#569: Concerns the life and death important matter, I think that you should rescue her( sought subscription)

„Does old friend look for me?”

In the palace, is sitting cross-legged to sit, body has silver radiant plain rune twinkles Xiao Ruoyin, hears outside the palace the disciple report/give report voice, suddenly opened a pupil.

Her brow is wrinkled, Jiang Chen looks for her in the guess.

These days she treats in the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace station, has not gone out, has not known today in Star Plucking Building the matter.

„Yes, this is the correspondence that Senior Sister Ruoyin your old friend holds me to send, you glance.”

The disciple respectful opens the mouth outside palace said that in the hand takes the correspondence.

Pondered over, Xiao Ruoyin nods, sets out to walk toward the palace outside, a little wants to know that Jiang Chen looks for her is anything.

Happen to she also wants to look for Jiang Chen, plans to attempt to bring back own Good Fortune Immortal Boat.

However, when Xiao Ruoyin opens the correspondence, was actually shocked, black eyebrow ~ wrinkles all of a sudden very tightly.

„Is Niu Tian he looks for me? Isn't Jiang Chen?”

Some Xiao Ruoyin complexion changes, the handwriting on correspondence, only then she- understanding.

The content is also very simple, writes Jiang Chen to have difficult, needs her to help.

This makes her a little hesitant, must see Niu Tian in the consideration.

After regaining consciousness Grand Fate Priest memory .

Beforehand these friends, including Niu Tian, Jiang Chen, actually in her opinion immaterial, so long as does not affect her to restore the peak to be good.

In world myriad laws, only have Great Dao alone one.

Because Jiang Chen is Good Fortune Immortal Boat Artifact Spirit the reason, is quite to her special, needs excessively to pay attention.

„What did Jiang Chen meet to trouble? Needs Niu Tian to come from me to pray for rescue?”

Afterward, the Xiao Ruoyin complexion restores the nature, thought carefully, decided that sees Niu Tian.

In the inn outside Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace, she soon in the content according to correspondence, found Niu Tian in corner.

„Ruoyin, did you come?”

Is knitting the brows Niu Tian that waits for painstakingly not to think that Xiao Ruoyin will come that quickly, raised the head to see her, the facial expression on face is somewhat pleasantly surprised.

In his opinion, Xiao Ruoyin sees him quickly, explained that cares to the Jiang Chen life and death very much, will not stand by.

However nowadays Xiao Ruoyin, before him familiar that Xiao Ruoyin has very big discrepancies actually.

Although the appearance changes is not big, but is actually passing an this solitary one cold aura of detached smoke and fire, as if the fairy maiden of child of Moon Palace, may ride the wind to go momentarily.

The white clothing is floating, the black hair dances in the air, the facial features have no time fairly, the facial features are fine, the pupil clear in brings to make one ponder over the airtight profoundness.

With Niu Tian stands to compare excitedly, Xiao Ruoyin actually appears very tranquil faint, looked at his one eyes, said, „what Jiang Chen did fall into to trouble? Needs you to look for me?”

Her words are light, not with the meaning that the old friend talked about old days.

This feel alienated faint appearance, lets the Niu Tian smile is also all of a sudden stiff on the face, seems somewhat awkward and unbelievable, then sits slowly.

His heart smiles bitterly is deeper, is somewhat disappointed, thought that present Xiao Ruoyin is really strange.

This makes him think these days, Jiang Chen and he complained, many changes of Xiao Ruoyin mentioned.

„If not the matter is urgent, I actually do not want to trouble your, but I really had no other alternative. Now estimated also only then you can rescue Jiang Chen...... he to be very dangerous, concerns the life and death the important matter, today in Star Plucking Building, was sent people to grasp by Gu Changge.”

Niu Tian deeply inspires, calms down, then today many things, informed all affairs big or small to Xiao Ruoyin.

„Jiang Chen was he caught by Gu Changge?”

After listening to these words, the brow of Xiao Ruoyin wrinkled all of a sudden, felt that this matter is very thorny, does not think like Niu Tian is so simple.

She now side Gu Changge, is as though treading on thin ice, cautious, completely not like the people think comfortable free.

How can she rescue Jiang Chen?

„This does not have the matter of means that today in Star Plucking Building, Jiang Chen his camouflage was looked through by Gu Changge, it is estimated that now is being detained , the life and death is difficult to predict.”

