#472: The suspicion is the hands and feet that Gu Changge moves, but does not have the slight evidence( sought subscription)

Compared with the examination place on, Xiao Yang and Gu Wudi two people are away from ten zhang (3.33 m) relative and stand, each other body has the powerful aura to leap.

Almost all disciple and Mountain Lord line of sight falls on their body comes, is staring at this war carefully, guarantees the fairness.

However before the battle, a palm of the hand size, just like hill dark green azure little seal, actually falls from the place of upper air, has the enormous and powerful aura to interweave, above has bit by bit Chaos Qi to let fall.

The same time, the entire Nine Great Mountains destiny is actually the gathering comes, bit by bit silvers are shining, incomparable eye-catching, just like the galaxy is ordinary.

Even can see nine palatially ancient, flows the immortal splendor mountain phantom, appears together above the vault of heaven.

This is the incomparably vast boundless strength, probably nine real exist(ence) immortal mountain, can suppress the present age, matchless.

All disciples and Mountain Lord, the vision the great seal that ups and downs in the upper air cannot help but attracted by this, reveals the meaning of respect.

Even Gu Changge also looked, in the eye pupil has the Great Dao rune twinkle, is deducing this thing.

Finally his pupil narrowed the eyes, some looking pensive.

„This thing is Nine Mountains Immortal Seal, really also has the innate trace, is also not the least bit off compared with it Slaying Immortal Gourd and Remote Antiquity Diagram, even is more mystical?”

„The world before with Taboo Era is related?”

In the Gu Changge heart somewhat speculated, this thing should not be the Acquired refinement.

But is innate must come, even with the Nine Great Mountains origin, has much to do with.

Because of Nine Mountains Immortal Seal, thus established Nine Great Mountains in the later generation.

Innate Qi that type bright cannot look straight ahead, can easily suppress acquired item, Chaos Qi that twines, is heavy/thick boundless.

„This thing related to the evolution of Nine Great Mountains, is maintaining the Nine Great Mountains innumerable years the mysticalness and aloofness, has the view, if controlled Nine Mountains Immortal Seal, is innate is then in an impregnable position in Nine Great Mountains.”

Celestial Deer Profound Maiden sees Gu Changge to pay attention to this thing, the corners of the mouth holds several points of light smile, said.

Gu Changge nods, he knows that these years, Nine Great Mountains is collecting Eight Desolates and Ten Domains Power of Faith.

But Nine Mountains Immortal Seal exist(ence), then can cause Nine Great Mountains disciple cultivator, can cultivation by these Power of Faith well.

In this regard, somewhat is actually similar to Upper Realm Human Ancestor Palace.

However that side Human Ancestor Palace, Gu Changge laid aside Golden Cauldron of Destiny, can collect the Upper Realm belief to use for oneself.

Above Nine Mountains Immortal Seal, he saw actually this innumerable years, many Power of Faith that Nine Great Mountains gathers.

„According to the agreement, the old man suppresses and Xiao Yang same realm your cultivation base, can have the objection?”

But at this time, the Second Mountain Lord form, appeared in compared with the examination place on, unemotional, is opening the mouth to ask to front Gu Wudi.

Many Mountain Lord here, Gu Wudi was not naturally worried that Second Mountain Lord will play what trick, in the surface shows the smile, nods saying that „Second Mountain Lord acts although, under same realm, my self-confident three moves can suppress Xiao Yang.”

Seeing him is so self-confident, the Second Mountain Lord vision concentrates, carefully looked at his several eyes, had not discovered that anything is unusual.

No matter the aura also or the strength, does not have the sweeping change with beforehand Gu Wudi.

However he is very discrete, make a move suppresses Gu Wudi cultivation base time, investigated under his body situation while convenient, has not detected not the right place.

„This old fogy, unexpectedly also secretly make a move investigation, snort/hum!”

Third Mountain Lord obviously noticed the Second Mountain Lord petty action, cannot help but sneered, somewhat disdained.

