Chapter 336

When Ren He finished playing Pathetique, but now the four pieces have been performed, everyone's ideas have changed, not to mention the creation, even the performance level is impeccable.

In fact, it's just like this. All of you are experts. You can understand the level as soon as you listen to it.

President Joseph apologized and said, "I'm sorry to have questioned you before. Whether it's performance or composition, you are really qualified to be a professor at our Juilliard Conservatory of music."

This is also a kind of stereotype. In their mind, how can people with master level pretend to be such things? What the other side brings out is original, and they have never heard of it in other places.

Ren He said with a smile: "it's OK. There is no trust between us. It's reasonable for you to question. I also hope to work in Juilliard Conservatory of music, but... I have another idea. I don't know if I can get your approval. What I want to teach is the course of performance, not creation."

He continued his serious nonsense: "in fact, I don't know how to teach creation. I always think it has too much to do with talent and inspiration, so I want to teach piano playing skills."

What he actually thought in his heart was that Yang Xi learned to play musical instruments, and her specialty was piano. Before, she wanted to learn piano. Although she was good at guitar, she practiced piano in music theory class during this year, and now she has fulfilled her wish. In Ren He's opinion, it's better to teach Yang Xi piano instead of teaching composition

Anyway, this time he has no scruples, always avoiding Su Ruqing, they have no meaning, just like

Everyone looked at each other. It should be an accident again. Joseph had set Ren He a position as a professor in the composition department, but now people don't want to teach composition, they want to teach piano playing

After all, this is a regular school. Can you teach whatever you want? No one has a choice.

But in fact, the higher the level, the more respect will be given to talents. From now on, Ren He is a master in composition, piano performance and violin performance. If this kind of person really only wants to teach piano performance, Juilliard Conservatory of music will seriously consider his decision.

Joseph looked embarrassed and said, "can we have a little meeting? After all, it's not a small decision. "

"Of course, I'm waiting outside the rehearsal hall. I'd like to thank Juilliard College for giving me this opportunity." Ren He thinks it's normal for people to hesitate. In real life, things to be considered should be comprehensive. If the other party is at their own level, they can play whatever they want, it will lose the dignity of Juilliard College of music.

Ren He was waiting outside the door, and all the people in the rehearsal hall sat together to discuss.

President Joseph pondered: "there is no doubt that he is qualified for the piano playing course, but the problem is that the professors of our own piano course and composition course are all vacant, and the professors of piano course are better to find some, and the talents in composition are not available. I still hope that he can serve as the professor of composition department."

He is the chairman, so his point of view will be more from the resource allocation of Juilliard Conservatory of music.

"I think we should respect his choice. After all, this kind of talent is the most important thing. Can you imagine that he is only 16 years old? As long as he is in Juilliard college, the comprehensive strength of the college will be improved in the future. Have you considered how much influence these four songs will have in the field of classical music after they are released? How long has it been since we saw such an excellent work? " A middle-aged woman said excitedly.

"I think Maia's words are reasonable. Just now, this teenager shocked me too much, especially the last Croatian Rhapsody and his new repertoire. I haven't been so shocked for a long time. I agree to respect his personal choice!" Said a white man.

President Joseph just stood there thinking with his arms in his arms, then he was silent for a full minute and said, "OK, I agree that he will be the professor of piano playing class! I think we should be more tolerant towards talents. We at Juilliard Conservatory of music exist for the sake of talents, not only the students but also the teachers! "

Until then, Ren He entered the Juilliard Conservatory of music things finally determined.

On the way here, Ren He thought a lot about it. He deeply understood that a regular university would not easily ignore the objective problems, and his age itself was a limitation, just as everyone in the rehearsal hall imagined: when a 16-year-old boy teaches others, it really makes people play!

However, since Ren He has this consideration, he has the determination to break their inherent ideas.

The United States has come, and it's not his style to end up in the end.

Joseph signed a three-year contract with Ren He on behalf of Juilliard Conservatory of music, with a monthly salary of US $22000. He is a piano professor!

During this period, Joseph also asked Ren He for advice on whether the four works could be recorded for him in the name of Juilliard Conservatory of music and promoted to the outside world. These four works are really excellent. Joseph himself can't wait to let many people know that they were written by the professors of Juilliard Conservatory of music.

Ren He thought for a moment and replied, "there's no problem at all. I just want to wait. But what I can promise you is that there's no problem with it. I'll record it while I'm teaching at Juilliard Conservatory of music. Even this time won't be too long. It's just a few months." Joseph was satisfied to hear the promise. After all this, Ren He began to look for an apartment to rent next to Juilliard Conservatory of music. Because of the money, it took him only one afternoon to find a particularly luxurious high-end apartment in downtown area. The house with two bedrooms and one living room costs 3500 US dollars a month. For Ren He's income, this is completely negligible. Standing in front of the French window of his new home, Ren He can see the Juilliard conservatory downstairs directly, and finally get everything done. Ren He also feels relieved. He doesn't blame Yang Xi for failing to resist the decision made by his family. In fact, if he really disagrees with Lao Ren and Ren Ma, he can only choose to compromise temporarily. It's parents, not passers-by. You don't have to think about their feelings or joys and sorrows. You can't separate the relationship between your parents who gave birth to you, raised you and loved you. People can never have absolute freedom in this world, even Renhe. It is also because Ren He is mature that he knows how to respect this kind of relationship and everyone's feelings. He always pursues what he wants. It's too self living. Although Ren He is selfish, he respects his parents as well as Yang Xi's. However, this time he chose a more intense way to prove his determination to be with Yang Xi to Su Ruqing and Yang En. He is also tired of hiding love, the next time he is found, can he still go to Mars? I will be tired myself! So whether Su Ruqing and Yang En can start to acquiesce in their relationship with Yang Xi depends on whether they can successfully change their ideas this time.