like the life, on the contrary is worthless, under the cavalry of army, dropped down dead.

„Who this is Hell......”

At this time, Gu Changge in upper air, noticed this World most deep place suddenly, went out of a big person's shadow, somewhat asked interestingly.

„Reply Young master, this person is Hell three Palace Lord.”

A Palace Lord respectful opens the mouth that he surrenders behind answered.

„Hell three Palace Lord? only one Palace Lord that only saves?”

Gu Changge is a little actually curious, matter had arrived this step, this three Palace Lord are still insisting anything.

Is it possible that does Hell have what method not to display?

Is counting on Lord of Hell make a move, what also or is hiding as before?

But in instantly, in his hand that Hell three Palace Lord come spurts to be thin suddenly the radiant multi-colored sunlight.

The unparalleled aura appears, the god clouds that probably eternal does not extinguish together, pass through the universe, connected universe most deep place.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

spirit light flies piece by piece, dao mark appears piece by piece, the aura is vast, just like side small world to erupt, the energy is dreadful, is brilliant and dazzling.

„After palm True World...... refining up Spiritual God small world.”

Gu Changge selected under the brow tip.

In this world, Spiritual God small world really also has trace exist(ence), this came as a surprise to his actually.

After all this Spiritual God, is not the later generation lights the Divine Flame Spiritual God.

But is Innate God, the true Spiritual God, cultivation base even exceeded Dao Achiever.

Spiritual God small world, from some perspective, its firm degree is above the imagination, even may evolve is side Shenguo.

So long as the Spiritual God has not fallen from the sky, this side Shenguo Imperishable will exist forever.

This and Gu Changge nowadays Inner Universe actually has the wonder of equally good results from different methods.

But after three Palace Lord sacrifices take control of True World, at present collapsing side Ancient World, as if became stabilized all of a sudden.

mysteriously and inexorably as if has what strength and rule, is infiltrating the past slowly, patches these incomplete cracks.

Among heaven and earth, there is a type of strange and holy aura is appearing.

Light rain sprinkles piece by piece in abundance, in unknown void bloomed, spreads the blood-color vine, seems absorbing regional blood and sources.

„The aura of this side world changed, is it possible that this is the Hell final means?”

„Attracts this everyone, coming to catch a turtle in a jar? Catches the whole lot in a dragnet everyone?”

The sensation to this scene, a Gu Changge brow wrinkle, in the heart gives birth to subtle unclear to feel slightly.

He felt that oneself as if somewhat underestimated cruel-hearted of Hell.

From certain perspectives, the Hell behavior and his idea, actually happen to hold the same view.

„What had?”

„How to feel that the aura of this side world changed, before Heaven and Earth Rules not, understands clearly.”

At this moment, stands erect in the vault of heaven deep place, not make a move Dao Achiever of various Dao Orthodoxy influences, felt in abundance is not right.

Their complexion changes, finds out divine sense, sweeps away eight sides, tries to seek for the source of this strange aura.

Army who many are battling , was forced to stop, felt that oneself fell into the mud, was hard to move.

Surrounding every inchs void, as if turned into the rich blood deep pool, is sincere and bloody, is filling the depressing aura.

„Hahahaha, do one crowd of presumptuous waste, really think the person many useful?”

„Today all of you must be buried along with the dead for my Hell, really thinks that our rest innumerable years, haven't really prepared to this day?”

„Simply laughable, your destruction my Hell, will have second and third Hell to brave...... my Hell even later is kills not.”

„You were treated as the spear/gun to cause by that Gu Changge, really thinks that Spring Breeze Jasper Building and he hasn't related? The destruction my Hell, quick Spring Breeze Jasper Building will become second.”

„One group of laughable idiots.”

Hell most deep place to the high palace, resounds laughs cold, just like the mighty bell to sweep across shocks eight sides.

Other Dao Achiever outside abatement three Palace Lord, were to also come to make an appearance at this time.

The quantity are not many, but body is filling astonishing fiendish qi every people, just like dark Ruler, is indifferent and terrifying, as if once slaughtered 100.02 million people.

They have swept many Dao Orthodoxy armies in this side world, in the eye is the ridicule of undisguised.

Its Hell this World and ordinary Ancient World are undifferentiated.

After the blood and Heroic Soul sprinkle every inchs void and land, inscribes in this World ancient sacrifical writing, was lit.

In the palms of three Palace Lord True World, is not others, but belongs to that most mystical Lord of Hell.

After the palm True World and this side Ancient World fuse to overlap completely.

Steps into this World all lives, their life and death will all be decided by Lord of Hell!

This is Hell dares to make all influence Dao Orthodoxy pay the heavy price energy location.

Lord of Hell is true Ancient God, from the endless remote time, has survived the present.