People like Cai Zhengxuan, as long as they control enough power, their future achievements should not be too bad!

On the 13th day when Deng Yifei was sitting in the palace of CAI state, the long-awaited war finally came!

He can clearly feel the terrible breath of the five strong people in the field.

Five strong people in the field!

Should not be cangyanzong!

In the whole state of CAI, the top force is cangyanzong besides the royal family.

Cangyanzong also has strong people in the field, but according to Cai Baihao, there are only three strong people in cangyanzong's field. All along, cangyanzong has been friendly to the royal family of the state of CAI, and has never shown much ambition, and rarely placed people in the imperial court.

In Deng Yifei's eyes, these five strong people in the field are most likely to come from the state of Xu.

The state of Xu looks like about five or six strong people in the field!

Thousands of years ago, the founding emperors of Xu and Cai were their colleagues. They led their own elite legions and were loyal to the Nanyue empire. However, after the collapse of the Nanyue Empire, the founding emperors of Xu and Cai began to annex and occupy the nearby land. Finally, they got together and gradually became angry!

The person who knows you best is often your opponent!

This sentence is also applicable between forces.

The one who knows the royal family of Xu state best is the royal family of CAI state!

A few days ago, Cai Baihao mentioned that if there are strong people in the field, the most likely one is Xu!

First of all, Xu Guo is strong enough!

Second, there is enough hatred between Xu and CAI!

Third, Xu is not far from CAI. For those who are strong in the field, it is not far!

He also told Deng Yifei about the life stories of several powerful people in Xu's field Anyway, by Deng Yifei's standards, they are not like good people!

"Cai Baihao, you go out to have a look, but Xu's guests are coming, you go out to meet them, don't let the battle spread to Cai Du!"

Although they were both at the beginning of the realm, Deng Yifei's divine sense was much stronger than Cai Baihao's!


Cai Baihao sighed heavily and took up the job of bait.

With a long sword, he flew directly from the palace to the outside of caidu City, while Deng Yifei also covered his face and followed Cai Baihao to leave caidu city.

The five strong people in the field obviously felt the breath of the two strong people in the field, and immediately chased the two people who fled!

After flying more than 600 miles, Cai Baihao and Deng Yifei are surrounded by five strong people in the field!

For the sake of his own territory, he has an outstanding strength. In the middle of the territory, he carefully looks at Cai Baihao and says to Deng Yifei, "I didn't expect that! We have surveyed the scene where you Cai family killed Deng Yifei. Five field strongmen should have died at the scene. I thought that all the field strongmen of Cai family had been destroyed. Unexpectedly, there were two field strongmen hidden in Cai family. To tell you the truth, I admire Cai family very much for this. If you were not lucky enough to meet Deng Yifei, maybe we Xu family would have been killed all the time By your Cai family

Cai Baihao sneered: "are you not afraid of Deng Yifei's trouble?"

"Why be afraid?" "We admit that he is very strong, but I believe that the five of us, even Deng Yifei, can kill him, but it may take more time All of you, Cai Guo, who are strong in the field, don't have much strength. You should be short of actual combat ability! "

Cai Baihao said: "at the beginning, that's what we thought!"

"You are too weak," said the Xu family

"Are you Xu Wuya? I remember that when you were young, you were arrogant and domineering. You raised three white tigers and monsters at home, and fed them alive every day? "

Xu Wuya, a strong man in the middle of the Xu family, frowned and said, "old man, who are you?"

Instead of answering Xu Wuya's question, Cai Baihao looked at a strong man in the field on the right side of Xu Wuya: "are you Xu Tianlun? Did you erase the building of Tongcheng? "

Blindfolded, Deng Yifei's eyes flashed with killing intention!

"I remember, you should be Xu Yongming, right? If I remember correctly, you need fresh human blood to practice the magic way, don't you? In the past six hundred years, there have been millions of people who have died in your hands? There may be some of us, the people of the state of CAI, and some of you, the people of the state of Xu! "

Deng Yifei has noticed Xu Yongming in black for a long time.

In Xu Yongming, Deng Yifei smelled a very strong smell of blood.

"It seems that you know us well!" Xu Yongming sneered, "old man, who are you?"

"Me? My name is Cai Baihao... "

"Cai Baihao?"

The five strong men in the field of Xu family in different periods look at each other, but they can't remember this person!

It's reasonable to say that the experts of the Cai family will pay attention to their talents, especially those who have the chance to break through the field!"You don't know me!" Cai Baihao said, "after all, I was an illegitimate child living in exile. I didn't recognize my ancestors until I was 37 years old."

Deng Yifei looks at Cai Baihao. Unexpectedly, there are many stories behind him!

"What about him?"

Xu Tianlun pointed to Deng Yifei and asked, "although he is masked, he looks very young. Is this the super genius of your Cai family in the last hundred years?"

"You are wrong!" Cai Baihao said with a helpless smile, "strictly speaking, he is still my enemy, the biggest enemy of our Cai family!"

The biggest enemy of the Cai family?

Who is the biggest enemy of the Cai family?

All the Xu family's strong men are looking at Deng Yifei.

Xu Tianlun is one of the most powerful people in the field of Xu family. He used to be the closest person to Deng Yifei, but he still didn't feel his breath, so he didn't recognize Deng Yifei.

However, the five strong people in Xu's field are all quick minded people!

Soon, a terrible thought appeared in their mind at the same time This person should not be

Deng Yifei tore off the mask, revealing his extremely handsome and young face: "ladies and gentlemen, I've been waiting for you in caidu for a long time. You're here at last!"

"Deng Yi..."



Without waiting for them to say a complete word, Deng Yifei burst out a dazzling light!

Open the field of holy sword directly!

He couldn't help saying it, he just shot!

In advance, Cai Baihao has told him all the crimes of the five frontier strongmen!

And just now, Cai Baihao said again that Xu's field strongmen did not refute Cai Baihao. Instead, they thought that Cai Baihao knew a lot

Those things can be settled!

Those who are strong in these fields deserve to die!

Is Xu Guo's five field leaders strong?

To tell you the truth, they are relatively strong!

But they are not as strong as they boast!

At least they didn't like what they said, five people can defeat Deng Yifei! , the fastest update of the webnovel!