#318: Young Lord Changge is really worth admiring, Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch clue( sought subscription)

„These days we are also inquiring the Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch whereabouts to Purple Mansion, but Purple Mansion does not know.”

„The Qing Xiaoyi incident, we naturally cannot forget, but Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch is missing, wants to seek for Qing Xiaoyi, is difficult, is no different looks for a needle in a haystack.”

„It is not I and others idled, but is this matter, inhuman in one's power.”

Elder cannot bear sigh.

Although Supreme is strong, but if wants, in the opposite party deliberately hid in the situation of figure trail to find the opposite party, was very difficult, almost did not have the successful possibility.

They also once according to the elder brother bloodlines of Qing Xiaoyi, tried to deduce its location

But two people are not one's own brother and sister, without blood relationship.

Finally does not have the means that can only give up.

His saying also makes many Heaven's Chosen expressions on the scene change, detected a subtle meaning.

„It seems like will have the good play to look.”

„Young Lord Changge does not let off this matter as before.”

Purple Mansion as Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch behind supreme Great Cult, how also possibly unclear about its trail.

After all Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch cultivation technique inheritance came from Purple Mansion, Purple Mansion only needs through the small method, can determine Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch location.

„It seems like Purple Mansion was plans to shelter Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch.”

„As supreme Great Cult, it indeed has this boldness and strength.”

Several Heaven's Chosen look at each other one, all understood the opposite party look meaning.

Heard Elder saying that Qing Feng was also the expression bitter and astringent say/way, „Purple Mansion is will not care about my such unimportant person from the start, in its front, let alone the younger sister was taken prisoner, even died a tragic death its, they were impossible to care. aloof and remote, overlooks all, but in their eyes Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch future hope......”

„However I and younger sister, small ants that but may pinch conveniently.”

His saying made many Heaven's Chosen silent, feels a sorrow of unimportant person.

Is his younger sister is taken prisoner obviously, is he is helpless, the qualifications of even revolting against do not have.

Numerous 883 people silent.

Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch behind Purple Mansion, that rather for its offends other Dao Orthodoxy, must shelter the Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch ruthless stubble.

After all Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch is only possible to have the relations with Demonic Art Inheritor.

But this „possible”, can be cancelled because of Purple Mansion exist(ence) momentarily!

When the time comes, who because of this matter, with splitting Purple Mansion?

„That looks like should be Purple Mansion is intending to conceal the Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch trail.”

„Is difficult to be inadequate Purple Mansion to plan to brave big of the world candidly, planned that shelters Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch to be inadequate?”

Gu Changge hesitates, slightly sighed one, then said, „you felt relieved. Since has complied with matter, I naturally cannot shirk.”

„Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch as well as it behind Purple Mansion are so rampant, perhaps this time Demonic Art Inheritor mixes in True Immortal Academy, has the relations of being able to withdraw with Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch.”

The people heard that the word look changes, never expected that Gu Changge, even if were injured, is still strong, does not forget this matter.

Many people also thought that he may heal from a wound safely, has no time to care about this matter.

But looking back now, Gu Changge is determined Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch clutching.

„Young Lord Changge a promise that can be counted on, the personality, made me and others admire!” Numerous Heaven's Chosen said after a sigh submissively.

„Many thanks Young Lord Changge.” The Qing Feng leaf understands Gu Changge this words meaning, immediately over the face gratitude said.

Gu Changge beckons with the hand.

Several Elder look at each other one mutually, smiles bitterly very much, this matter they do not dare easily to meddle in any case.

Does not try to keep the favor of both sides lightly, heavy meets a cruel death, destroy both body and soul.

Afterward, after the people see Gu Changge, one by one asks to be excused.

Finally, only had Gu Xian'er to remain, her some appearances of starting to speak but hesitating.

„Before me, you do not beat around the bush.” Gu Changge is actually calm and composed, in the hand is carrying the teacup, drinks tastes lightly.

Besides Gu Xian'er, by him is also standing Ji Qingxuan.

„Gu Changge by your present condition, but can also meddle this matter?”

A Gu Xian'er black eyebrow wrinkle, is worried about the Gu Changge injury slightly, but Gu Changge his oneself, actually a point does not care.

„Copes with Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch that's all, anything is good to care.” Gu Changge regarding this and does not care.

As before the Gu Xian'er brow wrinkles is very tight.

„Do not show off power.”

„If at that time I did not comply with Qing Feng casually, will not curl you......”

She is a little guilty and rebukes oneself.

Gu Changge smiled suddenly, puts down the teacup, at a moderate pace say/way, „unrequited love, feels me for you.”

„Is Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch he is just keeping off my road, in addition, I suspected that he and Demonic Art Inheritor has been in cahoots.”

„Perhaps I can find Demonic Art Inheritor because of him. Gu Xian'er your character does not change, which day I gave to sell you, perhaps you must count money for me.”

„Good, was I unrequited love. In any case is your body, is not my.”

„Injured thinks that I will care?”

Gu Xian'er does not care about Gu Changge these to taunt, coldly visits him.

This time she, glancing a pupil was cold as ice and frost.

Said that she leaves the face, skirt sleeve is floating, takes off/escapes the dust to leave vulgarly, brings intermittent immortal qi, left the main hall directly.

„This girl was really incurable.”

„Before punching bag lovable.”

Gu Changge shakes the head slightly, nearby Ji Qingxuan hurries for him the tea in teacup on full.

„Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch Junior Brother Junior Sisters, whether now also stays in the Black Tortoise ancient country?” Gu Changge swept her one eyes, asked lightly.

