Chapter 566

Amsterdam's film festival itself has more tendency to minority films and feature films. To be more popular is to be more artistic. That's why there is now a drama competition.

The audience is already full, Ren He is down-to-earth on the stage to perform his role, without any negligence.

While Mark Penn was watching Ren He from the stage, his eyes did not deviate for a moment.

It seems that under the influence of Ren He's calm temperament, Mark Penn also slowly calmed down. The other party is not afraid. Why should he be worried? It's just a turtle in a jar.

Mark Penn began to concentrate on watching the play. Slowly, he was brought into the play, as if he was not here to round up the teenager, but to watch the play.

It was just in this way that he gradually realized how exquisite Ren He's acting skills were.

The audience who have seen the performance of other troupes feel that the performance of this drama is very good, but there is no big gap with other troupes.

If you want to talk about the idea and script, you can come to participate in international competitions. You can even say that you are the top theater companies in the world.

If you put them in a small place, you will feel that these troupes are really good. But if you put them all together, it's a bit difficult to judge. After all, everyone is similar.

In this case, even if it is difficult to evaluate the champion, there may be disputes between the judges.

However, when the time reached the last 8 minutes, when the audience thought that the drama was almost like this, the light returned to the beggar who was lying on the stage all the way!

Only a beam of light hit him, and the rest of the light went out. At this moment, he was the unique protagonist on the stage.

The audience watched the beggar's superb acting on the stage, sublimating the whole idea of the play to a height they had never thought of before. It was like a muggy summer when they suddenly drank a glass of iced water and suddenly brightened up!

This is the drama they want to see. It's not for nothing today! Just the last eight minutes of the sublimation of the plot, has been doomed to the championship tonight.

But for Ren He, the real good play just started at the end of the play.

Ren He stands in the stage light, takes a deep look at Mark Penn, and then turns back to the backstage.

Mark Penn saw a trace of open-minded and calm from Ren He's figure. It's like that you have surrounded him, but still don't know who will win.

Because all the answers have not been published.

The audience did not leave, the night will announce the drama competition ranking, awards.

It includes the first, second and third prizes of drama, best actor, best screenwriter, best dance beauty and so on. The audience applauded Ren He and others to step down, and the whole audience stood up to salute.

Even Mark Penn is clapping. He really thinks Ren He's good at acting. If he doesn't have a wanted warrant, maybe he can become a superstar as an actor?

Mark Penn is a little confused about what Ren He does and who he really is. What's more, it's a pity that this future superstar will fall tonight.

"Hold the exits, you can't do it here. Don't lose yourself when you go out. Do it when you find a suitable place. The other side is good at using sniper guns. Don't let him get away from you and have a chance to use sniper," Mark Penn indicated in his headset. Then he turned and walked out. Their battlefield was outside.

Unlike the audience left behind, all CIA members began to walk backstage and silently put silencers on their pistols, which was also Mark Penn's instruction before departure. Once they met with fierce resistance, they could shoot at any time.

What they face is not ordinary criminals, but real maniacs.

As Ren He walked to the dressing room, he told Chen Da that he wanted to leave first. Chen Da agreed without thinking about it. Who knows what the goods are for? It seems that it's not impossible to play with international stars with each other's value.

After all, there are a lot of big and small talents here now, so Chen Dali naturally thinks about it. There were too many things like this before. It's normal for domestic investors to go abroad to attend film festivals and take the opportunity to hook up with foreign stars.

Ren he wiped his face, quickly changed his clothes, put on makeup again, and then went out with his cello on his back, pistol and dagger on his body.

As soon as he walked out of the dressing room, Ren he found that two white people were watching him. He had a clear view of his fierce breath. Ren He laughed at them and walked out.

This smile, two white people don't know why feel a tight heart, as if by what beast stare at the same!

Ren He walked calmly in the corridor. When he was about to reach a corner, he suddenly quickened his pace. When the two white men behind him saw that Ren He wanted to run, they also quickened their pace to keep up.

However, just after turning the corridor, there was a blow coming from behind the wall! I saw Ren He in the corner back waist elbow, then hit a punch, with fierce wind, fast to the extreme!

The other side responded very quickly. Although the punch came suddenly, everyone was on guard. So before the punch arrived, the first one had already raised his arm to resist. It's just a fist. It's not a dagger. Two members of the CIA are also thankful that the other side has the same estimation as their own side, so they didn't use guns directly, otherwise they would play big. The information about Ren He in the materials is good at using sniper, which is different from that in the movies. In most cases, people who use sniper are very ordinary in melee. This is the normal situation. After all, the industry has a specialty. So before Mark Penn just reminded everyone in his headset not to be separated, let the other side grasp the commanding height and use the sniper gun, but did not remind you to be on guard against Ren He's melee ability. So the members of the CIA didn't take this punch seriously, but with a click, the raised arm broke! I saw that CIA member's body suddenly soared up and fell back, and the other was shocked. They didn't consider that the other side, a boy who didn't look strong, had so much power in a hurry! The CIA member who followed behind, seeing his teammates fall to the ground, was ready to draw the dagger from his waist, and it must be too late to draw the gun. However, before he pulled out the dagger, Ren He's hand was pressed on his arm, which made the dagger he pulled out half of no longer move. What kind of power is this!