"Do you think she can forgive you?"

"I'll explain everything and try to get her to forgive me!"

"I hope so!"

Huo sining is not optimistic about Deng Yifei at all.

"Can you take me to see Master liuya?"

The high level of the wasp organization can be seen if you don't want to.

They are very good at hiding, let Deng Yifei look for, turn over Cai Guo, may not find Liu Ya's trace.

Only Huo sining, Liu quanjun's confidant, could find her.


Hosning hesitated.

Deng Yifei knew her worries: "don't worry, even if I don't get along with master liuya, I will never do it first."

"All right!" Get Deng Yifei's assurance, Huo sining's mental calculation is put down, "I take you to, but before that, you must change a face, you go out now, go anywhere may be recognized."

Deng Yifei's true appearance is now a household name.

After daubing Deng Yifei's face for a while, putting on a mask for him, smoothing out all the wrinkles and removing the angle, Huo sning frowned again.

"Your eyes..."

Deng Yifei's eyes are completely white.

Huo sining can see his eyes when he looks closer, but different from ordinary people's black eyes, Deng Yifei's eyes are light gray. If you don't look carefully, you will think that he has no pupils. It looks like It's a little scary.

Huo sining doesn't know how Deng Yifei made his eyes like this.

"What's the matter?"

"Your eyes!"

"What happened to the eyes?"

Deng Yifei is not aware of his changes.

After all, he didn't have the ability to see his pupils.

"White!" Huo sining took out a small bronze mirror and handed it to Deng Yifei, "look for yourself!"

Deng Yifei took a look at his white eyes. He didn't even frown. It seemed that he accepted his change calmly.

For him, as long as the life is still there, the strength is still there, other, it doesn't matter.

"Is there a way to cover it up?"

"Yes, but it will take some time, but no one else should know about the color change of your pupils?"


"Well, let's go on the road first. Anyway, no one else will recognize you!" "What's more, maybe because of the color of the pupils, people won't doubt you any more," hosning said in a low voice

"So it is

Deng Yifei and Huo sining leave the abandoned village. Along the way, Huo sining enters the city to contact with other branches, and begins to ask Cai Guo's headquarters to know the position of Liu Ya's predecessor, claiming that it is related to Liu quanjun's life.

On the fifth day of the journey, after entering a city, Huo sining didn't find the person from the branch of Cifeng organization. Instead, he was staring at some patterns on a wall, and then his face was a little ugly.

"What's the matter?"

"The branch here was destroyed by the city guard sent by the city Lord's office. The people in the branch were more or less lucky, but they still left a secret signal to explain the situation here!"

"Is there something wrong with the whole Cai branch?"

"Don't rule it out!" Huo sining said, "after all, the state of CAI must also know your relationship with the leader!"

Deng Yifei some sad said: "I drag the thorn bee!"

"Let's go to the next city and have a look!"

In the next city, hosning still did not find the thorn bee branch of the city, but also got more useful information.

The city Lord's office of that city also launched a surprise attack on the stinging bee organization, but the personnel of this branch received the news first and ran away directly, and did not contact anyone for the time being.

In the next city, the branch of the stinging bee organization is no better, either it gets intelligence and runs away, or it is directly destroyed.

Both Deng Yifei and Huo sining knew that Cai Guo had attacked the wasp organization.

The Cifeng intelligence network is likely to be paralyzed in a short period of time. As for the specific loss, they can't make statistics. However, it depends on the situation. In fact, they have lost at least half of their manpower.

As for the dark line, there should be a lot of dark lines in the stinging bee organization.

However, not all the branches of thornbee were destroyed, and hosning was able to connect with liuya.

More than half a month, Huo sining finally took Deng Yifei to see Liu ya.

Liuya is still like that. She looks like a middle-aged woman, but her face is much more haggard and her spirit is not so good.

The last time Deng Yifei met Liu ya, Liu quanjun introduced them to deal with Qin together.

Only a few months later, Deng Yifei felt as if he had been separated from others.

"Si Ning, what does Quan Jun say?"

"The leader said, let me give you the token, and then you will lead the stinging bee organization!" Huo sining said, and gave liuya the token of the stinging bee organization.Liuya took the token and rubbed the lines on the token. Her face was sad. She sighed: "I didn't expect that Quan Jun would die like this!"

"I'm sorry about the leader, too!"

"I heard that it was Deng Yifei's hand?" Liuya asked in a deep voice.

"Does Master Liu think it is possible?"

"I don't believe it, either!" Liu Ya said calmly, "after all, this is the news released by the state of CAI. They have recently carried out a large-scale encirclement and suppression of our stinging bees, and the whole intelligence network has almost been paralyzed. We have not only lost many experienced intelligence personnel, but also two supernatural experts. Another supernatural expert has announced to quit and left the state of CAI directly!"

"Ah "How could it be?" said hosning

"what is impossible? Just allow us to plug in the eyeliner. Why can't Cai Guo do this? We also have Cai Guo's eyeliner, but I didn't expect them to get so much intelligence. Liuya said with a bitter smile, "I was almost killed, but I just got away with it."

"Do we still have supernatural powers among the stinging bees?"

"It's gone. I'm the only one left!"

With that, liuya solemnly put away the token.

After the internal struggle of the wasp and the attack of Cai Guo, the vitality of the wasp organization was greatly damaged.

"Master Liu, this man around me wants to see you!"

"Isn't he Xu Le?"

Xu Le is Cai Du's intelligence agent who is responsible for Huo sining's work.

It was Xu Le who brought them here.

Xu Le is also Liu hansu's old subordinates. Liu quanjun's subordinates are stable and loyal. Otherwise Liu Ya would not believe Xu Le and let Xu Le bring Huo Ningjun.

Before that, Huo sining had convinced Xu Le to let Deng Yifei take the place of Xu Le and come to Liu ya.

The process of persuasion is very simple, that is, to explain the reason, and then use Xu Le's family to threaten

As Liu quanjun's confidant, Xu Le knows all about it.

"Mr. Deng, take off your mask!"

Mr. Deng?

Hearing this address, liuya stood up directly from her chair.

Deng Yifei took off his mask and saluted Liu ya: "Master Liu ya, long time no see!"

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