Seeing the incredible appearance of those who are powerful in supernatural powers, Deng Yifei said: "why, do you think I'm lying?"

He said that the 30% probability of successful breakthrough in the field is already very conservative!

They are the top experts of the old magic realm. They can get the "holy spirit sword" and their promotion to the realm realm is a sure thing!

Thirty percent of him was afraid that the ninth floor would scare them all!

"We didn't mean that!"

Many top experts of supernatural powers shook their heads.

Deng Yifei is not the kind of warrior who likes to boast. In addition to his love of killing people, he has a good reputation. If he keeps his word and says that he will kill the whole family, he will not let one go!

Besides, with Deng Yifei's current position, people certainly don't need to talk.

"As long as you can maintain peace on one side, I will protect you. If you can satisfy me, I will help you to become a powerful person in the field!" Deng Yifei turned his head and looked at Cai Zhengxuan, "this condition is also effective for you!"

When Deng Yifei left, more than 300 family leaders left the hall.

The topics they talked about were almost inseparable from Deng Yifei's promise.

There is no way. As the leaders of the first-class forces, they are almost all supernatural experts.

After becoming a supernatural realm master, what they care about is how to break through to the realm!

And Deng Yifei drew a big pie for them at the meeting just now!

"Deng Yifei doesn't look like the kind of person who speaks freely!"

"Yes, Deng Yifei is extremely arrogant. He disdains to talk. Since he says he can increase the assurance by 30%, there must be three levels!"

"Three layers That's great

"Maybe Deng Yifei has a unique way to break through the field? You see how old he is, he has broken into the field

"It seems that it is good for all our forces to join the aurora Pavilion At least we don't have to be afraid that the inheritance of family and clan power will be cut off suddenly! "

"Yes, a few days ago, the NANs and the Zhous in nanshangcheng were fighting very hard, but now they probably can't fight!"

"If we all join the aurora Pavilion together, we should reduce a lot of disputes. In the future, the nine sub cabinet owners will have to mediate conflicts!"


Cai Zhengxuan left the hall with Deng Yifei. Along the way, Cai Zhengxuan was thinking about Deng Yifei's words.

"Master, are you sure you can help other people break through the field?"

"Yes, it's not just three levels. If your willpower is strong enough, I can even cultivate you into the field!"


"Really Deng Yifei changed a tone and said, "specifically, it depends on how much ability you have and whether you can satisfy me with what you do."

Cai Zhengxuan looks at Huo sining, and he finally understands the information that Huo sining revealed for him in his last speech.

Deng Yifei seems to have some unique ability to help people improve their strength.

I just don't know if there are any side effects.

However, Cai Zhengxuan guessed that there must be some side effects. If not, Deng Yifei would not need him!

"When will the aurora Pavilion work?"

"It is estimated that it will take half a year. We need to count, protect and collect all the cultivation resources of CAI state!" Cai Zhengxuan deliberated, "it also involves a lot of personnel appointments. We need to consider the balance of some forces, but the most important framework has been set up, and the rest is easier to clear up!"

"Well, it's up to you!" Deng Yifei stood for a moment, turned his head and looked at Huo sining, who had already broken through to the early stage of the magical realm, "sining, you come with me!"


When he came to a small courtyard, Deng Yifei held back his servant girl and looked at Huo sining: "what happened to those second and third rate forces? Have you finished cleaning? "

"With the cooperation of CAI Zhengxuan, our plan is very smooth!"

Of course, it's very smooth. The second class forces are the forces of those who break heaven's boundary. As for the third class forces, of course, they are the forces of those who are born with heaven's boundary!

Cai Zhengxuan randomly sent a few supernatural powers to help clean up these small forces!

If it is usual, other first-class forces and top forces will never allow CAI to do so. Unfortunately, they have Deng Yifei behind them now!

No one dares to disagree with their actions!

"And the little ones? What's the progress of cultivation? How was your performance this time? "

Those little guys, of course, were Deng Yifei's nine disciples.

Originally, Deng Yifei intended to cultivate them for a period of time, and then let them set up an assassin organization to be attached to the stinging bee, and gradually improve their strength by assassinating the villains.