„Also remains, has not left, does the young master want to begin to them?” Ji Qingxuan nods, somewhat asked curiously.

Purple Mansion that is a colossus, inheritance is glorious, is very ancient.

Even if in many Imperishable Dao Orthodoxy and supreme Great Cult, entering front row that can also arrange.

This is also the reason that many Elder dread.

Although her behind hidden world Ji clan is ancient, but actually declined, but has not declined even, cannot compare the Purple Mansion terrifying ancient background by far.

„Begins? No, how will scholarly amiable I begin to them?”

„Just wants to ask them to drink cup of tea.” Gu Changge smiled, said at will.

Ji Qingxuan stares slightly, later nods, although she follows the Gu Changge time to be inferior that her elder sister Su Qingge is so long.

But she is very intelligent, something points pass, does not need to talk too much.

For example clarity that some character customs of Gu Changge, she also understands.

Ji Qingxuan felt that Gu Changge had actually seen her unusuality comes, but had not exposed.

From some usual words, she can feel that interested of Gu Changge, looks like makes fun of the small pet.

At that time, most discomforting anxious.

This makes the Ji Qingxuan back be moistened by the cold sweat frequently, the heart mentioned the throat each time, finally discovered that Gu Changge also spoke thoughtlessly asks a saying, and did not care.

This feeling, just like walks in the cliff, will meet a cruel death carelessly.

Ji Qingxuan thought that Gu Changge is intentionally so.

Followed Gu Changge also for sometime, outside world many hearsay were very not in her opinion real.

No matter mild-mannered and cultivated also good, domineering rampant, is not right.

Ascertains airtight.

Only has these four characters, can describe.

„Passes on me to tell, goes to the Purple Mansion disciple station, please come them.”

„If they do not come, that did not use politely, the suppression of this/should suppression, should hit remnant hitting remnant.”

Afterward, Gu Changge opens the mouth again, making Ji Qingxuan tell this matter.

Ji Qingxuan does not dare to delay, was hurried to transmit orders.

Gu Changge strokes gently the teacup that white jade is making.

The pupil color is gradually profound.

He starts to consider other things.

During this period, except for the major Dao Orthodoxy influences, starts to pay attention to Demonic Art Inheritor exist(ence), dispatching major expert to search for outside its trail.

Another matter , the stir shocked entire Upper Realm.

Heavenly Sovereign Mountain and Buddha Mountain two Ancient Existence fight, character who it is said these two exist(ence), once were the Achieving Dao failure.

Present cultivation base, only misses the frontline from Achieving Dao.

That war happened in Beyond Heavens, but is widely separated by trillion li (0.5 km), has the vast fluctuation to transmit as before, the earth-shattering, shocks eight sides.

The surrounding area the stars within 1 million li (0.5 km), change to the ashes dust.

As for result that fights, no one knows, some people said that the Buddha Mountain Buddha is slightly better, some people said that Heavenly Sovereign Mountain exist(ence) is stronger.

In brief, has wide divided opinions.

But through this matter, Bodhisattva Jin Chan was also advanced storm Jiankou, many people from many Heaven's Chosen mouths, knew account.

Heavenly Sovereign Mountain and Buddha Mountain battle reason.

Then, is caused by this Bodhisattva Jin Chan completely.

as monk not only not have mercy at heart, instead thwarts, caused Prince Shen encounters Demonic Art Inheritor to be murdered.

Many people called him for the monster monk!

„Monster monk? It seems like Heavenly Sovereign Mountain this resentment has not swallowed, happen to can look for a divulging place to them.”

Gu Changge thought of Purple Mansion, at this time must ask an idiot first to initiate the charge for him.

Pondering over, is Heavenly Sovereign Mountain this spendthrift and foolish is best.

„So long as the Heavenly Sovereign Mountain hatred has not disappeared, at this time will definitely notice Purple Mansion, I happen to can give them a signal.”

Gu Changge smiled, lifts the chess to fall, the entire checkerboard changes vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, probably is suddenly spectacular, mysterious and unpredictable.



Meanwhile, from a Black Tortoise ancient country not very far big mountain range.

The grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks and cliff live certainly, ancient wood is big, branch camouflage vault of heaven.

The mist flutters here.

Void, has the glimmer twinkle unceasingly.

Examined carefully words, will discover that this is stream of very concealment mysterious rune.

These rune are covering eight sides, condenses to become concealment formation mark.

At this time, even if in the upper air had Supreme divine sense to sweep, was impossible to discover here unusuality.

Because these concealment formation mark are very excellent, in addition in the surroundings of mountain range, but also arranges various concealment functions magical artifact.

In the place of formation mark covering, is a left uncultivated vestige.

The palace building and pagoda of temple collapsing was covered with the moss, very ancient vicissitudes.

The martial-looking man who wears the purple long gown, the black hair shawl, the facial features are passing a righteous qi firm and resolute, is sitting cross-legged in this place.

Silk threads radiance, falls in torrents from the vault of heaven probably, finally in that trace by his forehead was absorbed.

Also many Heaven's Chosen near the purple robe man, Human Race and Immemorial Race all have, the vitality is powerful, for its Protector, all around inspection, incomparable vigilance.

Purple robe man Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch.

Is planning to refine the day sunlight, thus solves his Immortal Dao Heavenly Eye problem, looks whether to discover the law of decoding.

To be completely different from everyone, actually Purple Yang Heavenly Monarch has not left the Black Tortoise ancient country is too far.