Chapter 547

Rome, the capital of Italy. From time to time, there was a scream in a suburban factory. Because of the thick factory block, the sound was not very obvious when it spread to the outside. The glass in the factory was pasted with black tape. No light could shine in from the outside, and no one could peep inside from the outside. It's dark and gloomy inside. The old steel equipment is covered with oilcloth and the ground is covered with dust. It seems that no one has been here for a long time. In the middle of the factory building, there was a faint incandescent lamp, which illuminated 13 people beside it. One was hung on a steel beam, one stood in front of him for interrogation, and the other 11 people were guarding around with black steel guns. The person being interrogated is Mark Penn, the person in charge of the combat team in the information given by Steve to Ren He“ I just want to know who the actual hacker in the prism plan exposure incident is, and I don't intend to hurt the innocent. You have network rules in your network, and I also have my rules here. You tell me what you know, and I'll let you go. It's so simple. "Mark Penn looked coldly at the prisoner in front of him, This is Mark Penn, who they arrested for interrogation, turned to the players and asked them, "who's Allen he's talking about?"“ It's a French hacker who has absconded to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and has locked his residence, "a team member confirmed, glancing at his notebook“ OK, go to Holland to find him, "Mark Penn wiped the blood on his hand with a tissue and took the lead to walk outside the factory, followed by the others. All the weapons were packed in four black boxes, from which he could not guess the existence of guns. The hacker behind them suddenly went mad and roared with his last strength on the steel beam: "put me down! Put me down If these people just leave, who knows when they will be discovered? I'm afraid I was already a corpse at that time! At this time, hackers began to fear the legendary CIA. In the past, they all regarded themselves as the God of the network world and thought they were extremely safe. As a result, when such a big thing happened in the United States, when the CIA violence machine really started, they realized how terrible each other was! Only when they are hanging on the steel beam like lambs to be slaughtered, will they understand that as long as one day they can't live directly in the network, they should be careful of another group of beasts. That's the strength of the CIA, and that's why Steve reminded Ren He to be careful of the CIA. The hacker tied to the steel beam is dead ashes in his heart. He just mentioned Allen's name, but the other party has locked Allen's position. When someone once said that CIA informants were everywhere, he didn't believe it. He didn't listen to someone who advised him to flee to China and Russia for political asylum in the previous paragraph. Now it turns out that in front of the CIA, only China and Russia are safe places. At this time, more than half of Europe's underground hacker system has been destroyed, and the CIA combat team led by Mark Penn set out for the Netherlands. At the same time, the Chinese opera team led by Chen Da also started to go to Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. The air tickets and so on were reimbursed by the Chinese opera. This is a credit to the school. This is Ren He's first time to go abroad at public expense