#397: Did not mess up two names to me, that waited( sought subscription)

Hears this saying, Empress Yao Xi recovers, the vision also falls, looks to that blue clothes man.

Her black eyebrow wrinkle, stretches gently, said, „this person named Jun Fan, is Pacifying Rebellion Heavenly King three, at the present in my Monster World, belongs to extremely dazzling Heaven's Chosen.”

„A few years ago by Pacifying Rebellion Heavenly King conceal, until has been started to show talent for the first time recently.”

Each region as Monster World Empress, her informer distributes, the nature understands many young Heaven's Chosen clearly.

Probably Song Yuewei and Jun Fan this class Heaven's Chosen, actually before is very early, comes into her line of sight.

Initially she established the Black and White Academy goal, to scrape together Monster World each region Heaven's Chosen, used for her finally.

Without the accident/surprise, today's Heaven's Chosen feast, Jun Fan will meet the reaching top three inevitably.

Thinks of here, her is somewhat happy, has rarely seen so splendid Heaven's Chosen, in the future will praise in Monster World inevitably.

Gu Changge hears word, some interested tunnels, „Pacifying Rebellion Heavenly King Third Son, this name is a little actually special, Jun Fan.”

„Relates with Jun Bufan what?”

Hears this saying, lowers the head to stand in Empress Yao Xi behind Qing Zhu, the complexion turns white slightly, but is good to lower the head, no one can see.

Empress Yao Xi looked at Jun Fan one under mountain, nods, said that „initially I knew all these times, is a little astonished however.”

„Pacifying Rebellion Heavenly King is I promotes single-handedly, his several child family backgrounds, I am also clear, therefore this matter I do not have excessively to care.”

Pacifying Rebellion Heavenly King is the character who she knows the whole story.

Therefore regarding this very close heir name, she has not suspected anything.

Moreover itself Jun Fan cultivation talent, is really dazzling, making her have pitied heart.

She thinks that Gu Changge is suspecting anything, therefore explained such a.

Gu Changge smiled , to continue saying that „that present looks like, this man named Jun Fan, somewhat is actually uncommon, I look at his strength, compared with other peers, a big truncation.”

„Jun Fan and Youwei, make me somewhat pleasantly surprised actually.”

Empress Yao Xi also said with a smile, looked to another similarly dazzling Heaven's Chosen, Song Yuewei.

The speed of her mountaineering, is not slower than Jun Fan on many.

Moreover she seems like has not put forth the full power, appears free ease, the women's clothing is floating, has feeling of the scholarly family.

Never struggles, falls behind Jun Fan slightly far the position.

Many pairs of her make a move Heaven's Chosen, has tumbled, in heart with amazement.

The Song Yuewei strength, cannot be underestimated.

„I look am not only pleasantly surprised that simple......”

The Gu Changge vision is still interesting, intent has referred.

Nearby Holy Mountain, everyone looks at this scene, is in the heart praises without cease.

Especially the Jun Fan father, Pacifying Rebellion Heavenly King, in the facial features is difficult to cover the happy expression.

He has not thought completely Jun Fan rides to be above mundane thoughts unexpectedly, the steamroll peer, had stepped 100 eight dao platform steps, many Monster World Heaven's Chosen, were suppressed by him, is not his opponent.

This makes on his face have the face very much, listening to thinking highly of surrounding many colleagues, to envy the sound, the smile has not stopped.

„Fan'er may really not make for the father disappointed!”

In his heart incomparably sighed, Jun Fan big brother and second sister two people, is on the face the belt/bring smiles, with glory entirely.

„The Lian'er elder sister, you said that young man, is the person who we must find.”

Hides Bai Hua in crowd and Bai Lian'er two people, at this moment is also focusing on many scenes above Holy Mountain.

The person of speech, is Bai Hua, in his facial features is the meaning of shock.

