#346 Part 2: If the Son of Destiny pain the blade twists, these days had anything( sought subscription)

„You go, I did not disturb you.”

„Actually this matter you do not need to inquire my.” The Gu Changge smile said, has the intoxicated refined bearing, appears even more mild elegant.

Is under permission of Gu Changge, Xiao Ruoyin gently un, the facial features seemed somewhat happy.

She does not know why must be under permission of Gu Changge, in her opinion this is the subconscious behavior.

Quick, Gu Changge and Hei Yanyu leave, not meaning of meddle.

„Host/Master......” some Hei Yanyu complexion doubts looked at Gu Changge one, somewhat starts to speak but hesitates, very puzzled Gu Changge action as well as treats the Xiao Ruoyin attitude.

In her opinion, Xiao Ruoyin talent, although is very strong, but is far from the degree that arrives at this letting Gu Changge so to care about.

Moreover, she self-examined that somewhat knew about the Gu Changge personality, knows him to be Indifferent and cruel that absolutely, will not do to oneself does not have the matter of advantage.

This type wasted the time the bored matter, Gu Changge actually spent so the thoughts, that can only explain that this female named Xiao Ruoyin, as if has other functions to him.

„You do not need meddle, to observe closely their trails to be possible.” The smile on Gu Changge facial features collects, the look returned to normal faint, said lightly.

„Yes.” Hei Yanyu felt relieved, respectful say/way.

To be honest, before saw Gu Changge is so good to that Xiao Ruoyin, she somewhat envied, why couldn't she obtain?

However now looks like, Gu Changge has other fish to fry.

This makes in the Hei Yanyu heart balance much.