After all, there were not many people in their clan who were stained with the blood of the Zhou masters.

Some of them followed yeyuntian to break into the capital of zhouguo, and made a lot of noise there.

Zhou Lihua didn't expect that after Jiang Qinyu began to contact with Zhou's demonic power, the harassment of Zhou's soldiers by the demonic masters was reduced by half. Coupled with Xu Guogong's strict vigilance, the number of Zhou's soldiers who died was reduced by a lot.

Zhou Lihua, who got the news, also had a smile on her face. Almost all the people around her could feel her recent good mood.

"Qinyu, where are we going next?"

"Jinfeng city!"


Looking at the bright sunshine outside the car and the wild flowers blooming in the weeds on the roadside, Zhou Lihua wanted to get out of the car and walk.

The whole motorcade stopped. After the giant castle, Zhou Lihua's motorcade was hanging behind the Chinese Army led by Xu Guogong.

When the maid lifted the curtain, Jiang Qinyu jumped down from the Imperial Guard and stretched out his hand to Zhou Lihua: "Your Majesty, be careful. It's just raining at night. The ground is muddy."

Zhou Lihua took a look at her hand, or put his hand up: "I've said many times, I'm also a top expert in breaking the sky. I don't need your help."

"That's the rule!"

Zhou Lihua white her one eye: "the rule also does not need you to come, I also have the maid?"

Jiang Qinyu grinned and didn't speak any more.

She took a deep breath and let the fresh air fill the whole lung. Zhou Lihua really wanted to open her hand and stretch her waist. She looked at the stopped motorcade and felt a little tired: "let them go to Jinfeng city first, I want to walk alone!"

Zhou Lihua's convoy has 20000 huoqilin soldiers, which is the result of her insistence.

Otherwise, Xu Guogong may let 100000 Fire Kirin legions follow her.

How can the emperor fight in person without any ostentation?

Jiang Qinyu nods and calls fan Jungui, general of huoqilin legion, to tell fan Jungui Zhou Lihua's order.

Fan Jungui looks embarrassed, which is totally different from Xu Guogong's order.

"It's your Majesty's order!" Qin Yu stressed, "even Duke Xu doesn't dare to disobey. Besides, the emperor is with you. No one will know that his majesty is gone."

Jiang Qinyu asked in a low voice, "don't you think your majesty really needs your protection?"

"I will obey you!"

Zhou Lihua watched the 20000 people's motorcade slowly leave, just like watching a mountain slowly move away from her body.

She jumped straight for more than ten meters and came to a big tree one person thick. She looked back at the 20000 people who left behind her. She went to the back of the tree and stretched out her hands!

On Zhou Lihua's body, there was a crackling sound. She raised her head comfortably, felt the stretching of bone ligaments all over her body, and took a greedy breath.

"Your majesty


"How did you get here?"

Zhou Lihua said without looking back: "the scenery here is good!"

"What's the view? I can't see that! "

Right in front of them, on the right is the barren farmland, on the left is the forest full of dense trees, very ordinary forest, green.

Before Zhou Lihua could answer, Jiang Qinyu said to himself, "emmmm Your majesty said, "good scenery is good!"

"You Zhou Lihua waved, did not want to discuss this issue, "let's go!"

"All right!"

Toward the direction of the army, the two women walked slowly along the path.

Stepping on the muddy path and occasionally crossing a few gullies and puddles, they are no different from ordinary people except for dressing up a little gorgeous.

Getting rid of the guards around her, Zhou Lihua was in a relaxed mood.

She hasn't felt this lightness for many years.

After skipping a puddle and taking two steps, Zhou Lihua looks back and sees Jiang Qinyu floating through the puddle. Looking at her embroidered shoes and her shoes splashed with mud, Zhou Lihua turns her lips.

After Jiang Qinyu took two steps, Zhou Lihua knew how to do it.

It seems that Jiang Qinyu is walking. In fact, the soles of her feet don't touch the ground at all!

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

"Come here!"

Zhou Lihua beckons.


Jiang Qinyu went to Zhou Lihua in a confused way.

Zhou Lihua put her hands on her shoulders, with a gentle smile on her face. Then she pressed her hands gently, and Qinyu's body sank slightly!

"Well, let's go!"

Looking at the Queen's back, Qin Yu lowers her head and looks at her feet Then he raised his right foot, which left a mud footprint in place

At first, Zhou Lihua felt that the scenery around her was fresh, but only half an hour later, when the freshness passed, she didn't want to stay for a long time. So they quickened their pace. Not long after, they arrived at Jinfeng City, even one step ahead of her 20000 escort.Jinfeng city has just been occupied by the state of Zhou. A group of elite soldiers in the state of Zhou's military uniform are guarding at the gate of the city. They are tall and burly, their eyes are bright, their faces are cold and serious, and they look very powerful with their standard military uniform.

Some of the civilians in the black blood country seem to have accepted the rule of Zhou state. They shrunk and went into the city with fear.

"Qinyu, I want to go in and have a look. I don't want them to see it!"

Zhou Lihua once appeared at the state of Zhou oath meeting. Many soldiers in the state of Zhou should never forget what she looks like.

"I understand!" Qin Yu nodded and said in a soft voice, "the mystery of illusion - invisibility!"

They are wrapped up in the gentle mystery, and their bodies gradually become transparent, and finally disappear completely.

Invisibility is just a deception of vision.

However, these means are enough to deal with a group of ordinary soldiers.

They went directly through the blockade of the soldiers guarding the city of Zhou and entered Jinfeng city.

Walking on the street of Jinfeng City, there are occasionally patrols of Zhou soldiers passing through. There are not many traces of fighting on the street. Occasionally, blood stains can be seen on the ground, but they should have been left a long time ago.

On the streets of Jinfeng City, there are no hawkers, and the shops are closed. Occasionally, people walk on the streets in a hurry.

Jinfeng city has a new owner. Both ordinary people and martial arts people have some scruples.

After walking for a while, Zhou Lihua casually turned a roadway and passed a row of dilapidated houses. When she suddenly stopped, she heard a faint voice of conversation coming from the low house next to her.

As soon as the conversation appeared, it caught her by the ear.

It's not that Zhou Lihua has a habit of eavesdropping on other people. It's just that he is a master of breaking the sky. He has clear ears and five senses. Sometimes, even if you don't want to hear something, it will come. , the fastest update of the webnovel!