Chapter 528

Ren he touches his nose after listening to Yang Runrun's words. Although Yang Xi's temper is good at ordinary times, Ren He is not uncommon when he is angry with the dagger tower.

No wonder she likes to play the most violent single hero

"If you exercise well, you won't be scolded gradually..." Ren He slightly explained awkwardly.

"You don't care about your wife?" Li Shuai Zhen looks like he hates iron but not steel. As long as Ren He doesn't play with them, he will lose more and win less.

Now all those who play with the turret know that Yang Xi is playing with the turret. They also know that Yang Xi's team is one God with four legs. Yang Xi is a little better. The other three are real tugs.

Although Yang Runrun is making progress, the key is that their playing time is a little shorter, especially Li Shuai Zhen.

At this time, after a game, there are two big words on the screen: fail!

Li Shuai Zhen took a breath at this time: "Chen Da really asked you to participate in the rehearsal? Is your role the hero? "

"I was asked to pick up the hero, but I changed the role with the beggar," Ren He said after a calm drink, and then began to log on his turret account skillfully. It's a blessing in life to be able to play one or two rounds of turret every day

Li Shuai Zhen was confused: "changed the role of beggar? Chen Da asked you to change it? It's a big difference. "

"I'm going to change it myself. I'm going to invite the team immediately," Ren He began to point out. "You three are still very good. Don't choose those heroes who love to show. It's better to choose meat control than anything."

"Don't interrupt, you change your role? You are stupid! Can the protagonist be the same as the beggar? " Li Shuai Zhen looks heartbroken

As a result, when he continued to say something, he suddenly thought of Ren He's identity... Well, needless to say anything, the goods around him are not bad at all. This role is different from himself!

Don't worry so much. Play the turret well first

Chen Da's troupe rehearses on the 4th and 5th of every week. Generally speaking, they can't ask for leave on these two days, but Chen Da doesn't take up everyone's weekend time, which is more humanized.

Today, Renhe went to rehearsal for the first time, so he had to go again the next day.

The schoolgirls laughed when they saw Ren he coming. Ren he hid in the dressing room to change his clothes, put on some makeup and went to the rehearsal stage.

There are many such small theaters in the whole experimental theater, which are usually used for rehearsal by various troupes when they are free. This is the purpose of building the experimental theater.

Ren He learned yesterday that 117 is Chen Da's exclusive rehearsal theater, and other teachers have to go to the logistics department to line up, but Chen Da doesn't need to. Everyone just comes here every day. The layout has never changed. It's the layout of the play they are arranging now.

The schoolgirls wanted to help Ren He make up, but as soon as they saw that Ren He was finished, they were a little disappointed.

Ren He also understands that these schoolgirls are just idle and have nothing to amuse themselves. He doesn't want to be teased by these women and goes to the stage quickly.

Everyone is still busy. They have to prepare several sets of clothes one by one. They have to take a look at the lines temporarily to save the time of forgetting the lines on the stage.

If you make such a low-level mistake on the stage, it's equivalent to directly deducting impression points from Chen Da. If you deduct them twice, you have to get out of the team.

In Chen Da's words, if an actor can't remember his lines, it's a moral problem!

Because reciting lines is the most basic quality of an actor. Those who are a little bit dedicated will not make such mistakes.

But now the film and TV industry is not as clean as Chen Da wishes. The reason why Chen Da is not an actor is that he was angry once.

Today's little fresh meat actors are not very dedicated. Those who are looking for doubles are looking for doubles. If some actors can make 15 of their 30 scenes, the director will have to pay homage to Buddha and thank Buddha.

The rest are all doubles.

Even some show shows are not on their own. A stand in actor has a green or blue mask on his face, which is convenient for later matting. He can directly put the main character's face on the stand in actor, which is considered to be completed.

There are also some little fresh meats that are more exaggerated. They have to watch the teleprompter when they are acting. They are completely reading their lines and are not involved in the play at all.

Chen Da hates this kind of people who have no professional quality, but now the capital market can't help buying them.

At this moment, everyone is busy, only Ren He leisurely ran to the stage to find a suitable place to lie down... This is everything!

No matter how many sets of clothes others change, no matter how many sets of clothes others walk around, he is determined to be one with the background. If he can't speak, he won't speak. If he can't move, he won't move. He is disabled!

No, I play a disabled person!

We didn't feel much before. At this time, we saw Ren He looking at them happily. Then we thought of yesterday when Ren He said that he was lazy

They suddenly feel that Ren He may really choose this role for the sake of no trouble!

There is such a person! It's amazing! No comparison, no feeling. With the contrast of Ren He, everyone felt tired... Chen Da also found the clue, pointed to Ren He and almost yelled: "you give me a serious point!"“ "Oh," Ren He no longer gloated at other people... Although he was the most convenient in preparation, he still acted as he should in rehearsal. He was very serious, and Chen Da was a little worried. According to the truth, an actor should be happy when he plays well, but Chen Da understands that even if a smile is sincere, if you make him smile 100 times, sincerity will appear a little fake, because the person who laughs is numb. Drama is different from movies. When you perform a wonderful movie, the audience replays it over and over again from the screen. No matter how many times, it's the same. But drama is not the same, drama is performed by actors on the spot, the audience to see them a hundred times, it means they played a hundred times. People will always be tired. If they are not tired, they will feel numb to a certain action or expression. The same performance, where there is soul to speak of? However, Chen Da knows this truth very well, and he attaches great importance to the soul of drama, so he doesn't want this kind of thing to happen to Ren He and spoil such a good seedling. Chen Da found Ren He and said in a low voice, "can you keep the state of these two days during the performance?"“ Yes, "Ren He was surprised. He didn't know why Chen Da asked“ If you can keep it, then you don't have to do your best to perform. If you lift the weight lightly and lift the weight lightly, you should control your own propriety. "I don't know why, Chen Da feels that he trusts Ren He in acting skills. This young man's level is no longer comparable to that of his peers, even the graduate students can't do it... He's not as good as Ren He when he plays the beggar himself! The students next to him were shocked. It was the first time that they met Chen Da and told someone in the group that they didn't have to do their best in rehearsal. Is this still Chen Da Ten thousand rewards plus more