The Bai Lian'er look is indifferent, said, „mistakenly, that person absolutely was he, besides him, Monster World younger generation, no one can be so the strength now.”

Listens to the affirmation in Bai Lian'er words to mean, the Bai Hua complexion is also the change several times.

„Why he must at this time, mount the top of Holy Mountain, according to truth Empress Yao Xi is not the person of his most hate, why can also so?”

„He did not fear that was discovered his status by Empress Yao Xi?”

His some unbelievable tunnels, are unable to understand the Jun Fan action.

The Bai Lian'er light say/way, „nothing but wants to prove oneself, even if dies and is reborn, he is also outstanding......”

„By liking being lived to hate, present he, in the heart absolutely is the hatred and anger, he will look for Yao Xi to revenge.”

However in the words, is difficult to cover sneers the meaning of disdaining.

Once the good and evil and Jun Bufan grew up together, she naturally was clear about its character.

Bai Hua hear looking pensive, asked that „that Lian'er elder sister, we also deferred to such that the master said that gave him the thing?”

Bai Lian'er hears word, in the facial features is actually somewhat scruple.

She naturally also saw in the summit of Holy Mountain, with Gu Changge that Empress Yao Xi goes on as if nothing had happened, this man who makes her unable to completely understand completely.

Why will come to Monster World as for Gu Changge.

She guessed that is comes for her, or comes for the brocade sack in her hand.

After all her father falls into the Gu Changge hand, so long as Gu Changge has the method naturally to be able slightly easily from its, interrogates and tortures the thing.

Otherwise will the time be so skillful?

Did she just arrive at Monster World, behind Gu Changge with?

Therefore now her actually two choices ; first, according to her father's request, gives Jun Bufan the brocade sack.

Second, to find Gu Changge, made a transaction with him, requesting him to let off the own father, but oneself gave him that brocade sack.

Therefore now her in the heart is intertwining, how must choose.

Is Gu Changge this person worth believing.

If Gu Changge can trust, she will choose the brocade sack gives him, to receive in exchange a oneself father life.

Jun Bufan now to her, is only a stranger.

Once two people almost grew up together, although is not the biological brother and sister, but the sentiment actually did not lose the biological brother and sister.

However all these, after meeting Yao Xi, changed.

She holds very high hope to Jun Bufan, wanting him to become Profound Yang Monster Emperor one generation of Monster Emperor like that the lid presses eight sides.

Finally Jun Bufan many behaviors, actually deeply harmed her.

Even if she warned Jun Bufan repeatedly, said that the Yao Xi thoughts were impure, is not that pure and good-hearted, but Jun Bufan that the surface saw actually never listened to advice, the loved not regret, died like the expectation finally.

In this period Jun Bufan even because of the Yao Xi matter, the evil intention stabbed her repeatedly.

All these, too many are too many.

In the end most cared Jun Bufan she, finally actually becomes the person who he most loathes.

Thinks of these, the Bai Lian'er corners of the mouth reveal the ridicule, initial she was too indeed silly, the present she wishes one could to span River of Time, once oneself will choke to death personally.

Because if not for this matter is the father's final request, how she may comply.

But when everyone state of mind varies, the summit of Holy Mountain, with the Jun Fan whole body illumination, many divine talisman circulations, last step falls.

On 108 stairs, immediately humming sound emanation trembling whining noise.

Finally there shines upon radiant radiance to come, scarlet orange yellow malachite green bluish violet, assorted interweaves, the pink clouds flow, incomparable dazzling and eye-catching, to demonstrate his first position.

The time, the four directions stir, makes the mountainous cry tsunami sound.

All Monster Clan people, look to move toward that blue clothes man of summit of Holy Mountain, in the eye reveal exclamation, respect, envying and other facial expressions.

„Is he!”

„Perhaps Pacifying Rebellion Heavenly King Third Son, has this speed, broken the record that these several thousand came?”

„Was too terrifying! Is his strength so strong? Completely behind steamroll everyone!”

