Looking at the fading white light, the old man sighed: "the only pity is that this son is too kind and narrow-minded to see through the essence of human beings!"

After listening to the old man's words, Huo sining felt confused and totally unable to understand.

After the white light dissipated, Deng Yifei felt that the whole world was different!

In front of him, the world became more and more clear. Within 200 Li, it seemed that everything was under his control.

Is this the realm?

Is that the scope of his field?

For more than a year, he killed the villains and destroyed the evil forces in the northern part of the southern region, and reached the southernmost end of the southern region. Others were chased by the strong in the field, and almost lost their minds because of using the "holy sword field". He was on the verge of death for countless times.

Finally, finally, he succeeded in becoming a strong man in the field!

The real strong in the field!

His long desired goal has finally come true!

"Lord Jianling, are you there?"

Chen Hao said in a low voice: "yes!"

Chen Hao is also sighing.

I feel like I finally have a sword master who has broken through to the realm.

He didn't expect the sword master generation to be better than the other generation. It should be impossible.

It's just like a family can't expect all its descendants to be gifted.

Looking for the sword master is random. People are always flawed. Even Chen Hao can't tell whether the sword master is excellent or not Excellent swordsman can be met but not sought.

But after so many years, he still feels very happy to have a sword master who can bear the influence and curse of the magic sword and become a strong player in the field.

It is said that above the realm is the realm of enlightenment.

The top experts in the realm of enlightenment only exist in the central region, and the legend of the top experts in the southern region is the only one left.

If it was before, Chen Hao, as a demon sword spirit, was worried that the sword owner was too strong, and he might see through the essence of the red blood sword.

But he doesn't worry much now.

Concealment (opened): the red blood sword has the concealment ability. After opening the concealment ability, the sword spirit whose strength is higher than the red blood sword or whose rank is higher than the red blood sword can see through the disguise of the red blood sword. If the sword owner uses any skills attached to the red Blood Sword, it will be issued by the sword owner.

The red blood demon sword now has the highest strength in the realm. If you are not the highest master in the realm of enlightenment, you can't see through the disguise of the red blood demon sword.

At the peak of enlightenment, the most powerful can only barely see through the disguise of the red blood sword. If you want to see through the essence of the red blood sword, I'm afraid you need stronger strength.

Chen Hao doubted whether there would be such a warrior in this world!

Therefore, now that Chen Hao has reached this strength, at least in a short time, he doesn't have to worry about what Deng Yifei is aware of.

In particular, after becoming a strong player in the field, it is extremely difficult for Deng Yifei to continue to improve his strength.

Moreover, Deng Yifei is still not invincible.

He wants to achieve his dream, this road is full of thorns, doomed the whole world, are his enemies!

How long can he last?

To be honest, Chen Hao admired Deng Yifei.

I admire Deng Yifei's persistence, his pursuit and his determination.

Chen Hao did not expect that if he taught Deng Yifei casually, he could lead him to this road.

Deng Yifei's dream was also Chen Hao's dream when he was a teenager

Of course, this kind of dream is just an idea that happened in a moment when Chen Hao was still alive!

Just think about it!

Such a paranoid dream, at least a little more mature people, will not come true, and will not believe that it will come true one day.

Deng Yifei, who broke into the realm, was full of joy. His divine sense expanded and quickly locked Huo sining. Then he flew directly to her.

Just a few breaths, Huo sining appeared in front of Deng Yifei and the black robed man standing next to Huo sining.

He was surprised, just break through the field of joy suddenly disappeared, replaced by a strong vigilance!

Because just now, the other party did not appear in his divine consciousness.

It seemed that his divine sense could not perceive each other's figure.

Did you miss it just now?


You know, Deng Yifei not only practiced martial arts, but also cultivated spiritual power. His spiritual power has already reached the peak of supernatural realm, and most of the old strong men in the common realm of southern regions are not as strong as him.

Therefore, the strength and scope of his divine consciousness are also much greater than those of the early strong in the ordinary realm.

Deng Yifei swept his face again with his divine sense.

There is nothing.

In the perception of divine consciousness, the old man in front of us does not exist at all.

There are only two possibilities.

Either the opponent's hiding skill is very strong, or the opponent's strength is stronger than him!Deng Yifei preferred the latter.

After all, he just broke through in front of the other side and the other side didn't run away, which is enough to prove his confidence.

The other party is covered in black robes, and even his face is covered by a hood. This kind of guy who hides his head and shows his tail is not like a good man.

Deng Yifei has always been full of malice towards Huairen.

"Younger generation, has anyone ever told you that it is impolite to use divine sense to detect others at will?"

Deng Yifei did not care about the other party's words, but directly asked: "who are you?"

"My family name is mu. You can call me master Mu!" The old man said in a hoarse and harsh voice, "don't worry, I have no malice to you. If I have malice to you, the girl around me would have died long ago!"

Deng Yifei didn't relax his vigilance, but just slightly restrained his malice.

Before he could meet the strong, he would shout, fight and kill.

"So what are you doing here, master?"

"I just want to meet you!"

The old man raised his head, and Deng Yifei finally saw his true face. The old man's face was very frightening, enough to frighten and cry children.

His pupils are dark green, and his face is full of woody veins, just like carved from dead wood. In addition to woody veins, his face is also painted with strange, complex, aesthetic and regular carvings. Those carvings also flow with glittering light from time to time, which is like a running array!

In other words, that is the running array!

"Lord Jianling, do you feel him?"

"I feel it!" Chen Hao said casually, "this guy in front of you must be in the realm. But he should be in a lot of extreme states. I don't know whether he was seriously injured or just half dead!"

This guy is full of weirdness!

It seems that he is still a mage!

Chen Hao is also the first time to see the master of the field.

The master of array is a rare profession. He can also become a strong person in the field. He is absolutely a great person!

Deng Yifei doubts: "just want to know me?"

"That's right!" There was no expression on the old man's face. He was as stiff as wood. "I heard that you are a rare genius in the southern region. When I see you today, you really deserve your reputation!"

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