Chapter 682

Zhang mingle said: "no exaggeration, big boss, our crew has arrived at zhenbeibao, so don't stay in other crew."

At this time, Ren he suddenly realized that Zhang Ming put up such a big battle, and the motorcade drove directly to Director Li, which was robbing people! Obviously, because of their own experience of life and entering into other production groups, the employees of Qinghe film and television may be a little unhappy.

After realizing this, Ren He was a little embarrassed. He explained with a smile, "director Li will kill the green in the afternoon, and there is nothing else to do."

Before that, Zhao pangzi and Jin Xiaolong had just bought three old popsicles. Each of them had one in his hand and was eating beautifully. The other one had Ren He to tell Li Dao that he would eat them when they were finished.

As a result, they are now looking at Ren He and the legendary director Zhang talking and laughing. They are really confused!

Zhao pangzi whispered: "what did the director Zhang call us little brothers just now?"

"Big boss..." Jin Xiaolong said, "are these three words? I'm not sure... "

Zhao pangzi said bitterly: "it's just these three words... I heard the same thing. Have you ever heard of Qinghe group? It's Qinghe mall, Qinghe Weibo, Qinghe TQ that you like to watch all the time. Qinghe film and television with director Zhang is a boss. If we hear it right, then brother Xiaotu should not be called LV Xiaotu, but... Ren He! "

Zhao pangzi obviously knows about Qinghe group, even Renhe's original name.

The thin Jin Xiaolong was startled: "if it's true or false, how rich must he be?"

"I don't know. It's estimated that it won't be a problem to buy the whole zhenbeibao," Zhao pangzi said with a bit of pain. In fact, this is what he saw before when he wanted to see if he could help Ren he find some information about Qinghe film and television. After all, he wanted Ren He to join Zhang's production team, and he knew himself and his opponent well.

These materials are all open on the Internet, and Qinghe doesn't hide them. As a result, Zhao pangzi took a breath of air-conditioning after reading them, and lamented how rich Qinghe group is. Then he looked at last week's estimated market value, which has already exceeded 500 billion yuan. Who knows how much it can be after listing.

So at this time, he looked at Ren He a little strange. He didn't know whether the identity of the other party had changed, whether the previous friendship would change, and who knew what the world of the rich was like?

Jin Xiaolong is the most honest, weak asked: "then we this old popsicle back to him."

Zhao pangzi sighed and said meaningfully, "it depends on whether he wants to eat."

In the past, we were brothers in need. Zhao pangzi hoped that the other party could help him, because he felt that he had helped LV Xiaotu before he made a fortune, so he was sharing weal and woe.

But now it doesn't look like this. It's only you who are in trouble. People just come to experience life.

Is the feeling of suffering still true?

Zhao pangzi can't be sure. Only Ren He knows the answer.

Zhao Shuai and others are silent and can't see the form clearly. They thought the boy was going to go with Li Dao before, and then they will clean up Zhao pangzi.

As a result, Ren He doesn't leave now, but it seems to be even more irritating. It's just that, will the local tyrant like him really make friends with people like Zhao pangzi?

Then all of a sudden, Ren He said to Director Zhang with a smile, "come on, director Zhang, I'd like to introduce you. This is my group leader in zhenbeibao. I recommend you to play the Bodhi in our next movie. Is chubby interesting?"

Zhang Dao looked at Zhao pangzi with a smile: "if you say it's interesting, it's interesting."

Director Zhang and Ren He are used to talking like this.

But this sentence sounds like a different flavor to outsiders. Before, some people thought that Qinghe film and television was just a project developed by Qinghe group. Zhang Ming was responsible for all the operation matters. Ren He, the big boss, should be a quitter. After all, Zhang Ming's qualifications generally do not allow laymen to tell him what to do. But now it seems that's not the case. Is it a matter of choice?

Ren He said: "brother Pang, I don't want to buy an old popsicle to quench my thirst. Thank you."

"Ah! Ah Zhao pangzi suddenly reacts. This is the meaning that Ren He directly asks for a role for himself!

Happiness came so suddenly that Zhao pangzi was at a loss. He always wanted to play a role in the past, but he didn't know what to do after he got involved.

He's been in zhenbeibao all these years. What's his picture?

He hung all the stars on his wall. Why?

That is a kind of insistence in his heart. He just wants to play in movies, have lines and have good roles.

Now at last.

He finally understood that Ren He always said he wanted to help him. He thought Ren He wanted to join the crew first and then pull him in.

Zhao turned around and ran to the supermarket: "Uncle Yang, all your ice cream are moved out. I'll invite director Zhang's crew to eat it!"

The boss knew Zhao pangzi and joked: "pangzi, good people are rewarded well, and finally get the start. Today, uncle will give you a discount on the ice cream, and you will pay 100 yuan to move away." When Zhao pangzi heard the five words "a good person has a good reward", his eyes suddenly turned red. Only he knew how many things he had to bear in order to perform in the North Fort of the town for so many years. Shaking his lips, he took out a red bill from his wallet: "thank you, uncle!" Little people have their ups and downs, and little people also have their joys and sorrows. Today, Zhao pangzi has finally made a big step. In his heart, he thanks Ren He for giving him this opportunity, and he also thanks for his efforts over the years. Ren He came over to hold Zhao pangzi's shoulder: "come on, brother Pang, don't be sensational. Some of you will be sensational when you act in the future." With that, Ren He first broke down an old popsicle, and then said with a smile to all the people in the motorcade: "what are you looking at? Come down and eat the popsicle!" Hula a a large group of people rushed down, one by one from Zhao fatty there results popsicle: "thank you, fatty brother."“ Thank you, fat brother Zhao pangzi was so miraculously acquainted with the crew with a bunch of popsicles... Of course, there is also the reason for Ren He. You can see that the big boss is so familiar with the fat man. Of course, we should get close to him. Ren He turned to Li Dao and said, "I don't have to hide my identity. I just want to experience the life of mass actors. I'm sorry, Li Dao." Li Dao had no choice but to smile: "don't mention it. Let's have a drink together in the evening." Director Li thinks that things are changeable. Before, he planned to get to know the big boss of Qinghe through Zhang Ming. As a result, he got to know him. Zhao Shuai and others looked at him like an outsider. I don't know how, that teenager suddenly became the most dazzling existence here, and no one can ignore it.