Chapter 310

Basically, 4 more updates every day are really awesome. Thank you for your help in March.


Ren He puts his backpack on the snow on Mount Everest. He takes out a five-star red flag and puts it in the snow. This is something he has prepared for a long time. It seems that there is something wrong with not putting a flag on Mount Everest.

Although he is not an angry youth, he is still patriotic. Ren He also deeply understands the truth that a rich country can make the people strong.

In March 2015, a conflict broke out between Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Due to the no fly zone in the air, it was difficult for airliners to navigate, and the land traffic was extremely dangerous.

The motherland conquest immediately decided to send a warship escorting in the Gulf of Aden from the escort mission to the evacuation mission to rescue.

Among so many countries at that time, China was the only one that sent warships to rescue people. Moreover, the Chinese people had priority to get on the ship. All the stranded Chinese were evacuated as soon as possible. The PLA guns, satellite phones, hot water and hot meals all reassured the Chinese people present.

The governments of more than a dozen countries, including Germany, Britain and Italy, have blown up the phone calls of Chinese embassies, imploring China to take away their citizens

There is no harm without comparison, and citizens in other countries feel abandoned by the state.

If Ren he were a foreign spokesman, he would dare to say, "thank you for the support of other friendly countries."

So he can't be a diplomatic spokesman

Of course, Ren He is not alone in singing the national anthem to the five-star red flag. When he put in the flag, he was silent in his heart.

Ren He took a picture of himself, and then took a few pictures of the scenery next to Mount Everest. Then there was business. He took out a flag from his backpack again. This time it was TK's.

The previous photo was taken as a souvenir for him, so he didn't need to pay attention to anything, but this one is different. He has to ensure that his clothes of other brands won't enter the country, and he has to take a better picture of the flag of TK

It can be said that this photo is worth $1.2 million. Of course, we need to take a good photo. I'm afraid it's also the most expensive photo in the world, isn't it? Ren he couldn't help thinking.

In fact, some of the photos are more expensive than you can imagine. The Rhine II photos sold at auction in 2011 in his previous life cost a lot of US $4338500 and US $4330000. Compared with other people, Ren He's still not good. At best, it ranks in the top ten.

Taking a good picture, Ren He smiles. When he planted two flags, he still treated them differently. At this time, the five-star red flag was fluttering in the middle of Mount Everest. Although it might be blown away by the strong wind in the future, at least it is still the center of the roof of the world.

The reward issued by the natural punishment system also follows: "the host has completed the task of climbing the wall of Mount Everest, and the evaluation is good. The reward is super hearing."

This is another sensory skill Ren he got after he got super vision. However, he was a little worried. Sometimes he was forced to accept what to do when he didn't want to listen to anything. However, when he tried this skill, he found that his listening gradually began to enlarge when he wanted to listen. In this way, Ren He was more relieved.

The evaluation of this task is good, it seems that it is because I ate too much chocolate on the mountain wall, otherwise I should be perfect

"When the host completes the mission of climbing Mount Everest, the evaluation is perfect, and you can choose your own directional reward."

Ren He is happy. That's right. He has made great efforts to climb Mt. Everest. If he doesn't give a perfect reward, it's really hard to say.

Well, it's over. It's time to return!

But in fact, climbing Mt. Everest is just the beginning. Ren he deeply understands this truth: climbing Mt. Everest is only the beginning of climbing. The ultimate goal is to withdraw from the top of Mount Everest alive. Ren He looked at the foot of the mountain. He really had the impulse to jump down from here. He must be grand enough to be famous in history.

But reason told him that it was no good. Ren He laughed and said to himself, "next time!"

Yes, the next time we get to the top! Ren He has a new plan in his heart! A more crazy plan!

He walked slowly down the mountain, because when he came, he directly chose to climb the mountain wall, so he had no chance to see the legendary landmark.

As a result, he saw the corpse on the side of the road not long after he got off the peak. This is the first time Ren he saw the corpse in this environment. This kind of feeling can only be said to have a lot of feelings. Everyone came here to climb the peak, but the ending was different.

In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that climbing Mount Everest is not very difficult, but only those who have actually experienced it can understand that there are people constantly having accidents in the camp every day, either sick or injured.

After all, it's still a forbidden area for life. Where can we go easily?

On his way down the mountain, Ren he found that Xia Boyu, the old man, ranked first in the climbing team!

A few hundred meters below the top of the mountain, the distance between the teams will be very long, because everyone will go from the famous Hillary steps one by one. In previous lives, Hillary steps were named because Edmund Hillary was the first to climb Mount Everest.

In the parallel world, this step has been called Mandela step. In the final process of climbing the southeast route of Mt. Everest, we must pass through the southeast ridge. From the south peak of Mt. Everest to the highest point of Mt. Everest, there is a 12 meter high section of bare rock at an altitude of 8790 meters. Everyone has to climb up one by one through the rope, or even cross the ice abyss directly from the steel ladder. Only one person can pass at a time. Here is Hillary's step. When everyone gets there, the distance will be very big, so now it seems that Xia Boyu should be the first person to cross the steps of Hillary Clinton. Ren He said with a smile: "it looks good spirit, come on, it's not far away." The old man Xia Boyu looked at Ren He with a cheerful smile. The tide in his heart kept surging. He gave himself the oxygen bottle, chose the most difficult way to climb the mountain, and was the first one to climb the mountain without oxygen. Now he can say hello to him so easily... "Thank you," Xia Boyu solemnly said. If it wasn't for the oxygen bottle, he couldn't have come here in such a good state“ You're welcome. I'll go down first. I'll see you at the camp! " Ren He said with a smile“ OK, see you at the camp! " Xia Boyu said seriously, he looked at Ren He's back down the mountain, and then went on to the top of the mountain. When he came to the top of the peak and saw the five-star red flag waving in the center of the top of Mount Everest, Xia Boyu was shocked and inexplicable. Before, he simply felt that the boy was very strong and beyond the mark. Now when he saw the flag planted by the other side, he suddenly felt the pride of being a compatriot. He was a Chinese! That's a Chinese teenager! It was the Chinese who conquered Mount Everest for the first time! When they were young, they always wanted to compete with foreigners. As a result, after a lifetime of competition, they were still better than others, but now they seem to be different! When Ren He came to Hillary's platform, there were more than ten people here. It seems that he is the following team. Everest has an unwritten rule: first up and then down, that is to say, Ren He must wait for them to come up first and then go down. It's 40 minutes before they finish. However, just at this time, he looked up at the scenery and found that the sky suddenly darkened in the distance, just like that nightmare... The storm is coming Ten thousand reward plus, even the monthly ticket of March, usually very seldom ask for this thing. My renewal has really been awesome. Others are breaking out occasionally. I'm breaking out every day... I want to rush to the list, I hope you can help!