He regarding the own apprentice is very self-confident, in three moves takes Xiao Yang, absolutely does not have any issue.

Quick, under everyone's gaze, Gu Wudi cultivation base was suppressed and Xiao Yang same realm by Second Mountain Lord.

Only if Dao Achiever make a move, otherwise no one can untie this limit.

„Such being the case, that idle talk little said, starts.”

Xiao Yang does not have the favorable impression regarding Dao Child Gu Wudi, this fellow once felt embarrassed him repeatedly, now is also of solemn a appearance Gu Changge dog-leg.

His this saying saying ended, body then emerged the fearsome aura.

stream of divine talisman interweaves to reappear from the skin, probably a piece by piece galaxy mysterious and vast ancient symbol.

This belongs to Nine Great Mountains supreme divine ability, domineering peerless, made instance.

This place as if there is mountains and rivers to be billowing, the sun and moon avalanche, submerges to go toward Gu Wudi, the whole person stands arrogantly void, just like god.

Meanwhile, he offers a sacrifice to his magical artifact, is azure precious pearl , has the thunder crack, under lets fall the stream of principle, protects to be one of them him.

„What? Does Little Junior Brother begin unexpectedly on own initiative? Did not say that supports the Dao Child three moves, can win this gambling to make?”

„It seems like we underestimated Little Junior Brother, at this time, does dare to take the lead to begin unexpectedly?”

„Worthily is Little Junior Brother, is deep Second Mountain Lord true inheritance, when same realm, I and others absolutely did not have his such power and influence.”

„The Little Junior Brother strength, cannot be underestimated, if it seems like selects the time to him again, catching up with Dao Child is not the issue.”

The facial expressions of many disciple somewhat are shocking, discusses spiritedly, obviously before is, has not seen Xiao Yang make a move earnestly.

Many people thought that this fights his odds of success is not big, but somewhat vacillates at this moment.

Several Mountain Lord, is the vision narrows the eyes, by them the vision as Dao Achiever, naturally can see Xiao Yang imposing manner is different.

„Since takes the lead to my make a move?”

However is different from the high-spiritedness of Xiao Yang.

In the Gu Wudi eye pupil the golden ray flashes, the expression of whole person in this moment, suddenly becomes somewhat indifferent.

Especially the makings, had and a moment ago the entirely different change.

All Mountain Lord gaze at this scene, the eye pupil is narrowing the eyes, felt that Gu Wudi seemed like displayed secret art.

Which type however this secret art is, they are unable to know, can only , when Gu Wudi has the chance.

„This feeling what's the matter?”

The Second Mountain Lord expression had some is not right, he looked at Gu Changge one of the not far away.

Seeing its facial expression as before is the appearance of having a relish, does not know why always has an anxiety.

He has made Xiao Yang make the completely safe preparation obviously, even gave him many powerful magical artifact, as well as Silver Moon Combat Attire protects the body, may as before be anxious, is not peaceful.

Arrived his realm, many premonitions are not rumors, but catches a change of mysteriously and inexorably.

„Gu Wudi, this move, is to make you understand, you disrespecting to Eldest Senior Sister!”

Xiao Yang had not detected Gu Wudi is not right.

This moment he was covered by dazzling rune.

On Silver Moon Combat Attire has the glow to flow, even hair had a azure multi-colored sunlight.

The pupil light is shining, shouts angrily, shows the tyrannical method, killed toward Gu Wudi.

He does not have the choice to contend, but initiates an attack, for the Eldest Senior Sister air vent!

„Does not know so-called, laughable.”

However Gu Wudi at this moment seems exceptionally indifferent, begins in Xiao Yang instantly.

Faces forward to lift the fist merely, has the vast and terrifying fluctuation fills the air.

Even obvious faint True Dragon phantom, appears in him behind, proudly however comes, to face forward also to search the claw, the scales are dense, might tear All Heavens, the power and influence is astonishing.

„This is the dragon fist in True Dragon technique, worthily is Dao Child, displays and others to be entirely different from me, were many an invincible power and influence!”

„Was too strong.”