„Grand Tutor only daughter Song Yuewei also falls behind him, simply inconceivable......”

Everyone shocks looks, never expected that at the Heaven's Chosen feast, some people will break the record that 6000 Years came unexpectedly.

Today sees, perhaps will trigger a Monster World big vibration!

„Broke the record unexpectedly......”

On the Empress Yao Xi face also in front of outsider shows the smile rarely, looked that to toward Jun Fan that her walks.

This talent, is indeed rare, makes her somewhat pleasantly surprised.

The Gu Changge facial features do not have the slight change, in the heart have a relish, nowadays Jun Fan stand is higher, the time of falling, naturally also falls is more miserable.

In the Jun Fan facial features is maintaining the neither arrogant nor servile facial expression, falls on the Holy Mountain summit quickly.

Looks in the Empress Yao Xi and Gu Changge of front with locating, in his heart somewhat some hiddens in the shade.

Under the summit, he has been paying attention to the above sound a moment ago actually, knew Gu Changge and Empress Yao Xi two people discusses really happy.

Although the manner has not had intimate or the place of overstepping.

But makes him very uncomfortable eventually, therefore he exposed under own real cultivation base, breaks the record of Heaven's Chosen feast at one fell swoop.

Now the crest of wave, does not have two for a while.

However, Jun Fan is maintaining several points of humble facial expression, walked.

„Jun Bufan is right?”

However the next quarter, the Gu Changge smile sound conveys, lets in the Jun Fan heart the shock.

The mind is buzz, just like knocked by resonant like a bell, bang makes noise, a blank.

His complexion changes, the first response is the whole body alert, plans jade talisman in crumb sleeves, making the subordinates of ambush in various places begin.

He cannot believe simply.

How Gu Changge does he know the own status?

Difficult to be inadequate is Qing Zhu betrayed him? Holds truthfully all these?

„, It is not right, you called Jun Fan, I messed up these two names.”

However, various thoughts in the Jun Fan heart flashes through, the vibration is unusual, plans to begin.

The front Gu Changge sound conveys again, brings suddenly general, with apology slightly.

Hears this saying, Jun Fan first stares, later breathes a sigh of relief at the same time, in the heart also somewhat is surprised uncertain.

He has not thought that was oneself in Jinshen was extremely anxious, this because of Gu Changge such words, had such big response.

Jun Fan does not know that the oneself performance, can reveal anything to be unusual.

Usually in he cannot like this.

Most mainly Gu Changge asked was too unexpected, making him unable to respond, especially was in front of Empress Yao Xi to ask.

„Jun Fan has seen Young Lord Changge, has seen Your Majesty Empress.”

Quick, Jun Fan restored calmly, salutes upon meeting toward two people said, the manner restored the nature.

Gu Changge visits him, the facial expression is inexplicable, later smiled said, „does not need to be overly courteous, today is seeing so Heaven's Chosen, making Gu broaden the outlook, felt trip has not been made in vain actually.”

Jun Fan hears word, shows the neither arrogant nor servile facial expression, said, „the Young Lord Changge erroneous approved, before you, how Jun Fan to be called the Heaven's Chosen two characters.”

Empress Yao Xi looked at Gu Changge one, does not know why Gu Changge will call to call Jun Fan a moment ago is Jun Bufan.

Difficult to be inadequate can be the wicked interest teases?

However a moment ago Jun Fan that changed with suddenly the tense facial expression, she also looked in the eye, in the heart felt actually somewhat funnily.

In her opinion, the response of Jun Fan is also really normal.

After all as long as had understood the Jun Bufan person, understands his name, is representing anything.

Hears Gu Changge to shout suddenly, the Jun Fan first response definitely is terrified, will express this mood to come, she feels actually no.

Most main reason, she knows the whole story to Jun Fan.

„Young Lord Changge do not frighten him.”