But now that he controls the state of CAI and establishes the aurora Pavilion, his nine disciples have no need to be affiliated with the stinging bee organization.

When Huo sining took people to wipe out the second and third rate organizations, Deng Yifei also told her to take the nine people to see the world.Huo sining carefully looked at Deng Yifei and said in a low voice: "my Lord, two of them are dead!"

"Two dead? I don't seem to have ordered you to let them charge ahead? " Deng Yifei some discontented said, "I just want you to take them to see the world, with your strength close to the supernatural realm, it seems not difficult to protect them?"

"I know, I'm wrong!" Hosning nodded busily.

"How on earth did they die?"

"One of them was killed with a sword by a fleeing inborn warrior At that time, I was entangled by three top martial artists who broke heaven. I didn't pay attention! "

"And one more?"

"Another one was affected during the fighting When I found him, he was already a corpse... "

In the red blood sword, Chen Hao can't help laughing when he hears Huo sining's story.

He seems to understand!

He understood why Deng Yifei lost two of his nine disciples!

It must be the two dead people. Their lives are not hard enough!

The holy spirit sword is only a part of the red blood sword, but the talent of "killing the master" in the holy spirit sword is born. Although it is far less immediate than the outbreak of bad luck, it is still no problem to influence the luck of those small sword owners!

Chen Hao doesn't think it's a pity to die.

Anyway, they are just consumables, the kind destined to be eliminated.

If you want to be the master of the red blood sword, you can't be without any luck.

When Deng Yifei heard Huo sining's description, he calmed down a little: "have you taken back the two Holy Spirit swords?"

"Take it back!"

"Give one of them to my nine disciples! You can take the rest for the time being. You can go to Huagu some time to check their cultivation, and then choose two of the best teenagers to come over! "

"What about the eight of them?"

"Arrange to work in the aurora pavilions all over the world. Let them start from the bottom and tell them not to disclose their relationship with me. Only when they reach the supernatural realm will I formally admit that they are my disciples!"

In the following time, Cai's actions continued to attract the attention of neighboring countries.

Many forces were forced to move out of the state of CAI. Those who could move were lucky. Many forces had no chance to leave the state of CAI!

The establishment of Aurora Pavilion also attracted the attention of other countries.

Those people are very clear that Deng Yifei must be standing behind the aurora Pavilion.

Deng Yifei is notorious in the southern region. Half a year ago, he was killed from the state of CAI to the state of Nanyue. Before he broke through the territory, there were some top forces who wanted to trouble him However, after he succeeded in breaking through to the realm, those who intend to trouble him in the realm of the strong also temporarily did not move!

Even the top forces don't want to offend a carefree field strongman for no reason.

To deal with Deng Yifei, a powerful person in the field The attitude of all the top forces is, unless you can kill them directly, don't offend them!

Once offended, it must be a one-time snuff out!

There is a rumor that Deng Yifei made Cai Guo, Xu Guo and Cang Yanzong yield to the strong in all fields

Although many of the top forces do not believe it, no one from Cai or Xu has come forward to clarify it. They also believe most of it After all, cangyanzong was really killed by Deng Yifei!

Therefore, the state of CAI nationalized all the cultivation resources, and the state of CAI gathered all the domestic forces to form the aurora Pavilion.

According to Deng Yifei's orders, Cai state tried his best to suppress the privileges of the warrior. These excessive actions were not interfered by the warrior forces outside Cai state!

It's because Cai Guo has Deng Yifei!

They don't want to offend Deng Yifei!

In three months, the aurora Pavilion of CAI state controlled almost all the first, second and third class forces in the country. The rest were just some micro families and martial arts practitioners who didn't need to care. They were doomed to be eliminated.

In just three months, the experts of the aurora Pavilion began to take action. With the official propaganda, the whole Cai Guo knew that there was a department of the aurora Pavilion!

Every city has a branch of the aurora Pavilion. Outside the branch, there is a big drum. Any civilian has the right to ring that big drum!

When the civilians beat that big drum, it proves that they want to sue a certain warrior.

