#417 Part 2: Perhaps is with a child, he is person of the unfeeling, matter( sought subscription)

„You must leave Monster World.”

The Empress Yao Xi pupil closely stares at him saying that what used is not the question tone, but affirms the tone.

Gu Changge very natural walks, smiled, „matter was solved, naturally should also return to Upper Realm.”

Empress Yao Xi is cruel enough does not abandon , in the surface the serene said/tunnel, „that you took care.”

„If you think that I remain, I can consider actually.” Gu Changge looks with a smile to her.

„Real?” In Empress Yao Xi heart slightly happy, raised the head suddenly, pupil slightly bright, decides is gazing at him.

„Is naturally false.”

Gu Changge spoke thoughtlessly saying that „this words you also letter/believed.”

„You......” in Empress Yao Xi heart some vitality/angry, but has not said anything, facial expression slightly gloomy.

„For you, I decides to treat some time again.” Gu Changge smiled, taking advantage of opportunity naturally gripped her supple foreign.

„You must leave are, Monster World and Upper Realm are not far, the Transmission Formation method moment arrived.”

„Why so to while away the time I?”

Listened to him saying that in the Empress Yao Xi heart was somewhat joyful, but restored the past Empress appearance, the words appeared the desolate dignity.

„Woman, how likes hypocritically.” Gu Changge shakes the head slightly.

Half a month later, outside imperial palace.

In the Empress Yao Xi standing erect wind, the black hair dances in the breeze, looks at Gu Changge and the others the form to step into distantly returns to Upper Realm Transmission Formation, after not being able to see a back, this takes back the vision.

„Perhaps for half a month, can be with a child?” Serene Moon Monster Emperor appears in her behind, the tone has the complex ridge.

„, He is not person of the unfeeling, will not make such matter happen.”

Empress Yao Xi shakes the head slightly, the tone has being able to say flavor, but the heart somewhat loses unavoidably disappointed.