Empress Yao Xi smiled, slightly horizontal Gu Changge, exposes the smile in front of outsider rarely, later waves to hint court lady, is Jun Fan bestows the place.

The Jun Fan eyelid jumps, expressed gratitude respectfully and submissively, later was situated, the casting down one's eyes nose view heart, in the heart calmed down gradually.

Yao Xi a moment ago horizontal Gu Changge that facial expression, but falls completely in his eyes.

He is unbelievable.

Yao Xi now as Monster World Empress, how can show so the facial expression to the man, seems so affectionate?

So thinking, Jun Fan is restless.

However he was pondering over the intention of Gu Changge, really the lane mixed a moment ago, is the wicked interest, or other?

Then, he looked at Qing Zhu one secretly.

Sees Qing Zhu to shake the head toward him slightly, other not meaning, in his heart also breathe a sigh of relief, it seems like Empress Yao Xi has not discovered any exceptionally.

But is quick, is listening to the content that between Empress Yao Xi and Gu Changge talked.

Jun Fan complexion, somewhat faint is unattractive, but was restrained to constrain stubbornly by him, has not revealed any exceptionally.

Listens in him, two people conversation words, are among very familiar people will say.

Especially Empress Yao Xi, usually in elegantly beautiful solemn, serious in speech and manner, the living person do not enter, but nowadays actually and Gu Changge chats really happy.

Jun Fan deeply inspires, making oneself fast.

Lack of forbearance in small matters upsets great plans.

But is quick, in the white jade steps have several a form to appear, is other cultivation base is all profound, talent powerful young Heaven's Chosen, including Song Yuewei.

Jun Fan broke 6000 Years to come the record of Heaven's Chosen feast, this made in their hearts vibrate, envied at the same time, gave birth to be unwilling.

However in the Empress Yao Xi front, they do not dare to say anything, after saluting upon meeting in abundance, starts to take a seat, waits for Your Majesty Empress to bestow the governing liquor later personally, as well as many palace unique spirit food wait/etc.

Energy and dao rhyme good fortune that these things, the implication is all inconceivable.

Besides the governing liquor, the spirit food that at the Heaven's Chosen feast supposes, is the divine object that usually they cannot contact, priceless, may help them break through again.

However Heaven's Chosen feast also only then 108 seats, in other words in several tens of thousands of Heaven's Chosen, only then the first 108 people, have the qualifications to take a seat, obviously competes for the frigidity.

„The strength that the Jun Fan brother shows today, makes Youwei be startled.”

After taking a seat, Song Yuewei looks to being away from she not far Jun Fan, reveals the meaning of being startled, said with a smile.

The Jun Fan smile replied, „after all can expose the oneself strength in front of Your Majesty Empress an opportunity, was so rare, I naturally must firmly grasp.”

His saying obtained the approvals of many Heaven's Chosen, at this moment all looks to Empress Yao Xi on first place, in many young man eyes has the infatuated color.

Although the Empress Yao Xi facial features were covered up by chaos mist, does not see clearly.

But from this simple voice and face appearance, already beautiful to intoxicated, is willing falling to the enemy.

Song Yuewei regarding Jun Fan this reply, pours has not asked anything.

But she felt Jun Fan that today sees, with him who the past sees, has the difference slightly.

Past Jun Fan, so will not be high-profile, the conduct can seek, but rear drive.

However, she has not thought.

After all this is at the Heaven's Chosen feast, having the opportunity of being able famous, as young people, firmly will naturally hold.

Quick, the summit of Holy Mountain, 108 were filled with the person.

Everyone looks to Empress Yao Xi on first place, the facial expression is respectful.

„Banquet is full, on feast.”

Empress Yao Xi sets out, the pupil light has swept all parties, finally falls on Jun Fan, Song Yuewei and other faces, then light say/way.

Other Heaven's Chosen, have not caught up with enough time, heard the above some court ladies to announce finished, immediately in over the face dispirited regret drew back.

