Chapter 274

Just as everyone was laughing, suddenly there was a thunder on the ground at night, which was not big but not small. Ren heteng sat up. It didn't sound like thunder or rain, but something exploded.

It sounds very far away. It's just that the space in the valley is wide, so the sound is far away.

What will explode in the middle of the night? There's no electricity here. It can't be a transformer.

What would that be?

Ren he suddenly woke up. It's not the tomb robbers. When they came, they saw some deep holes in the upper field. At that time, Liu Bing was still curious about what it was. Ren he couldn't answer because he had never seen it.

However, the sound suddenly reminded him of a news in his previous life: grave robbers became more and more rampant, directly using explosives to open holes.

Combined with the holes we saw before, isn't that stealing holes? In his previous life, he also read the news: thousands of large tombs in Northern Shaanxi were stolen by tomb raiders.

Lying trough, tomb robbery, this thing he only saw in the novel, really met for the first time. To tell you the truth, Ren He is a little curious, but he also knows that the tomb robbers are not as magical as in the novel.

As for the cognition of tomb robbers, some popular movies, TV dramas and novels have brought misunderstanding to the audience. They think that tomb robbers are familiar with history and have sophisticated equipment and tools. In fact, tomb robbers are not as powerful as those in movies and TV dramas. They are just looking for tombs, especially large tombs. This is not a high-tech job in itself, and it does not require a high level of education. Any ordinary person can master the underground situation as long as he has practiced it several times.

The main tool used by tomb robbers is called Luoyang shovel. It is a kind of shovel, which can bring out the underground soil. According to the soil quality, soil color and soil appearance, it can judge whether the underground is a tomb, what period of tomb or other types of remains. Luoyang shovel is also used by the archaeological team. The Luoyang shovel used in archaeology originally borrowed from tomb robbers, or was directly introduced from them.

After the reform and opening up, there was a period of rampant tomb raiding activities. A popular saying among them was that "if you want to be rich, dig ancient tombs and turn them into ten thousand yuan households overnight.". At the beginning, most tomb robbers worked alone. Later, they gradually developed into gangs. The division of labor became more and more clear and detailed. The people who actually steal tombs in the field may be at the bottom of the whole chain of theft, and some of them stay on the surface sites waiting to collect cultural relics, which will soon spread to the outside through illegal channels.

These profiteering tomb robbers often take advantage of people's unprepared and dig holes everywhere with shovels. They are not only a tomb, but also cause serious damage to the whole site. It's like holding a needle and pricking it up and down on a person's body. If a spade goes down, it will damage the underground protection environment of cultural relics. After drilling, they do not backfill. When it rains or farmers irrigate, water seeps in, which will cause secondary damage to the protection environment of underground cultural heritage.

And in recent years, the principle of explosive production is becoming more and more popular. Tomb robbers directly omit the steps of digging a hole and blow up a hole! Moreover, because they are gangs, armed and desperado, even the villagers with strong folk customs dare not provoke them.

Why does Ren He think tomb robbers are not so magical in real life? First, let's talk about the ghost blowing the lamp. After going to the tomb, the thieves have to light a candle in the southeast corner. If the candle goes out or changes color, they have to quit. From a scientific point of view, this is that the tomb is not ventilated for a long time, and the phosphorus content in the air rises, which is not suitable for human breathing.

Of course, there are too many things that can't be explained by science in this world, but from the perspective of metaphysics, the tomb robbers make a cut in the tomb chamber, and then when the tomb owner gets angry, they kowtow three times and quit, and nothing happens.

Is it normal? It's not normal, OK.

When you were sleeping at home, suddenly two thieves dug a very big transparent hole in your house and said to you, "we just came to have a look and don't take your things.".

Will you let them go? No, if Ren He would beat them to death.

The same is true of this tomb. When people are sleeping, you can dig a transparent hole in their roof, and it won't be waterproof in the future, OK? Three kowtows will spare you? It's no use knocking ten. If Ren He had to jump out and kill his family.

Just like in ancient times when people prayed for rain, a group of people went to the river to give the Dragon King three pig heads, and then they expected the Dragon King to give you rain? Dragon King is rare, you three pigs or what, you look down on the dragon?

So no matter what other people think, for Ren He, he is more inclined to believe in the scientific explanation of this matter, regardless of other things in advance.

But this can't stop his curiosity about tomb raiding, because he really hasn't seen anyone else. Ren he got up and put on his clothes and said, "you stay in the house and don't go anywhere. I'll go out and have a look."

"Where are you going?" Jiang Haoyang was confused.

"It's possible that someone robbed the tomb. I'll see what it looks like," Ren He explained.

"Lying trough, I'll go too. I want to see the tomb robbers, too!" How can we miss such an interesting thing? It's just that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. When curiosity comes up, it doesn't matter whether it's dangerous or not.

"No, you stay honest, the other party may still have weapons," the grave robbers may not have guns, but now their industrial chain has begun to improve, some people bury explosives, some people clean up the hole, some people go down the hole, and some people put wind on it. These are a group of outlaws. How many of them are cowards? What should I do if I have an accident with these high school students? I can't tell my parents when I go back. However, Jiang Haoyang, Liu Bing and Li Yifan have already begun to dress... Ren He's face is black: "you all go back to bed and lie down."“ If we don't come back, we'll have a look at it from a distance. If we have something to do, we'll run. They won't be able to catch up! " Jiang Haoyang said shamelessly. Ren He raised his eyebrows. He thought about it. In fact, he just wanted to have a look at it from a distance. Moreover, he even dealt with overseas killer organizations. These tomb robbers would not have killer organizations that were more powerful, and they would not have so good guns, so he would not stop. He said, "this time, I'm serious. They are all outlaws, If anyone doesn't listen to my orders, he will quit Qinghe society“ Well, well, it's up to you, "these three goods didn't pay attention at all. What I wanted to do was to hurry to see what the tomb robbery was like Add more clothes for the sea soul of Baiyin Alliance