Chapter 213

The next day, Ren He stood at the gate of No.4 Middle School at 3:40 a.m. early in the morning. The first one who arrived first was Liu Jiamin, which surprised Ren He that a girl from the other party would be the first one.

When there were only Liu Jiamin and Ren He at the school gate, Liu Jiamin suddenly said, "if I pass the test of the club, please teach me how to play the piano."

She thought for a long time and asked many teachers and classmates. No teacher really had the level that Ren He played that day, so she finally began to think back to the teenager who passed by. If there was no accident, it was the person she was looking for.

It was at the orientation party that Liu Jiamin saw Ren He again. When the other party was playing the guitar on the stage, the feeling of emotion in the music was the same as that of that day. At this time, she realized that maybe the musical instruments were different, but Ren He was the person she was looking for.

It's not hard to imagine that there are many musical instruments in NO.4 middle school.

Ren he smashed it, smashed it, and said, "let's talk when we pass."

The second and third arrived Liu Bing and Jiang Haoyang. They were still drinking yogurt and eating the bread bought in the supermarket. Jiang Haoyang showed off: "I didn't expect that we would come so early?"

In the end, 37 people signed up. Only 18 people arrived at the gate of the fourth lieutenant colonel at 4 a.m., and even some people find it difficult to get up at more than 3 a.m.

It's not that they really can't get up, but they always feel that some things are not worth taking seriously. The job interview may not go because of the rain, and they may not do a question after thinking about it for 20 minutes.

But what they don't understand is that success in life is accumulated by such small things.

Ren He can imagine that in the future, many people will laugh at Qinghe club for setting up countless difficult screening conditions like psychosis, and only a few people will be left. There's no need. Clubs are clubs. Why are they exaggerating? It's like they're going to dig for gold.

"Thank you for coming at 4 a.m. for those 19 students who didn't show up, Qinghe club may not have been so reliable, so it doesn't need to be taken too seriously. But what I want to say is that the sublimation of life is not achieved through success, but the hardships in the process of success, ”Ren He said with a smile: "if you want to join, you can keep up. If you want to quit, our test is to walk for 12 hours. It's better to prove that you are not a real loser from now on."

After that, Ren He began to walk ahead. Everyone looked at each other. It's not a real game. It's the end of summer. If you walk for 12 hours, it will pass the hottest 2 o'clock in the day. I'm afraid everyone will be paralyzed after walking for 12 hours.

Now someone wants to quit!

In the end, Liu Jiamin is the only one who can keep up with Ren He's pace without any doubt, and Liu Bing also clenches her teeth after Jiang Haoyang looks at each other.

Walking in the early hours of the morning didn't feel much, although Ren He's fast, it's still no problem to keep up, but this is just the beginning.

At the beginning of hiking, everyone will feel relaxed, but when the time axis is lengthened, the muscles of the body will start to be tired because they can't get a reasonable rest for a long time. This kind of fatigue will perplex everyone's will.

In the past, many of the world's top 100 companies tested Guan Peisheng more strictly than this. There are many local tyrants who threw Guan Peisheng on a desert island to survive. However, these excellent Guan Peisheng will quickly go to the management post after passing the test. The world is always proving a truth to people: sometimes real life is more exaggerated than fiction.

When the time arrived at two o'clock in the afternoon, there were only four people left behind Ren He.

Among the four people, there are two others, Liu Bing and Jiang Haoyang. Before Ren He, he never thought that the Qinghe club would be so miserable. It's so miserable!

When I came to No.4 Middle School, I was just preparing for the grand plan meeting, and I met the experts from all sides, but I met Waterloo.

Ren He is a little frustrated. Is the loser a loser after all? At this time, Ren he probably understood that there was an internal reason for failure, NIMA

But in fact, this is not necessarily true. Maybe people just think it's not worth it. No one's life has no hope of success after a failure in the assessment, and Ren He's assessment is not so magical. What Ren He can do is to wish them success in the future, then say goodbye and finally forget.

That is to say, at 4 p.m., only five people, including Ren He, were left in the Qinghe club. Although Ren He was psychologically prepared and thought that there would not be too many people left after the test, it was too little.

In addition to Liu Bing and Jiang Haoyang, there are two other people, one is Li Yifan, who was dragged by Jiang Haoyang's junior high school classmates. It's said that they all fell in love with Kunlun. Originally, he planned to join a school band as a bassist, but he was bullied and lured by Jiang Haoyang, He is the one with the biggest voice

Finally, it's also the most surprising one for Ren He. If other people have a little relationship with Ren He, or such indirect relationship as Li Yifan, then this is totally voluntary.

Liu Jiamin, there is a girl in the end. By this time, Liu Jiamin's lips are a little white. Ren He took a deep breath and looked at himself. The poor league members in the future were a little sad... Today, the world also taught Ren He that ideal is full, but reality is very bony... No one would be so stupid. Just because you said a few words, you would become your diehard loyalty. How could it be a joke... "Cough, thank you for your support, ”Ren He said with a helpless smile: "in order to thank you, I invite you to dinner in the evening." The place is the buffet on the first floor of Shangri La. It's also the best buffet in Kyoto. During the meal, Liu Jiamin suddenly asked, "can you teach me how to play the piano?" Everyone was stunned for a moment. What's the situation? Is there a story in the middle? They obviously know each other. Liu Jiamin, as the only woman in the club, will certainly get more attention. Although she is a little bit shriveled, her beautiful baby face is very good. Liu Bing, Li Yifan and Jiang Haoyang are sitting there quietly waiting for gossip. Li Yifan, who is playing bass, suddenly wakes up: "Liu Jiamin, you are not the piano expert in Daoyuan class. Did you send a post to find the teacher before? Is there such a powerful teacher in our school? Has that teacher found him yet... "Li Yifan suddenly shut up and looked at Ren He. What did Liu Jiamin say just now? Let Ren he teach her to play the piano?