Many disciples are one startled, looks at this scene attentively.

They can recognize this technique are Nine Great Mountains absolute art, almost all person metropolises.

But always feels and their oneself displays, is entirely different.

„Dao Child regarding the attainments of this technique, is somewhat astonishing.”

Several Mountain Lord vision concentrate, is somewhat astonished.


The next flash, in everyone shocking vision, Gu Wudi this fist pounds to fall suddenly , not unnecessary fluctuation, may actually seem like the day to collapse turns round.

Eye-catching radiance erupts, True Dragon seemed spans the ancient times, reappeared in the horizon, vast dragon prestige, may extinguish All Heavens.

Bang, trembles void, as if will be cracked, made Xiao Yang directly all attacked shatter.

rune are dim, finally obliterates, even protects in the precious pearl of top of the head, trembles unceasingly, almost drop gets down.


He is a blood spouts, unbelievable, the eye opens the eyes greatly, reveals for several points with amazement, flies upside down, pounded to fall on the ground.

If not for there is Silver Moon Combat Attire to protect the body, he does not cough up blood is so simple now.

All disciples and Mountain Lord, the expression somewhat is shocking, is unable to believe.

Even if some Mountain Lord , not possibly self-examines in same realm, displays this degree this technique evolution.

„Dao Child looks like usually hidden is very deep.”

Several Mountain Lord associated to anything instantaneously, looked to Third Mountain Lord.

In their opinion, Third Mountain Lord is experienced and careful, does not make Gu Wudi reveal the real ability intentionally, for waiting on the day.

However this moment Third Mountain Lord somewhat is also stunned, but quickly restores the nature, he understood the own disciple very much, therefore a moment ago some indeed vibrations.

Usually in Gu Wudi has not shown the so strong strength to come out.

Naturally he treated as is Gu Wudi hidden quite deeply, to even his Master , not clear situation.

„It seems like invincible brother's strength, cannot be underestimated.”

In nearby Gu Changge, smiled at this moment gently, as if somewhat acclaimed.

hears word, Celestial Deer Profound Maiden looked at his one eyes, although does not know that Gu Changge made anything to Gu Wudi.

However Gu Wudi can have the present strength, perhaps cannot withdraw the relations with him.

„Is impossible, will your strength, be so how strong?”

The Xiao Yang corners of the mouth belt/bring blood, crawled from the ground, some humiliations, more cannot believe.

His style, obviously is more powerful than the Nine Great Mountains disciple of same boundary.

Even can jump the ranks to fight by this divine ability, but facing Gu Wudi time, actually some palpitations, do not beat in him unexpectedly.

This and his estimate can say completely differently.

„Even my first move could not keep off, how did you also keep off my second move? So waste, but also attempts to revenge?”

The Gu Wudi facial expression is to actually appear somewhat indifferently, somewhat ridiculed, walked at a moderate pace toward him.

Whole person body has the golden light to be steaming, one lets fall continuously, seems incomparably dim.

This is Gu Wudi Universe Dao Body, the people see the terrifying scene suddenly, meteors appear in it behind, gathers to come unceasingly, finally changes to the heaven and earth universe, seems the innumerable swords, cuts toward front Xiao Yang.

He has not begun, by the great strength of oneself physique, shows powerful talent merely.

This is a method of song person, meteorite to become soldier/weapon, falls toward Xiao Yang suddenly, must die his suppress and kill.

„Gu Wudi what's the matter?”

Second Mountain Lord felt that this moment Gu Wudi, with that person that he usually in understands, has very big disparity.

Which however the disparity, this could not say.

The Xiao Yang complexion changes, cannot believe that this can be he Gu Wudi with realm can display.

Especially that facial expression of his present, making him think of Gu Changge inexplicably.

„It is not right, this person now absolutely is not Gu Wudi, is he!”

Thinks of here, Xiao Yang incomparably assuredly, looks angrily to Gu Changge.

However Gu Changge as before is that having a relish appearance, gives his feeling seems like looking that small ants jump to stumble.

