Chapter 460

Before the arrival of tonight, Ren He has made enough preparations, but he can't get the sniper gun bullets.

This kind of big caliber bullet is a very dangerous thing at this time, whether it is bought on the black market or bribed to the shooting club, because Ren He doesn't know whether there will be any problems in which link, such as someone calling the police, for example, who is the informant of the national security agency on the black market.

Ren He didn't dare to take the risk, so his sniper gun had only 17 bullets, which was his last card tonight.

The roar of countless engines can be heard all around. The whole world is noisy, but Ren He's inner world is extremely calm.

Urgent is useless, Ren He has decided to die.

It's very interesting to say that Ren He smiles. He didn't expect that he couldn't live to his old age. Before, he thought that when he was old, he would sit with Yang Xi under the walnut tree in his courtyard every day to enjoy the cool.

At that time, Aunt Wang Shufang may have been gone, so he made rolls for Yang Xi himself.

As a result, I may not be able to wait until then.

One kilometer ahead is the sea, which is very close.

Yang Xi may be only a few kilometers away from his position at this time. They are in the same city, looking at the same starry sky, but they are very close to each other.

Ren he suddenly remembered a poem by Tagore: The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when I stand in front of you, you don't know I love you.

It's bullshit to think about Lao Tai now. The furthest distance in the world is clearly life and death

Ha ha, at this time, I still think so much.

After tonight, there will be no more poetic little professors, no more knights, no longer the big boss behind the scenes of Qinghe faction.

I'm in a hurry when I come. Let's go with dignity.

In Ren He's eyes, the flame is burning, running towards the tallest building around him. That's his sniper point, his last battlefield!

At this time, two black suits with pistols suddenly burst out from the side. When the other side saw Ren He raise his hand, they shot. The National Security Bureau originally intended to capture Ren He alive, but now they have understood that it is almost impossible. The other side's nerve reaction speed and amazing gun technique are threatening everyone's lives.

This is the most ferocious thug!

However, before the two fighters in black suits raised their hands, Ren He's gunfire had already started.

Facts have proved countless times that people can't be faster than bullets, but people can be faster than hands, and Ren He is the fastest one!

When life and death are no longer a concern, the national security agency may find that the sniper is more terrible than ever.

After two shots, Ren He ran to the high building without any pause. When he came to the front of the building, he began to climb up with his hands and feet. He clearly remembered the surprise in the eyes of the two soldiers who had just died when they saw him. It seemed that they were surprised to see Ren He here. They all thought Ren He would continue to run forward, But I didn't expect that Ren He would choose a sniper point here.

Isn't this the time to choose a sniper? Although the tall building is high, it's just an island. If you go up, you can't get down!

When the crisis of life and death came, Ren He's faster. He quickly came to the top of the platform. He didn't even have the time to breathe, so he started sniping!

At this time, the person in charge of setting up observation posts in the distant street suddenly exclaimed, "there are people in the tall building!"

At this time, a haze flashed through the hearts of all the arresting personnel. They all knew who they were arresting!

They know exactly what happened that night!

"Take cover!" Some people roared. Not all the vehicles on the scene are bulletproof vehicles. A bulletproof vehicle costs millions. The security bureau can't spend all the money on it. Moreover, the other party's 12.7 caliber sniper armor piercing bullet. To be honest, it's not difficult to penetrate the bulletproof glass.

Bullet proof glass can't prevent all bullets!

However, at the next moment, there was a thunderous explosion in the noisy night sky: "bang!"

That's the sound of the sniper gun. The man shot!

I don't know why. Maybe it's the understanding of the Sniper at the meeting before the capture, or maybe it's the killing ability shown by the other party in the process of today's capture, which makes them feel desperate at the moment when the sniper shot.

And then when they find that it's not their own death, there will be a kind of joy!

At this time, in front of you on the road speeding a black SUV exploded! The other side hit the fuel tank of the SUV in the process of high-speed driving!

In theory, bullets can never explode the fuel tank, and the lens in the movie is just for the sake of picture effect. However, the gun in Ren He's hand is not an ordinary gun, and the 12.7 caliber sniper bullet itself is more of black circle and red circle armor piercing bullet and armor piercing incendiary bullet.

Ren He smiles calmly on the rooftop, his bullets are limited, and the mailbox of every car is like a bomb tailored for him. I'm afraid this group of opponents sitting in the iron shell didn't think they would take the fuel tank this time. The huge explosion and the burning fire in the car dyed the night sky red. Bang! Another car turned into a fire and started to burn! Bang! The third one! Ren He with his strong physical quality level lift sniper, this is any sniper all unimaginable thing, level lift no problem, but accurate head drop too much, and oneself also can't bear so many recoil! Ren He is calm in his heart, no longer confused, no longer violent, no longer thinking about life and death, no longer thinking about the future. Maybe I don't have any future. The continuous gunfire sounds like thunder exploding in the night sky. Then scatter with thunder. As long as the off-road vehicles in Ren He's eyes on the street are exploding into flames, like shouting in the night sky, like a carnival of Ren He. I'm afraid the national security agency of the United States has never thought that such a national machine as itself would be forced to do so by a person. There was a crazy roar from the commander in the walkie talkie: "get out of the car, surround that tall building!" In Ren He's sight, he saw that all the people in the cars jumped out of the car one by one with evasive actions, no matter where the high-speed but driverless vehicles would hit. Even abandoned the car... Ren He turned his mouth. These people who forced by himself didn't dare to do it. Should they be famous in history? The decryption time of military archives is generally 50 years. It seems that 2017 was the decryption time of President Kennedy's murder. As a result, Ren He came here before he could wait. Will people be shocked when they know what happened tonight in 50 years By the way, it's on the way. On the other hand, I built a book list called elbow granary. If you are interested, you can pay attention to it. Well, it's basically all the books that I have read before and think are very good