Once the big drum is sounded, the aurora Pavilion must accept it. If the aurora Pavilion branch engages in malpractices for personal gain and covers up criminals, the person in charge will be jointly and severally liable!

As for supervision, there are three intelligence organizations secretly supervising.

The first is the black feather organization of the state of CAI, the second is the systematic supervision of the City chief office of the state of CAI, and the third is the stinging bee organization

Deng Yifei has asked Huo sining to say hello to Cifeng. Cai Guo will not target Cifeng any more. Instead, he will pay Cifeng a lot of intelligence fees every year. Cifeng needs to send someone to monitor the aurora pavilion to see if they have privacy, especially the big drum in each cityIn the territory of CAI state, the evil power was almost uprooted by Deng Yifei and Cai state.

The gang forces either leave the state of CAI, or send experts to join the aurora Pavilion, and then carry out the transformation. They dare not do too much. In the past, the warlords wanted by the state of CAI fled from the state of CAI crazily, and they dare not stay in the state of CAI for a long time!

When the power of the whole state of CAI is combined, the aurora Pavilion all over the country is huge!

The public order of the whole state of CAI improved at a visible speed.

Even the civilians can clearly feel the improvement.

No one dares to ride a horse in the street any more. Although the warriors are still proud, their emotions are obviously restrained

Half a year later, all the cultivation resources in the state of CAI are under the official control. The metal and Lingshi mines are garrisoned by the army. There are also places where a large number of monsters gather. They are also protected by the army. It is forbidden to kill monsters without Keepsake!

Seven months later, the state of CAI gathered all the domestic Dan pharmacists in caidu, and all of them became the aurora Pavilion!

There's no way. When all the medicinal resources are controlled by Cai Guo, the elixirs must bow down.

Besides, after joining the government, there are many benefits. At least you don't have to worry about safety and materials. You can also communicate with other Dan pharmacists. It's much better than building a car behind closed doors!

With the help of the court of the state of CAI and all the martial forces in the territory, everything went on in an orderly way.

Only eight months later, the whole state of CAI was completely new!

After listening to CAI Zhengxuan's report, Deng Yifei's cold face rarely shows some excitement.

Cai Zhengxuan looks much thinner than a year ago, but his eyes are more vivid. Deng Yifei can feel his excitement, confidence and satisfaction through his eyes!

The eyes of real young people!

"Did you really do it?"

"I dare not say 100%, but 70% or 80% is no problem!" Cai Zhengxuan said excitedly, "when the public security situation in various places is linked to the cultivation resources obtained by the sub cabinet owners and members of the aurora Pavilion, they are all serious in their actions. It's only five months since the shelves were put up. The public security situation in various places has obviously improved. This is how the information from the city masters, sheriffs and black feather shows!"

"What do you say, sining?"

Huo sining said: "the intelligence of the thorn bees is similar, but they still reflected the problem to us. There are members of the aurora Pavilion who follow their own interests!"

Cai Zhengxuan said awkwardly: "there is someone's private intelligence from Heiyu. I have ordered a thorough investigation. I will never tolerate it. Rest assured, master!"

Deng Yifei said in a flat tone: "collect criminal evidence, conduct a public trial, and commit the same crime as the villain!"

"I understand!"

"But sining, Zhengxuan, recently, it's really hard for you!"

"No hard work, no hard work, this is what we should do!" Cai Zhengxuan said quickly.

Huo sining opened his mouth, heard Cai Zhengxuan's words, but closed his mouth.

She can see that in terms of flattery, she is not Cai Zhengxuan's opponent!

"Tomorrow you will go out with me. I want to go out and see how the aurora Pavilion works! After all, the aurora pavilion has any effect, not has the final say, intelligence is not intuitive enough.

"Shifu is going to make a private visit?"

"Weifu private visit?" Deng Yifei shook his head. "I'm not the emperor. It's a private visit. I just want to go out and have a look. You can go with me tomorrow! Look at the results of your efforts

"All right, master!"

Cai Zhengxuan agreed.

Anyway, even without him in the palace, the state of CAI would not be in chaos.

Huo sining nodded and said, "yes!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!