#609: The cat catch mouse game, is a senseless fellow( sought subscription)

Although the time of Outer Territory Heavenly Demon invasion less than a half year, has however caused the enormous panic and disaster in their world.

Many older generation exist(ence) are the assertions, when next Outer Territory Heavenly Demon invades on a large scale, is their world falls to the enemy thoroughly shatter the time.

Therefore many have reached the Earthly Sword Immortal level supreme expert to gather various large amounts, tries to seek for the law of decoding.

But this time exterminates the Heavenly Demon source, by Shu Sect current Sect Master, was known as a flat sword day the playing chess sword immortal proposed.

Her father is their world illustrious extremely strong being, when facing this type is critical, naturally not responsibly chooses rushed to that crack to go, tries to prevent this disaster.

What a pity several months passes, her father did not have the message.

Person who other go together, just like clay ox entering the sea such, vanishing does not have the trace to be boundless.

Afterward, she is hiding the truth from mother, steps that road that the father once left.

If the father dies there, she must bring ~ his skeleton comes back.

Before finding father's trail, she cannot- suffices dead here.

Many trains of thought come back, let the facial expression of young girl- had absent-minded some.

Actually when she across that space crack, has not thought that another side besides fearsome space turbulent flow as well as various types of chaos storms, can be various boundless and heavy/thick world aura.

Under that type of serious aura, combat attire that even if her father kept for her initially, was still is hard to support the moment on shatter.

She has not gone out far, saw that crowd of familiar Outer Territory Heavenly Demon kill.

They control copper color war ship to come, is boundless and terrifying, probably palatial Demonic Mountain, goes through in the space turbulent flow.

The surrounding various fearsome chaotic aura, cannot prevent them.

At that time, the young girl understood finally desperately, the great strength of Outer Territory Heavenly Demon, is far from they can contend and resist.

Even if was known as that invincible Earthly Sword Immortal, in this place is also difficult.

However Outer Territory Heavenly Demon can actually go easily and freely, controls various types of terrifying weapons, extinguishing heaven and earth.

Such a group of fearful enemies, how do they also resist?

Facing that crowd of Outer Territory Heavenly Demon, she has not escaped many are held, on hand and foot on heavy shackles by handcuffs, cannot use slight cultivation base, becomes with the average person not different.

Then she was detained in an ice-cold and moist cage, crossed dark and frightened some time there.

Was good because of afterward, she discovered came to exterminate the source with her father the senior, was detained unexpectedly in her side.

That senior injury is very serious, had not soon gone on living, but is dragging the remnant body, told her some useful news.

The good news is, her father had not been held by that crowd of Outer Territory Heavenly Demon, when key cultivation base breaks through suddenly, escapes into the chaotic space turbulent flow, later does not know the trace.

But the bad news is, that crowd of Outer Territory Heavenly Demon are only they now some influence in huge world , but is not all ethnic groups, its Great Terror degree, is far from they can contend.

What exterminates the source, that is only a joke.

This is how desperate news, true supreme expert has not come, all also in process of probe.

Otherwise they are impossible to repel that crowd of Outer Territory Heavenly Demon.

Afterward, that senior by the secret technique combustion remnant body, created. the confusion, assisted she to run away

However this escapes has not succeeded, she was held in the halfway.

The matter of only true good fortune is her indigenous people status has not exposed, tried to run away the local captive who to be detained with another crowd in one.

From the mouths of these captives, she gradually understood some news about this world.

„This world incomparable length and breadth is vast, is the All Heavens center, expert like the forest, innumerable, borders on each world, will therefore frequently present the aggression to attack and occupy the things of other world......”

The young girl look incomparable calmness, has not recalled these days matter again, starts to escape with single-hearted devotion.

She is very clear, that crowd of so-called Outer Territory Heavenly Demon, actually detain her influence on dispatch nowadays.

Great Yu Immortal Dynasty, even if in this length and breadth vast mysterious world, is the terrifying forces of super giant level, the inheritance time exceeded ten million years, stretched across many eras.

In the world that her lives, inheritance most glorious influence, is about several hundred thousand years.

In front of this colossus, is simply tiny like the ants, possibility that both have not placed on a par.

Hū whistling!!

Suddenly, hears a wind sound/rumor air-splitting, making the young girl facial expression change, quickly hid toward nearby blue stone corner.

Although she does not have cultivation base now in the body, but five feelings are extremely astonishing, can hear the sound that not far away transmits.

Some people pursued in her location the direction . Moreover the quantity are many!

She hurries to pull down the own breath, motionless, now she with mortal not different, facing one crowd of cultivator, simply does not have the slight life opportunity.

Now she can only pray that group of people have not discovered her trail.

„Well, had the prey the sensation to this direction a moment ago obviously, how to vanish suddenly?”

„Was my sensation is wrong?”

One group of well-dressed young men and women ride the ominous beast to catch up with this place, body all cover treasure splendor, is very uncommon.

The person of speech is one has regular facial features, brocade clothes man but who the complexion reveals the hidden in the shade slightly.

In his hand takes a treasure bow, seems preparing to bend the bow the nocking, kills the prey.

At this moment as if saw the prey to run away, on the face a surprised expression, is sizing up everywhere.

„Perhaps was our sensation made a mistake, or traded a direction to look?”

The side of brocade/bright clothes man, another appearance gloomy and cold man hears word corners of the mouth reveal to wipe the smile of ridicule, asked intentionally.

