The breath of Wu xuanhai, Mao Baiyan and Zhang Mengchen has disappeared!

"How could it be?" Yi Huan, the commander of the white dragon army, lost his voice and was surprised.

The inborn masters of the white dragon Legion looked at the distance at the same time, and the blood fog that the regiment went deep into the white dragon Legion was strange and terrible.

Mao Baiyan and Zhang Mengchen are OK. They are just middle-aged experts But Wu xuanhai is different. He is a master of the eight classics!

A guy who has just broken through to the middle of congeniality can kill one late congeniality expert and two middle congeniality experts in a short time. Wu xuanhai, Mao Baiyan and Zhang Mengchen seem to have no decent resistance or delay Which of these three congenital experts is not a strong one who has experienced many battles?

If they go, can they really deal with the genius who understands the artistic conception of killing?

"I seem to know who he is!" A congenital master whispered.

"Who?" he asked

"It's very likely that it's Chen Pengfei who is famous in Nanyun country recently! That so-called Nanyun country is a rare genius in a hundred years! " An old man in the middle of congeniality whispered, "it's said that he was an examiner at the talent conference of Nanyun kingdom. All the talents of Nanyun kingdom fell down just by his momentum. I'm afraid he's the only congenial master who can use the killing sword to this extent. I thought he was in the Bauhinia legion, but I didn't expect him to come here!"

Yi Huan surprised way: "is that blood wash black blood country five pools of Chen Pengfei?"

Chen Pengfei's name has long been noticed by the generals of several countries around the South cloud country and listed him as a dangerous person.

"Yes, that's him!"

Yi Huan asked, "who will stop him? As long as we delay for a quarter of an hour, I'm sure we can break through Wangyue mountain in a quarter of an hour, and then we'll kill that Chen Pengfei together! "

The rest of the congenital experts looked at each other.

Wu xuanhai has died under Chen Pengfei's sword. It's impossible to send people from the early and middle congenital stages to die!

It's hard for the late congenital masters to stop Wu xuanhai. If they don't pay attention, they may follow Wu xuanhai's lead.

However, among the more than ten congenitally high hands, the strongest is only congenitally late strength. There were two congenitally high strength, but they were all sent to cooperate with the experts of black blood country to block the Nanyun experts who came to support.

Moreover, after 17 successive attacks on six congenital masters of Chen state, there are only 10 remaining masters of Chen state on the battlefield, including three congenital late masters, five congenital middle masters and two congenital early masters.

Who cares about Chen Pengfei?

The ten inborn masters of Chen's white dragon army are in a dilemma

"Otherwise, we don't care about Chen Pengfei. We'll try our best to attack Wangyue mountain first. If we don't attack it again, the reinforcements of Nanyun country will arrive!" Someone suggested.

"Didn't the people of black blood say that they helped us resist the reinforcements of Nanyun?"

"The black blood country sends out experts, and the number is limited. It's good that they can cooperate with us to resist the congenital experts who come to support us. How can they resist more than 100000 troops?"

"General Yi, do you think the people of the black blood country really want to help us?"

"That's the decision above, not what I can make. The only thing I know is that people in black blood will not help Nanyun." Yi Huan said, "we Chen state only need to occupy Baisha County. We will fight and kill between Nanyun state and black blood state, and we will wait to take advantage of it."

As soon as he finished, Yi Huan looked up at the direction of Xinfu city. He muttered to himself, "they're coming faster than I expected!"

He turned his head and looked at Chen Pengfei, who was still fighting in the white dragon army. He looked at him with great indignation!

The white dragon army did not occupy Wangyue mountain in a short period of time. Chen Pengfei has made great contributions!

Chen Pengfei and his more than 10000 people, rigidly involved half of the energy of the white dragon army on the battlefield, but also killed their six congenital generals!

Even if Wangyue mountain is conquered, their white dragon army will lose money in this operation!

"General Yi, do you want to retreat?"

"Retreat, in the current state of the Legion, it's hard to predict whether we will win or lose. We are not the key to win or lose in the three battlefields!" Yi Huan angrily looked at the direction of the seventeen. There, a large number of white dragon legions lost their fighting spirit and began to flee. The blood mist was like strong acid, where it flowed, it was corroded away We should win in the general's place, but before we leave, we must kill him! As long as we kill him, even if we suffer a loss, we won't be able to go anywhere! "

"All right, let's kill him together!"

The ten congenital masters of Chen Long's Legion have long been dissatisfied with 17.

Three congenital late experts besieged together, plus the other seven congenital experts to help, they don't believe they can't win a congenital middle Chen Pengfei.


Genius, so what?

Falling talents are everywhere!

"The other party's inborn master is coming, run away quickly!" Chen Hao reminded.Who knows, after Chen Hao's warning, the evil spirit field immediately opened to the limit, only to see his body twist, accompanied by a thunder, he directly attacked with nine congenital experts to come to Yihuan!

Yi Huan was surprised to see the seventeen who came running. Through the thick blood fog, he could see his blood red eyes clearly.

Is this obsession?

He thought to himself, but his hand didn't stop.

Two people just contacted, the evil spirit field on 17 body suddenly shrouds Yi Huan.

The evil spirit of madness and cruelty went straight to Yi Huan's mind. In addition, this kind of sudden attack on the mind is very rare, and ordinary people can't guard against it at all.

Yi Huan is tiny a Leng, the Red Blood Sword cuts his shoulder neck straight!


Did it work?

With the sound of "Dang", the weapons of both sides collided in midair.

Under the great force of 17, general Yihuan was directly smashed to the ground.

"General Yi!"

"General Yi!"


General Yi fell to the ground, reluctantly defused the 17's great power, and yelled: "I'm ok, be careful of the blood fog. There is a mental attack in the blood fog. If the strength is less than the late congenital period, don't contaminate the blood fog on him!"

Just one attack, the old Yihuan will see through the evil spirit aura of seventeen!

"Stop him, others will attack from a long distance!"

Yihuan's next order immediately put Shiqi in danger.

There is a reminder from Yi Huan that the remaining two congenital late masters immediately calm down when they see the blood mist. When the blood mist envelops them, they are only slightly dizzy and quickly adapt to the special stimulation of the evil spirit aura.

Even if it's only temporary, that's enough!

If you are an ordinary congenital martial arts person, you may be afraid of the attack of ten congenital experts.

But for seventeen who had lost his mind, he had only one idea in his heart - to kill!

Relying on the ghost like killing instinct and ruthless strength, he once again killed a weak congenital master with the idea of dying together. However, he also paid a painful price. His gold body was broken, his right hand was abandoned, and several terrible scars on his body almost made him lose his fighting power!

Red Blood Sword desperately repair seventeen's body, but can barely hang his life!

Just when Yi Huan wanted to mend his sword and completely end his seventeen life, the congenital experts of Nanyun Kingdom finally caught up with him, and they stood in front of seventeen.

There are only four congenital experts in Nanyun, three in the late and one in the middle. Behind them, the army of Nanyun appears on the horizon.

"Let's go!"

Yi Huan said.


"He's possessed. There's no cure!" Yi Huan said, "even if we don't kill him, the people of Nanyun will kill him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!