„Falls in Gu Changge that cruel and merciless person hand, Jiang Chen he will estimate by inhuman suffering. If no one saves him, it is estimated that is very difficult to live.” Niu Tian said with a sigh, during the spoken languages had sad intent who was difficult to cover.

„How you will think that I can rescue Jiang Chen?”

Hears these words, Xiao Ruoyin silent , the facial expression is unrelieved, but the sound asked lightly.

„Gu Changge is so good to you, I think that Ruoyin you should have the means that so long as you catch a chill in the Gu Changge ear, perhaps the sentiment, looks in your face, he will put Jiang Chen.”

hears word, Niu Tian smiles bitterly to say actually.

A Xiao Ruoyin black eyebrow wrinkle, she does not know that Niu Tian this is the truth, is purely teases.

What kind of person Gu Changge is, isn't he clear?

If she dares to persuade in front of Gu Changge, what the consequence can be?

Moreover how does Gu Changge think?

At that time her the situation perhaps became worse.

„Ruoyin do not misunderstand, I actually do not have other meaning. Initially Gu Changge from the dungeon emitted our times, should know you and Jiang Chen relations.”

„Looks in this friend's relations, you to the words that he asked favor, should have nothing.”

„If you really do not have the means that I also can only seek his plan in addition.”

Niu Tian saw Xiao Ruoyin silent, in the heart somewhat was unavoidably anxious, was worried about her to reject, the hurried explanation said.

„I knew, I do everything possible. But can rescue Jiang Chen, I am also unwarrantable.”

Silent long time, in the Xiao Ruoyin heart sighed, later complied to say.

She also knows has no other alternative now, has no alternative.

If Gu Changge kills Jiang Chen, she cannot bring back own Good Fortune Immortal Boat.

No matter stemming from what reason, she must find the way to rescue Jiang Chen, at least cannot make him be killed by Gu Changge now.

„That was good, I know that you will certainly comply.”

In the Niu Tian surface one happy, long breathes a sigh of relief.

After obtaining granting of Xiao Ruoyin, later he has not stayed for a long time, quickly said goodbye to depart, feared that brought the censure to Xiao Ruoyin.

In his opinion, Xiao Ruoyin can obtain today's position status, will pay anything inevitably.

Besides the beauty, he cannot think that Xiao Ruoyin body also has other anything.

„Really is not free from worry to me.”

After seeing Niu Tian leaves, Xiao Ruoyin shakes the head, pondered over, then the place of location goes toward Gu Changge these days.

She knows that tomorrow Gu Changge will lead the person to capture Kun Mountains to rescue that Ji Family ancestor, when the time comes does not know wants wastes how much time.

If not make the best use of the time to see Gu Changge, the next time does not know when must wait till.



At this moment, in the moist dim dungeon, a young people whole body is the blood, incomparably distressedly stupor in place.

Next quarter, as basin cold water sprinkles suddenly, he quickly grasps the meaning of something, opened the eye suddenly, performs is the blood threads, but also remains the anger and hatred meaning.


Nearby prison guard sneers saying that put down in the hand the cold water that prepares to throw.

The Jiang Chen facial expression from restores soberly, to crawl gradually confusedly difficultly from the ground.

At this moment, he felt that the oneself whole body severe pain, the skeleton does not know many roots, the five main internal organs (entrails) burst, after the old man of that steward appearance patted a palm, simply compares by a mountain is depressed also wants uncomfortable hundred times.

If not for he has Sacred Body of Good Fortune, perhaps not only receives this wound is so simple.

„Where is this?”

Afterward, Jiang Chen looks all around for a week, sizes up this place the environment, notices on the wall to have many bloodstains and grasps the mark, passes through the shoulder blade specially the ice-cold chains.

Obviously is somewhere the dim dungeon.

Then, he pays attention to arrive the profound clothes man before him.

Jiang Chen trembles immediately, in the look is difficult to cover the humiliation, anger and hatred.

„Attends to............ the song long!”

His eye is staring stubbornly, nearly squeezes out these three characters from the tooth.

In Gu Changge behind, but also is standing Ji Yaoxing and Ji Chuyue two people.

However Ji Chuyue does not dare with the look contact of Jiang Chen.