Others saw that also to smile, on the face has the cat catch mouse smile, echoed saying that „looked like that prey to run away, really pitifully, if we came earlier, can perhaps hold it.”

„Was really a pity, ok, trades a direction to look again.”

The brocade/bright clothes man is also a helpless facial expression, as if sighed, then the people rode the ominous beast to turn around to leave, must go to other regions to seek.

The young girls have hidden behind the blue stone, the whole body tightens, the incomparable anxiety, turned very quiet the breath, the whole body by the cold sweat moistening, does not dare to move.

At this moment hears the sound that the people leave, long breathes a sigh of relief.

However she is very discrete, has not made an appearance directly, but continues to hide, planned that and other time securities leave finally.

Passed several quarters, the young girl felt finally the crisis eliminated, that group of young men and women go in other direction, has not discovered her trail.

Her whole person is almost weak from the blue stone behind, the whole body is the sweat.

However in she plans to reveal the figure from the blue stone behind , to continue to escape time, laughs from one side transmits suddenly in addition.

Incomparable towering, just like startling thunderclap in same place crack.

Hears this sound, young girl whole body one stiff, on the face the look becomes a pallidness immediately.

Although there is a reason that the dirt covers up, but can look at her anxiety and unbelievable as before.

However she is not an average man, quick makes oneself get back, vision incomparable calm calm, then closely looks is riding that group of young men and women on ominous beast.

The small hand under sleeves, grips tightly that insufficient inch short-sword, just like small tabby cat that will soon plunge the enemy.

„Ha, this fellow also really can not discover her for us.”

„Simply is laughable, I like looking at their types from the hope to the facial expression change of despair, on the moment also thinks escape alive, the result next quarter falls into Hell, hasn't thought?”

„Really is interesting.”

„You are desperate, we were happy, this type looks at the prey to come to the verge of death struggling of time, simply was a life big pleasure.”

brocade/bright clothes man and the others rode the ominous beast to appear in another side of young girl, on the face has the smile of teasing.

They have not departed, but circled from other direction, then returned same place.

Therefore they have looked at young girl's many facial expression changes, from most starts the length that to breathe a sigh of relief to be astonished and unbelievable, the matter that before this is they hunt and kill prey, most likes handling.

After all possibly couldn't discover the trail of young girl by their strengths?

However brutal ridiculed as well as teases facing brocade clothes man and the others.

The young girls actually displayed the rare calmness and vicious at this moment, brings the black color pupil slightly the mighty waves, as if placed oneself in the extra mundane is ordinary, did not have the fear, fear and despair that brocade clothes man and the others want to see.

This expression made the smile on their face also vanish gradually, the brow of brocade clothes man wrinkled, was very disgruntled.

„Really is a senseless fellow, at death's door was on the contrary confident?”

The facial features gloomy and cold man spat in a low voice scolds one, was quite uncomfortable.

Because young girl not such as their hoping, reveals any panic-stricken or the despair, let alone is begs for mercy and so on.

This made them feel suddenly the matter became senseless.

„You , to live, could kneel we, we will perhaps let off you.”

The brocade/bright clothes man light opens the mouth, facial expression aloof and remote, has the bestowment pitying attitude.

If the young girl knelt to ask favor to them at this time, sheds bitter tears to live, then they can reveal slightly a point lets off her thought that then when she, kills her hopefully again.

How regarding to suffer the person, they have one set very much.

However disappointed the brocade clothes man as before, the young girl facial expression was that aloof, was calm and vicious, as if can be desperately ordinary with them momentarily.

„This senseless fellow, killed, without meaning.”

„Gives you three time of breath to escape, three breath cross, can escape my arrow, looked at your destiny.”

brocade/bright clothes man light opens the mouth, as the words fall, starts to bend the bow the nocking, nearby accompanying takes out several to contaminate the light azure arrow arrow to give him, obviously on these arrow arrows is contaminating the poison.

Even if damages by abrasion a skin, can want a cultivator life within the short time.

Moreover on the way of following escape, along with the fear and pain, anything could not do, can only wait for arrival of death.

Hears brocade clothes man saying, the young girl facial expression had some changes, turns around to escape toward behind swamp.

There miasma soars to the heavens, fills various types of silt and poisonous insects, this group of well-dressed young men and women, will not definitely pursue to there go.

„One and three......”

Whiz whiz whiz!

The brocade/bright clothes man corners of the mouth bring the curve that wipes the ridicule, just counted a time, has not continued the number to get down again, but pulls the bow to shoot directly to the direction that the young girl is running away.

The arrow arrow air-splitting, has the fearsome howling sound, just like stream of spirit rainbow, broke out on the swamp big piece sludge directly, reveals the following dry river bed.

Both sides many ancient wood blast out under this aura, let alone did not have cultivation base in the person of body, even if were the mortal body powerful ominous beast, will also be shot to explode by an arrow at this time, destroy both body and soul.

Others look at this scene, the facial expression bring the ridicule and pitying, calmly is waiting for young girl killed that moment.

In their opinion this will not have any accident/surprise.

„Will I die here?”

The young girls have not thought the brocade clothes man will keep one's word to her captive, therefore starts to escape immediately, but speed far inferior behind arrow arrow.

In her mind is only left over such a thought now, under foot staggers, the whole person falls into the biogas digester residue directly.