Chapter 476

Just when FBI agents began to investigate all the crew on the ship, Ren He also got the list he wanted. Before this voyage, with himself and Steve, there were only four new crew members in total.

Ren He has also thought about whether the other party will become a passenger and stay on the ship, but in fact Steve denied this view. The FBI is not a fool. The only one who can walk freely on the ship and have no scruples to contact the passengers is the crew.

If it is a passenger, how can the other party facilitate the search? And this person is very likely to be a crew member of the housekeeping department.

Ren He looked at Steve suspiciously. The remaining two new crew members were all from the housekeeping department. He was wondering if the goods had read the entry list of crew members before he said so.

"What unit did you retire from?" Ren he doubts that when Steve is serious, he suddenly becomes interested in his past.

Steve's skill is very good, and Ren He is also very sure of this, but just met the human body quality of their own, plus master level fighting.

When Steve knew that he was the one who fought with the national security agency, his reaction was more resistance than fear.

Ren He thinks that if he was in his previous life, he would be scared to pee when he encountered this kind of thing, but Steve didn't.

In the following time, Steve can not only give himself a crew identity, but also help to bring guns on board. Is this something that an ordinary veteran can do? Ren Wo doesn't think all American soldiers can be like Tom Cruise in mission impossible.

The world is not so magical.

However, Steve was silent about his previous identity and seemed to be planning to keep the secret forever.

Ren He felt that he really found the right person to find Steve. The other party was obviously not simple. It was only because that little money could not support him after he retired from the army that he became depressed.

It's the same in China. Many soldiers don't get along well after they leave the army. In his previous life, Ren He once knew a veteran who had been a scout and later joined the Yizhang team of the three armed forces. At that time, when the company wanted to do military training, he invited them in. He only paid 3000 yuan for 15 days.

It can be imagined that the other party is not particularly happy.

This time, it was Steve's careful analysis after he got the money that led to the conclusion that the FBI had intervened. It seemed that the other side knew the procedure very well.

Ren He asked again, "how many agents do you think will be on board?"

"One or two, there are countless ships and cruise ships leaving the port every day. Even the FBI is short of manpower. It is impossible for them to devote the whole country's efforts to arrest you, because what they are doing is not glorious." Steve seems to be familiar with the saying: "if they caught you, it would be the best, but they didn't catch you, At this time, they have to think carefully about how to prevent the incident from becoming a diplomatic dispute. "

So, the two remaining new crew members are probably FBI agents? Ren He felt that he had to stay away from the housekeeping department. He didn't have to send people to confirm whether they were agents or not. He stayed away from them until the cruise ship left the United States.

Ren He decided that once the ship arrived in the Caribbean, he would directly get off the ship to contact China. There was a prism plan in the United States, and he did not dare to make a long-distance call abroad.

He suddenly thought of something and said to Steve, "aren't you a big thief? In this way, I'll give you 50000 dollars. You'll secretly go to the crew list and delete our names. Although they are pseudonyms, the other party will slowly turn their attention to the new crew."

"Thank you very much. I'm not polite about the money, but the list has been deleted long ago," Steve said triumphantly. He didn't expect Ren He's money to be so easy to earn. He just deleted it before, but he made 50000 dollars at this time.

Steve felt that Ren He was really the best customer in the world. If he didn't want to retire, he would really like to ask Ren He if he needed to help him deal with some unexpected things in the future

That night, Steve was sleeping with that bag of dollars in his arms, for fear that once he woke up, there would be no money left.

The dream of making a fortune by gambling is also mercilessly awakened by Ren He's reality. The remaining hope is to send Ren He out of the country safely, then enjoy his own pension and spend the rest of his life with his wife and children.


After 4 a.m., the whole cruise ship fell into silence from the noise of the day, and there were not many people in the 24-hour casino.

A white man came out of the crew dormitory of the housekeeping department in plain clothes. He walked quietly all the way and went straight to the chief officer's office.

The first mate is always in charge of the entry, resignation and other affairs of all the crew members on this cruise ship. If he wants to know whether there are new people on board, the agent thinks it is the most convenient thing to go directly to the first mate's office.

After investigation, the chief officer is a former member of the CIA, and all the files are recorded. His loyalty is absolutely up to standard. After leaving the CIA, he is also very self-contained. Therefore, the FBI has reason to believe that the other party will not be confused in such matters as national fugitives. However, there is still a certain risk to ask for the list directly. What if the other party is also an accomplice in the fraud? It's better to check the files directly to make yourself more at ease. What's more, the FBI and the CIA are in competition. The FBI also has the power to enforce the law overseas. It's not twice that the two departments have small conflicts. When they rise to the collective level, it's the face of a collective. If the FBI applied for the assistance of former CIA members, where is the face? In this world, there is a truth that the line between two points is the shortest. However, in the adult world, most people do not choose to do things like this. This is especially true in the political field, so people always question why local governments are so inefficient? It's collective thinking. It's very easy for an agent to sneak into the chief officer's office, turn on the computer and decipher the password of an ordinary civilian computer. The agent is full of expectation. The passengers have been checked out by him, and the crew is the only one left. If he can find the fierce thug, it will be a great achievement. But the agents don't want to expose themselves. After all, they know best what the thug did. It's a person who dares to kill a bloody road in the center of New York City with a sniper. The agent thinks that he doesn't have the courage and ability. The agent opened the file on the chief officer's desk and pulled the form to the entry details at the bottom. He clearly saw that in the past three months, only he and another crew member named George from the housekeeping department had been employed... George? The one who sleeps in his dormitory and has no bad feet? Could it be the thug? Are you kidding I'm very tired during this period of time, and I'm also very tired. I really don't have too many experience codes. I'll forgive you. There are still three days left in the countdown to the wedding. What can be guaranteed is that we can keep improving