Before at the banquet, Jiang Chen has been looking toward her, although she understands, but has actually been dodging his vision.

Nowadays is also so.

„It seems like your wound is not heavy, strength speech.”


Gu Changge smiles lightly, nearby prison guard hands over cup of tea that for him brave the steam.

He shouted one at a moderate pace lightly, appeared the extremely leisurely and carefree nature.

„I must spell with you!”

Looks that Gu Changge this overlooks the optional appearance, the Jiang Chen tooth was about to bite, could ignore the whole body severe pain, and he went all out on the strategic place.

However he has not begun with enough time, a nearby prison guard facial expression cold, direct foot tramples toward him, scolded, „was dissolute in front of Young Lord! Do not bring about own destruction!”


Now the whole body is wound Jiang Chen, how also to stand such a foot, immediately a blood spouts, is also mixing with many internal organs fragments.

The whole person flies directly horizontally, falls falls on the wall, seeming like distressed.

Ji Chuyue some do not endure, but in the Gu Changge front, does not dare to say anything.

„Younger sister, these words were you come to say with him personally.”

Ji Yaoxing sees that shakes the head, was worried that makes Gu Changge misunderstand anything, opens the mouth to say to Ji Chuyue, wants her to cut off among the relations with Jiang Chen personally.

As the matter stands, can let her and Jiang Chen loses heart, do not have the fantasy.

Ji Chuyue small face some blanch slightly, hears this saying, saw Elder Brother oneself, looked at will indifferent Gu Changge one, later clenches teeth, faces forward cruel-heartedly.

, Seemed like thought through gradually generally, the facial expression on her facial features, became a tranquility slowly.


„I know that your body lord, the heart has the difficulties. I do not blame you.”

Jiang Chen crawls from the ground, is looking at her, as if guessed correctly Ji Chuyue must say anything.

However at this time, he showed the smile of understanding.

„Jiang Chen, unrequited love, until now aren't you clear? Why will your status expose?”

Ji Chuyue shakes the head, the sound becomes said indifferently, you who „know the limitation are Young Master Gu use. Young Master Gu is broadminded, perhaps can also forgive your life, does not count your beforehand crime of offending.”

„Chuyue, you are not no need to say these, I know you am not such person.”

Hears these words, Jiang Chen tolerates the whole body severe pain, actually smiled.

He understands that Ji Chuyue is forced.

She is a good-hearted miss, will not make to divulge the matter of his status trail.

Present, is installs.


A Ji Chuyue black eyebrow wrinkle, in heart secretly anxious.

Her is rescuing Jiang Chen, so long as his little darling is obedient, is Gu Changge uses, he can live, why couldn't he have understood?

„It seems like you have not as if wanted to understand that this matter, such being the case, I am straightforward the point to tell you.”

„Ji Family must rescue their ancestors, but you carry Divine Source Master inheritance, can help Ji Family in Kun Mountains, when the time comes after rescuing the Ji Family ancestor, you are the Ji Family benefactor, and even the Ji Family ancestor will also feel grateful in you.”

„Aren't you have the idea to Ji Chuyue? When the time comes has the Ji Family ancestor to support for you, making you be the Ji Family lucky son-in-law, is not the not possible matter.”

Gu Changge smiles lightly, beckons with the hand, interrupts the words that Ji Chuyue must continue.

He walked, another hand embraced the slender waist of Ji Chuyue suddenly, making her look at dumbly all of a sudden in same place, the facial expression on small face a little felt helpless.

„Gu Changge what do you mean?”

Sees that the Jiang Chen complexion becomes ugly, the eye spit fire, wishes one could reducing Gu Changge that hand simply.

The Ji Chuyue head is also humming sound, whole person stiffly in same place, does not dare to move.

However, Gu Changge as if cannot see the Jiang Chen facial expression, or looks but not see his vision.

He is smiling as before lightly, puts out a hand to caress front this as pretty as a flower, to pass the jittery small face.

„You also looked, Ji Chuyue does not want to make my concubine.”

„You , if not think that she looks like so plays with by me today at will, I think that you should find the way to rescue her.”

„Rescues the Ji Family ancestor, may get married Ji Chuyue, is the Ji Family lucky son-in-law. Was pinched by me. These two choices, your oneself chooses one.”