#211 Part 2: I am quenchless for the Demon Lord demonic nature, ruse of inflicting an injury on oneself patho play performs( sought subscription)

„Gu Changge do not deceive oneself and others, your megalomania, at this time, then is also proud, has not accepted others' good intention, does not accept others' help......”

The Gu Xian'er sound trembles, at this time soon cried anxiously.


However Gu Changge actually cannot hear her words to be the same.

More terrorist demonic qi, covered him instantaneously, making him seem like more indifferent brutal, already not many mood.

„Gives you way out not to walk, must wait for death, is simply stupid.” His facial features are tranquil, said lightly.

Then, the big hand searches, must begin toward Gu Xian'er again.

„Gu Changge, you awake quickly, be not occupied the consciousness by the demonic nature!”

Sees this, Gu Xian'er complexion one white, shouts greatly, wants to awaken the Gu Changge original consciousness.

Obviously, the Gu Changge present consciousness was occupied by the demonic nature again, this is not he.

„I am I, why can awake?” Gu Changge light say/way.

Saw with own eyes that this palm must pat falls on Gu Xian'er body.

The next quarter, his facial expression changes again, seems like the schizophrenia.

The sound brings thick cruel and ice-cold, „does not permit her.”

Falls along with the words, the Gu Changge facial expression renounces indifferently, rune, are hidden suddenly under.


The entire arm rumbles to blast out suddenly.

Then, the Gu Changge condition as if has also been alleviated.

That terrifying aura also stagnates, the demonic nature starts to diverge tidal.

He closes the eye, the facial expression returns to normal, calmly stands in same place, motionless.

this scene, making the Gu Xian'er whole person be shocked, then the tears silent fell the face.

„Gu Changge......”

She brings the weeping voice, this in her opinion, is Gu Changge to protect her, but is resisting with the demonic nature in within the body.

How otherwise can he offer this bad plan to come?

Gu Xian'er had not seen, she hidden a petal peach blossom under sleeves, the above glow vanishes suddenly does not see, becomes gloomy.

That is fuzzy phantom, does not look clearly.

If Gu Changge really must to her kill, phantom on this petal peach blossom, recover absolutely.

This point, Gu Xian'er does not know completely.