Chapter 281

For Ren He now, a notebook is a big deal. Anyway, the manuscript is not stored on it, and if it's bad, it's bad. But bear's temper can't be used to it, otherwise they will feel a sense of achievement.

When the bear child was sitting on the sofa with a gift box in his arms, he cried when he heard that there would be more next year.

It's very unfair. Why don't you play according to the routine? Why is your cousin so bad

He wants to admit a mistake, but bear child's dignity urges him to insist on it. How can he admit a mistake so easily? Bear child wants to grow up!

However, when he was about to make a monkey, Ren He had already found the clue on his expression. He whispered in bear's ear and said, "do you believe me to make you stew again?"

Nima, stew... It's so fierce. Bear child immediately counseled. But on second thought, it's nothing more than to scare himself. Now that we are in a socialist legal society, what can you do to me? The parents are here!

Bear looked up and said, "cousin, I want to play in your room for a while."

Ren He looked at the bear child with a smile, yes, you can't bend, you can't move, you are a hero. Needless to say, the bear boy said that he wanted to play in his own house to harm his own things. It doesn't matter what else, but the original paintings hidden in the drawer have not been put away.

These things are of great significance to him.

Ren He was spinning in his head and thinking about how to cure the bear boy's stink. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he still had four perfect directional rewards in his hand. He quickly asked the heaven punishment system, "is there anything that can punish the bear boy?"

The natural punishment system did not answer Ren He's question. It seems that Ren He has no authority to ask the natural punishment system like this.

Bet your luck, choose directional reward!

"The host chooses to punish the bear child with effective measures, and rewards the host with a set of winter vacation homework for the second grade of Huanggang primary school, which has been placed in the host house," the natural punishment system said calmly.

Hearing this reward, Ren He was stunned. It's the first time that the punishment system rewards something so simple and close to reality... No, this is the real thing

But... The natural punishment system is also very cruel... I never thought it would be so cruel, and it's a bit wasteful to use a perfect reward to punish the bear child... But it's so enjoyable... It's really refreshing.

Isn't the reward used to make you feel comfortable? It's really gratifying to let bear completely despair! Moreover, I don't have any special reward in the near future. It's better to use it than to let the punishment system care about it.

Ren He said with a smile, "don't rush to my cousin's house first. I just remembered that I brought you two gifts."

Bear child's body is stiff on the spot, and there are gifts?! As like as two peas in the house, he saw his gift box on the table, exactly like the one he had just sent bear children.

Ren He went to the living room with the box in his arms. When bear saw the box, he was already loveless. In a moment, he felt that life was really too difficult!

"This is the winter vacation assignment of Huanggang primary school for the second year. The quality of education of Huanggang primary school is well-known in China. Their winter vacation assignment is the same level as that of Haidian District. After finishing it, the improvement of their learning level is very huge!" Ren He said solemnly, and then looked at the bear child happily. The expression was like saying, young man, have you ever experienced despair.

Ren He's aunt was surprised: "Huanggang primary school, I know, a lot of children are doing the simulation test of Huanggang primary school!"

"Yes, that's Huanggang primary school!" Ren He looks like he has found a confidant.

When everyone's attention returned to the Spring Festival Gala, bear child sat on the sofa in silence, this time holding two boxes

Bear child suddenly turned his head and said: "brother, I'm wrong."

Ren He nodded seriously: "well, brother, this is to teach you how to be a man. If you come out to mix, sooner or later you have to pay back."

"Brother, you're right," said bear. He finally understood that his small arms and legs could not twist his bad cousin.

Now that I've taken it, I'll let you go.

Bear child is too hard to deal with. In bear child's eyes, your so-called friends' gifts, handicrafts and souvenirs are just as valuable as 5 yuan water cannon. When they wail for something from you, their mood is not much different from that of asking for a popsicle on the street.

You can't beat him either. If you beat him, you will lose the support of public opinion. If there are bear children, there will be bear parents. Take the previous time when Ren He's mechanical keyboard was buckled. Your mechanical keyboard is worth dozens of yuan in the eyes of other people's parents.

Don't try to argue with bear parents. It's useless. The reason why bear children become bear children is that they are spoiled by bear parents!

So the best way is to love his study as a brother, sister, uncle and aunt!

Did you do your homework? How are your grades? Brother help you study! Brother tutors you to study every day!

At this time, we must have the consciousness of hurting the enemy by one thousand and losing eight hundred. Don't cherish your time and teach them to be a new man! At this time, the adults in the room suddenly began to discuss business. Ren He had to listen carefully. After all, he also wanted to know what kind of projects Ren Ma was working on. If it didn't conform to the general trend of history, he might as well remind her whether it could work or not, which was not his decision, but it was better to remind her than not. Ren Ma is a very enterprising woman. If her career is frustrated, it will affect her mood. Therefore, for the purpose of filial piety, she has to make her old people happy all the time“ Sister in law, I heard that you are doing a good job in real estate. How is real estate now? Can we have a touch with it? " Ren He's second uncle asked. Ren Ma thought for a moment: "this industry needs a large amount of money, but now the country is more relaxed about the loan conditions. You'd better consider it for yourself. I can't be sure about the details. What I want to do is not simple housing development, but more comprehensive commercial development, which you may not be able to do." Ren He Leng for a moment, is this to develop business district? Later, he realized that the scale of Ren Ma's company was still very large. Ren Ma started a small movie theater after she was transferred from the army. Later, she gradually built a chain of movie theaters. With the support of Lao Ren, the income of movie theaters now ranks among the top three in the country. The former chief of Lao Ren is also in a high position. In addition, he is also a feudal official and has a far-reaching political future, All aspects have been given a green light. After transforming into the real estate industry last year, Ren Ma felt that although the simple development of residential real estate made her quickly accumulate huge assets, she always felt that it was too thin, the capital chain was not very safe, and the business format was not very healthy. And also can't relate their own industry, so began to want to do with entertainment commercial real estate. It doesn't sound like much to others, but Ren He's just in front of his eyes. This parallel world is not as big as Wanda's in commercial real estate, and it doesn't matter if there are. After 10 years, even small third tier cities have to have two or three successful business circles. The competitiveness is very big, but it is not too big to compete. Ren He felt that he had to talk to Ren Ma about Wanda's business model. When he was studying business administration, his graduation thesis was the business model research of Wanda Plaza, and it was from 2005 to 2007 that Wanda was officially upgraded from the two pillar industries of residential real estate development and commercial real estate to the third generation of products, which was the Wanda Plaza that everyone finally saw in previous lives! Self owned shops only rent but not sell and some goods are sold to ensure the good fortune of the capital chain, which is much healthier than it insisted on renting but not selling. If it developed the third generation products earlier, it would not have to exchange 24% equity with Macquarie private equity fund. Ren he suddenly feels that it's really reliable to help his mother build Wanda in a parallel world