Next quarter, rumble in sound, meteors obviously, dense and numerous, pounds to fall to go toward Xiao Yang.

The quantity, just like the misty rain, making all disciples feel the palpitation, first time fearfulness of realizing Gu Wudi.

Xiao Yang complexion ice-cold, offered a sacrifice to one after another magical artifact, had countless divine glow to make.

The same time his strength of bloodlines was touched, suddenly to/clashes fiery red phantom from within the body.

That is Immortal Phoenix, is very ancient, although is fuzzy, but is difficult to cover the honored proudly aura, spreads the wings, scarlet rosy clouds sprinkle, just like the sea of fire, must resist this to strike.


Everyone looks at all these with amazement, can only see that Gu Wudi walks toward Xiao Yang at a moderate pace, in the surface full is indifferent.

Meteors evolve in him behind, seems inexhaustible, changes to sword qi and blade glow, huge incomparable, falls to go.

Suddenly this place is brilliant, the terrifying fluctuation, making everyone some with amazement, sufficiently any Saint Realm exist(ence) tearing.

Even if Xiao Yang magical artifact is numerous, but is to also be hard to resist now, the complexion fluctuates unceasingly, body shock.

The injury is not good, then coughed up blood again, finally in that precious pearl together with top of the head, was shaken flies.

The next quarter, the Xiao Yang eye stares suddenly in a big way, stuffy, the whole person flies upside down.

When does not know, Gu Wudi has appeared in his front, a fist pounds to fall, if the potential is extremely heavy, void avalanche.

The terrifying strength, making the Xiao Yang five internal organs play tremble, crashed along with the skeleton, the reappearing crack, the injury was astonishing, put out the blood unceasingly, is also combining the internal organs fragment.

Although he has Silver Moon Combat Attire to protect the body, but cannot stimulate to movement its strength truly, can only save the life.

Otherwise this fist gets down, he has blasted open, became one group of blood fog.

„Three moves have crossed, do you have what words to say now?”

The Gu Wudi complexion is very indifferent, suddenly stepped in Xiao Yang, making him unable to raise the head completely, the sound passed is making the cold air that one trembled.


Xiao Yang only thought that the incomparable humiliation, the tooth bites tightly, because he knows that front steps on him is not being Gu Wudi, but is Gu Changge.

Gu Wudi he is not absolutely strong.

All disciples thought that Dao Child at this moment is very strange, but its powerful absolutely without a doubt, three moves have crossed, Xiao Yang routs completely.

If not depends on that Silver Moon Combat Attire, perhaps he died early.

„It seems like this war, does not have the suspense.”

Several Mountain Lord vision are complex, are fixing the eyes on Gu Wudi, as if must see through it, but by their abilities, can only see that the Gu Wudi condition day for peace has very big disparity.

But actually displayed Nine Great Mountains absolute art, as well as its talent, in same realm three moves of steamroll Xiao Yang!

„Victory and defeat already difference.”

„Doesn't Second Mountain Lord recognize at this moment?”

Looks at complexion ugly Second Mountain Lord, Third Mountain Lord sneers to make noise, body has the fearsome aura to reappear.

Plan of greatly word not at earliest convenience war.

„Today this competition, indeed lets broaden the outlook below, Second Mountain Lord this disciple is indeed uncommon, but compares it invincible dao brother, as if missed much.”

Gu Changge is also smiles at this moment, during the spoken languages actually appears somewhat ridicules.


Second Mountain Lord is fixing the eyes on him, the complexion seems exceptionally ugly, his suspicion is the hands and feet that Gu Changge moves, but does not have the slight evidence.


ps: Said, because the author fungus is quite lazy, does not love a minute/share of chapter, will therefore frequently present the big chapter of number of words is quite many, was verified, causing APP is unable to read the latest chapter the situation.

Encounters this verified situation, subscribed could not see that will not deduct money, did not believe oneself to look to subscribe the backstage. Therefore this situation, I will separate the big chapter generally, is not the reproduction one pinches the rotten money.