Chapter 257

Publicity work is carried out at the same time with the modification of details. The whole floor of Qinghe game is busy at the same time. Everyone has to struggle for a goal.

They also want to know that Ren He only uses Kunlun games to pave the way for the turret. Is the turret worth the price!

If it is really like Ren He's vision, then Qinghe game will really become a giant in the game industry.

But at this time, many old people are worried. The technical team of Qinghe is really strong, but the problem is that if most of the development work is actually completed after the turret is finished, it means that the labor force of Qinghe game will be surplus!

The number of people needed to start the game is always more than the number needed to maintain it. Will Qinghe game support us at that time?

However, even if Qinghe is willing to support everyone, everyone's most demanding is different. They are eager to be successful. A game can't be a badge of victory in life.

Where should we go then?

In general, large game companies will have this situation, but they develop games one by one, and now it seems that Qinghe has no plan after the turret.

Promise also quietly told Ren He about this problem, saying that many people began to worry about it after the completion of the turret. In fact, many elders discussed it with promise in private, hoping that the little boss could help them to find out the big boss's words.

Ren He also thought about this problem at this time. Originally, he thought it would be better to develop a turret, but the problem was that at that time, he had not negotiated with the task of heavenly punishment, and he had no immunity to the task, so he just wanted to make a turret. Anyway, he had enough money to spend.

However, now that he has mission immunity, it's great to be able to play the game of the previous life again after experiencing the rebirth of two lives. Even when he finds that he can bring those things of the previous life, he will have a certain sense of achievement.

So, Ren He had the idea of continuing to develop the game, but he didn't give a specific reply to little fat man's promise. Instead, he simply said that he might consider making a game about assassins after the turret. It's also very interesting and certainly very profitable.

I think of this game because he accidentally thought of it when playing Parkour. It should be very interesting to make it. I can even make a promotional film for this game.

Assassin's Creed! Although the game with an annual income of 88 million US dollars is inferior to the turret, at that time, playing games even became a kind of fun rather than to make money. Maybe Qinghe game will become a platform with a market value of 4.7 billion US dollars like steam in the future.

But the market value of Qinghe game is bound to be higher, because all the games are developed by him, which is the real giant in the game field.

The details of turret will be modified soon. The test has been carried out for half a month now, and finally it will be online.

At this time, everyone could not help but put down their work and came to the hall to pay attention to the huge LED screen at the door. The numbers on the screen kept beating, 992300, 993100, 996200, 999300

It's 6:47 p.m., and the peak of the game has just begun.

Everyone knows that the first simultaneous online million level game in the game industry will finally be born, right in front of their eyes, right where they work, right under their witness.

Suddenly, someone seems to feel that they are experiencing history. Everything that happened in front of them will be recorded in the development history of the game. When people search the development history of the game, Kunlun and Qinghe games will surely occupy a place, and no one can ignore them.

This is what they are striving for, and what they are proud of.

When Ren He came in the afternoon, he asked people to buy champagne and celebrate the buffet. The choice of champagne was not the best, but the buffet was directly made by the top coffee shop in Los Angeles.

It's reasonable for him to make such an arrangement. A million people is not a good place to live. Even in 2017, when everyone was playing games, a million people were not so good.

Brilliant feats need crazy celebration!

Just when everything was ready, the numbers on the LED screen suddenly jumped again, and the whole hall suddenly rang out with huge cheers. Many people hugged and many elders wept with joy.

Qinghe game has finally created a history of the game field, which is not only a milestone of Qinghe game, but also a milestone of the whole game history.

This is what they have been fighting for four months. They go to bed at 2 p.m. every day and get up early in the morning. It's not what the company requires, but what they feel is that life is very promising.

Hope is what can bring motivation.

What is hope?

No matter how hard it is outside, it seems that I am not so tired when I think of something or someone.

It's the light in the dark. Imagine that you'll tremble to get the power of excitement.

Ren He made a long-term plan for them and gave them a hope. It seems that the exit is where the light lies.

When Kunlun went online, everyone was very worried. However, facts have proved that Ren He's vision is correct, and everyone's vision is correct. Qinghe game is a success! Now, even if they go out from Qinghe, they will be scrambled by the major game companies, and even some people have come to Qinghe game for a long time, but they still think Qinghe game is better, because they are very happy here. Money will be satisfied, so will the freedom of human nature, the sense of achievement and vanity. What else? love? A programmer thinks that the sister of art department is very good, and he is going to pursue it. Maybe this is the daily life of Qinghe game. Ren He stands quietly in front of the LED, feeling the happy frenzy of Qinghe game company. He suddenly finds that he can bring hope and happiness to others, and he will be really happy. All of a sudden, everyone slowly quieted down. They quietly turned their heads and looked at Ren He behind the crowd. He was the one who led them to success and the most dazzling person in Qinghe game. He is very young, but he has shown great courage and wisdom since the founding of Qinghe game. His style of dealing with people will not make others feel uncomfortable. He just thinks that working with this person is really a good thing. Qinghe game is a success, and the boy standing behind everyone is the biggest winner. A game planning veteran said with a smile: "boss, say something?" Ren He walked slowly to the LED screen, took a deep breath and said, "thank you for your efforts in the past four months." After that, he bowed deeply and applauded in front of him. Ren He was sincere. He appreciated everyone's sincere unity and finally worked together to make the turret. Then he straightened up and continued to calm down and said: "four months ago, Kunlun was just a fantasy in my mind, so was the turret. Now they can appear in this world, which can't be done without you. We have broken through the million level. We are the first game company in the world to achieve this achievement. Tomorrow, the media in the game industry will spread four words: Qinghe game. Do you know what that means? On the road of the game, we will only run faster and faster, there is no one in front of us, we can't imitate anyone, we can't learn from their failure, because we are the leader, everyone must look up to the leader, celebrate, tonight is worth celebrating Ten thousand rewards plus more