All monster Son of World people of nearby mountain range, and even many big shot, waits, incomparably envies is looking at this scene.

Each time Heaven's Chosen feast, they, although attended the ceremony, but can also feel many good fortunes that contains.




With three giant bell sounds, the sound spreads over all parties, the Heaven's Chosen feast then formally starts.

Among the banquets, the spirit food of stream of twinkle gloss and circulation multi-colored sunlight, came up by many maidservant ends.

And the fragrance greets the nostrils, divinity that the implication is inconceivable, making the person pore as if want stretch/leisurely to launch.

First is the spirit food, is various types of vitality powerful ominous beast meat the cooking, then supplements with many spirit grass, the effectiveness is astonishing.

Many Heaven's Chosen eat up first, spurts to be thin the flesh and blood from the pore, changes to flake continuous red mist.

The strength of vitality is turbulent just like the rivers and streams, then hurries to sit in meditation to refine same place, does not dare to waste the slightest.

The Jun Fan motionless look is paying attention to the Empress Yao Xi action.

Seeing her first is to make court lady first measure intoxicates, later will eat up, the so caution and care, has not surprised him actually.

However front these are the minor matter, the climax in behind.

„The Heaven's Chosen feast is divided into three feast, first is the meat feast and fruit feast, finally is the banquet......”

In the first place, Empress Yao Xi shows some happy expressions, is Gu Changge answers.

Gu Changge nods saying that makes noise to praise to sigh, „these meat are actually not simple, energy and good fortune that the implication is inconceivable, if usually in wants to refine, is actually very difficult, but after the cooking, is actually temperate.”

He tasted several, is not worried about in these meat meeting exist(ence) poisonous anything.

The severing yin source he may refine at will swallows, let alone said many toxicants of this world.

But in the field, starts the first meat feast, many young Heaven's Chosen start unable to support, starts to sit cross-legged same place, the choice refining up, following fruit feast and banquet, missed with them.

After all this may others, their oneself be hard to absorb so many good fortunes no wonder.

Quick, the second dao fruit feast starts, carries is glittering and translucent carving, contains many dao rhyme spirit fruits.

The contour varies, the multi-colored sunlight spurts thinly, some surfaces even are also winding around spirit light, has the strange trace, is faint has the effect of grasping principles.

Sees the instance of this fruit, many Heaven's Chosen eyes were straight, in the heart vibrates, being hard calms down.

All big shot that waits and sees in the distant place, envies the envy, wishes one could to displace them.

„It seems like this time Your Majesty Empress to prepare this Heaven's Chosen feast, but got down the initial capital, actually even bodhi dao fruit also took.”

„Even if the imperial palace, puts out so many suddenly, perhaps is still the consideration for a long time.”

Many big shot feelings, envy, even to their realm, still incomparably earnestly sought bodhi dao fruit.

Because of this thing, can help them see the light suddenly the breakthrough, if meets the bottleneck, has greatly possibly breaks through very much, arrives at another piece of heaven and earth.

This type the thing, Empress Yao Xi actually also takes, makes them shock.

Quick, many Heaven's Chosen without hesitation, take up bodhi dao fruit in hand, starts to swallow to refine.

Even if Song Yuewei, received cautiously, shows the prudent facial expression rarely.

The Jun Fan look is invariable, swallows this fruit fast, does not want to pay attention to leave to be unusual.

The time, this place starts to fill the rich delicate fragrance, the multi-colored sunlight interweaves, shines upon the vault of heaven, the dao sound reverberation, resounds through all parties.

„After the meat feast and fruit feast ended, is the climax above this banquet?”

Looks at many to be in a state of sudden enlightenment Heaven's Chosen, Gu Changge have a relish asks.

Empress Yao Xi nods, in the smile has the silk mysterious flavor, said, „for the this time banquet, I prepared specially for a long time.”

Gu Changge visits her, the smile seems somewhat inexplicable, said, „that I poured wait.”