The sky, shrouded in a layer of glow, very gorgeous.

At the foot of the mountain, is the cascade of mountains, lush forests, as well as dense campfires camp.

Chen Hao felt a strong aura and spatial fluctuations, like something to come out of another world.

"Is this a war?" Light Yan refers to the place where the aura fluctuates most strongly and is most likely to be the entrance to the secret place

There, a fortress made of hard rock has been erected!

Thirty or forty thousand soldiers are still busy transporting rocks to improve the barrier.

In the wall of the barrier, there are many dark holes, and the point of the giant crossbow is cold and flickering.

Outside the barrier, there are a lot of soldiers guarding outside, watching warily the isolated soldiers outside. The appearance of the flying boat almost attracted the attention of nearly 100000 garrison troops.

Only ansu can have the ability to build such fortifications in a short time!

"The army of the Soviet Union is also powerful enough!" Ji Mengyu immediately took a cold breath and pointed to the shooting channels. "Be careful, it may be Shenfeng crossbow. Now many countries in the southern region are equipped with giant crossbows. Those who break the sky can be shot directly or fall on the spot!"

"Do we have a good relationship with ansu?"

"I'll cooperate once in a while!"

"That shouldn't let us make a strong attack, would it?"

Light Yan some uncertain ask a way.

"Well I don't know. According to the elder's order, if we really want to attack by force, it's not that we can't attack down! "

In front of the 100000 troops was the camp of the soldiers who came, and the camp happened to be on a plain.

Surrounded by high mountains, the boat went straight to the camp of the gang of warriors, and slowly stopped in the air 50 meters away from the ground.

Many warriors rushed out of the camp and looked up at the boat.

"It's the bloody gate!"

"Here comes the man of the blood evil family!"

"Here comes the lunatics!"


Many warriors exclaimed.

"People of blood hand hall, follow me down!" Master Chen came out and cried.

After shouting, he first jumped out of the boat, and then hundreds of people in xueshoutang jumped down like dumplings.

Light Yan first landing, see the air countless blood hall members hit down, must control the body of the idea is not, she quickly hide to the side.

"Bang Bang..."

Blood hand hall has many members and different styles.

Some people directly hit the ground like cannonballs, smashing a big hole out of the hard mountain, shaking the ground for a while, and the smoke filled all directions!

Some people are light, like birds, stepping on the ground gently.

Light Yan despised looking at the smoke and dust, try to hide far away.

Hundreds of xuesha martial artists are so terrible that they dare not say a word.

"Is this the master of xuesha? It's too strong, isn't it? Everyone's strength is at least innate, isn't it Wu Zhe, who was far away from xueshamen flying boat, sighed in a low voice.

"These are the members of xueshoutang of xuesha sect. They are all the elites of xuesha sect. They are really experienced experts!" Another added, gnashing his teeth.

It seems that he has a big feud with xueshamen!

Someone looked at the huge flying boat in mid air and said, "the really powerful one has not come down yet!"

Hall leader Chen looked at the camp and campfire around him. It was the best position around him. He was facing the 100000 troops of ansu and the entrance to the possible secret place. He gave a cold glance at the warriors around him and ordered: "give you half an hour to pack up and leave immediately!"

The nearest warriors from the blood hand hall were silent.

Among them, many people in order to occupy this advantageous position, do not know how much effort.

There are those who have relations, direct threats, and direct martial arts contests. But as soon as the people of xueshamen arrive, they have to make room for themselves. Is that a bit overbearing?

They have the experts of scattered cultivation and the members of the aristocratic family. Their strength is not bad. Otherwise, they can't occupy here.

But no one dares to speak now!

Some arrogant young warriors want to stand up, but they are held by the people around them.

Xuesha sect is so domineering that all the martial arts in the southern region know it.

Xuesha gate is famous for its fists but not people!

Almost everyone turned their eyes to a stout middle-aged warrior. With a kind smile on his face, the middle-aged warrior stood up and said, "my brother Xiong Ren, the Dharma protector of Sihai Gang, can you give us a face and leave us some space for us to make do with?"

It's crowded. In fact, the space is enough to accommodate the bloody gate.

The outer part of the secret place is the most spacious, and other places are crowded.

Hall leader Chen took a look at the 100000 soldiers of ansu not far away and said slowly, "all the others, except sihaimen, should leave!"Xiong Ren said with a smile: "thank you for your understanding

"Why? Why should we be driven away? " In the crowd, some people yelled angrily.

Everyone turned their eyes to the caller.

"This is the kingdom of ansu. The soldiers of ansu didn't drive us away. Why do you drive us away? The difficulty is that this is the kingdom of ansu, and it belongs to your blood evil family... "

Just as many of the warriors and the generals of ansu had just locked in the shouting man, his voice suddenly stopped!

Then, the warrior's body suddenly broke apart.

Behind him stood a beautiful woman in a Black Warrior suit.

The woman's mouth is smiling. She is so beautiful that she seems to come out of the painting, which makes many people who first see her suddenly lose their mind

The blood red sword in her hand seemed to have life, wriggling slowly around the corpse.

Seeing that all the people's eyes were focused on themselves, she said with a smile: "of course, an Su kingdom is our friend of xueshamen, and I think they also dislike you. If they want to drive you away, they can't save face. Otherwise, they won't keep you out and send so many soldiers to look at you. We xueshamen are always straight, hot tempered and not afraid Sinner

At this time, the warriors standing behind Xiaoyan noticed the blood fingerprints behind her.

Not far away, in the ansu camp, a powerful general in armor heard the words of Qingyan and laughed, his face softened a lot.

"What Ruoyan said is what I mean. If there are people who are too lazy to move their positions, we xueshamen can help them on their behalf," he said

Who can guess what the warrior meant before he finished speaking.

It's just that xueshamen didn't want to take the state of ansu for a while and wanted to stir up conflicts between the two sides.

If it's in peacetime, you can say anything.

But now, the warriors near the state of ansu gather together, if you all hear it.

It's said that the face of ansu country may not be able to hang!

Everyone wants face, and most national forces are the best of all.

And light Yan's words, at least save the face of the Soviet Union.

Is the face of ansu important?

Now it's really important , the fastest update of the webnovel!