When approaching the border line, the Sixth Army changed to ambush in the daytime and go out at night instead of making a fire for cooking.

The march route was obviously carefully selected. A large number of spies and military experts were released, and the beacon towers established by the black blood state were pulled out at a very fast speed. The trade between the black blood state and Nanyun state had been cut off for a long time. Few people met along the way. Even if they met, the army would strangle them directly. There was no reason.

On the fourth night of leaving the border, the army arrived at the designated place all the way.

Seventeen get the order, conserve your energy, attack with all your strength in the middle of the night, and strive to win in an hour!

The Bauhinia Legion wants to conquer several cities of the black blood country at the lowest cost in the shortest time. If they don't sneak attack and attack head-on, the cost is too high. Once the attack is not good and takes too much time, they may be met by the black iron army who comes to reinforce them. When they do, they will be attacked back and forth, and the trouble will be great.

It is estimated that this operation should involve more than the Sixth Army.

The idea of the army of Nanyun is very simple. As long as they win a few cities, they will be attacked by the black iron army. The Bauhinia army will take the initiative and give Zhou a satisfactory explanation!

After all the cities have been captured, what can we be dissatisfied with?

I think it's a good idea to control the war in the territory of the black blood country.

After all, the army of the black blood kingdom was so cruel that all three cities of the state of Zhou were slaughtered!

More than 10000 soldiers, quietly close to the outskirts of the city.

It was not until then that Shiqi realized that the target of this attack was Mingtai city.

After the assembly of the siege equipment, such as the ladder, the car, and the Duhao equipment, the Duhao vehicle was pushed into the HaoGou ditch of Mingtai City, and a bridge was built directly on it. It was not until the ladder was pushed under the city wall that the city guards found out.

"The city is under attack!"

The harsh and rapid sound of the Gong was sounded, but they thought it was a little late.

The number of ladder is limited. The pioneer has climbed the ladder and ascended slowly.

Under the powerful push of more than 20 zhenyuanjing masters, the car slammed into Mingtai city and made a deafening noise!


The soldiers cried.

Standing in the middle and rear of the team, I saw General Xu flying directly up the city wall.

It's easy for thousands of elite Bauhinia troops to break through Mingtai city!

More and more Bauhinia soldiers are standing on the city wall, and the city gate has been knocked out of shape

It's easy to get victory with a bull's knife. I can't help sighing.

Why did he join the army?

Don't you want to enhance your strength quickly through fighting and let the magic sword evolve at the same time?

But since he joined the Bauhinia army, he has killed more than ten flies and more than thirty mosquitoes.

Meng Fei murmured in a low voice: "Lord Qianhu, it seems that there is no business for us!"

Meng Fei joined the Bauhinia army when he was 16 years old. He has participated in countless battles, big and small. He is good at both peacetime training and battlefield command. Although he has learned a lot of military skills, he still relies on him very much. After all, learning and using are two different things.

At this time, Meng Fei stood by his side.


Seventeen was in low spirits, looking down at the grass under his feet.

But just after he stepped on a weed, the red blood sword behind him suddenly trembled He suddenly turned his head and looked at the dark wilderness behind him and the woods in the distance.

"What's the matter?" Meng Fei asked.

"Behind us, there are people!"

"Someone? It can't be true? How many? "

Seventeen took out the red blood demon sword from behind, and said with a very dignified face: "a lot, and more and more, we are in big trouble!"

The magic sword induction skill is controlled by the magic sword. It covers a circle with a radius of 500 meters. As long as you step into a circle within 500 meters, you can be sensed by Chen Hao.

Chen Hao is very clear about the difference between the souls of martial arts and ordinary people. As soon as they step into the range of induction, Chen Hao is aware of it.

If it's one person, two people, Chen Hao will not care, but when he has hundreds of martial arts from different directions, stepping into his sensing range, he will know that there may be a big trouble!

The Bauhinia army is attacking the city, and suddenly there are warriors in the rear. Chen Hao doesn't think it will be the reinforcements of Nanyun country.

Similarly, I don't believe it!

"You tell everyone to prepare for battle, I'll tell Hong Tongling!"

Before 17 steps, there was a big bang.

Three lights and shadows shot out of the city and appeared in the air above the city wall of Mingtai.

When he looked up, his heart sank.

Except for the soldiers who were fighting fiercely, almost all the Bauhinia soldiers who were preparing to take part in the attack outside the city raised their heads and looked at the three lights and shadows in the air.

Flying is the easiest way to identify a natural master.Martial arts have excellent eyesight, even at night, they can barely see.

One of the three shadows on their heads is general Xu Sihai. As for the other two unknown congenital masters, they are working together to deal with Xu Sihai.

Their identity is self-evident!

Almost all the Bauhinia soldiers realized that they were wrong.

Mingtai city is just an ordinary city on the border. It's not even a strategic place. Is it necessary to guard it with two generals?

The distance of 500 meters is not a problem for the warrior who is rushing to attack with all his strength.

But because of the siege and the impact of the car crash, no one noticed their approaching footsteps, until the black iron army appeared in the field of vision of the seventeen, they were found.


I don't know who yelled, the whole Bauhinia army was in some confusion.

Originally victory was in sight, suddenly found himself ambushed, psychological gap is unbearable.

"Xu Sihai, didn't you expect that? We've been waiting for you in the city for a long time! "

Like a night owl, the voice was harsh and harsh.

"Li Xue, how do you know our action?" Xu Sihai's voice was full of anger, "who told you that?"

Their sixth army was in secret all the way. Officers below the command level didn't even know their qualifications for specific actions. The black iron army suddenly appeared in Mingtai city. With his knees, he could imagine that the Sixth Army must have been betrayed!

"I don't know. I was told to wait for you here, and you came. What can I do?" Li Xue Jie smiles and says helplessly: "moreover, even if I know, I can't tell you!"

Li Xue continued: "Xu Sihai, huiqingying and I are here, and 40000 black iron soldiers are here. Don't you plan to escape?"

Xu Sihai sneered: "with you two, do you think you can take me?"

Hui Qingying said coldly: "we just need to entangle you!"

Xu Sihai's face is not very good-looking. When he sweeps his mind, he knows what the other side says is true.

More than 40000 black iron troops ambush more than 10000 Bauhinia troops. The whole Sixth Army is completely unprepared and demoralized. They have no chance of winning!

This does not include the original thousands of city guards in the Ming Dynasty.

He said loudly, "the Sixth Army is under the command of Hong Xihong for the time being. We will organize a breakthrough immediately. I will hold them down!"

Looking at the more than 40000 black iron soldiers all over the mountains and fields, under the silver mask, I can't help but show a bitter smile.

Just now, he was frustrated that he couldn't do it.

But now, he can do it But I'm not happy at all!

The military strength is tens of thousands, even the congenital experts can pile up!

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