Chapter 99

Ren He took magnesium powder with him when he went out in the morning. He hung the bag of magnesium powder on his waist. After a simple warm-up exercise, he began to climb up.

On each floor, Ren He directly and completely relies on his arm to pull up the air-conditioning underframe on the upper floor, and then step on the air-conditioning outdoor unit on the upper floor to continue to do so repeatedly.

Although it looks dangerous, it's still relatively simple to do. The most energy consuming part is just more than 20 pull ups. Of course, it's a trick.

One of the most important things to pay attention to is that when climbing up each floor, you should try to see whether the outdoor unit on the top of your head is firmly installed or not. If you are dragged down by yourself because of rusting for a long time, won't you also fall down?

Fortunately, this kind of thing didn't happen, which was not dangerous.

On the rooftop of Kailai Hotel, Lin Hao is setting up a high-power telescope. He slowly adjusts the angle of the telescope. Looking out of the mirror tube, it's just the building of Yang Xi's house!

Lin Hao has to light a cigarette for himself leisurely. In fact, it's very easy for him to come to Los Angeles to do the task this time. Generally, overseas organizations will not be too arrogant in the territory, and even if those people really take the risk to enter, there won't be too many people, and there won't be heavy firepower.

After all, China is not a bullying country.

The only unexpected thing is the young man he met on the Los Angeles bridge. Now he remembers that Ren he deliberately pointed him the wrong way, and it still hurts

However, when he was smoking and observing the target, he suddenly found that he saw the girl in the living room with the target through the window. It seemed that he had seen the girl himself. Isn't it the girl who happened to be with the boy that day?

Is this the target's daughter?

Just as Lin Hao stands up and takes a deep puff of smoke, he sighs that it's so clever that another clue to find Ren He finally appears. Suddenly, a hand grabs the wall on the edge of the rooftop in front of him

I'm NIMA! Lin Hao hands a shake, fingertip smoke all fell to the ground, all sweat hair at the same time erect!

What's the concept of a hand appearing on the roof of the 28th floor in the evening?! Lin Hao was ready to take out his gun on the spot. If there were black donkey hooves, he would rush up directly

However, Lin Hao is a well-trained soldier, and his nerves are also very tough. One of his hands is behind him. He quietly looks at the edge of the wall, and another hand comes up

When Lin Hao looked at the hands carefully, he relaxed. It looked like a child's hand with thin bones, flesh and skin texture, and it didn't look like a ghost. And the white magnesium powder on his hand, Lin Hao is too familiar with it. He often uses it when he does outdoor live broadcast!

Since it's not beyond imagination, Lin Hao is not afraid. However, when Ren He's half body comes up, the two people's eyes are so opposite, and they are completely stunned!

Ren He didn't expect that there were still people on the rooftop, and he didn't expect that he was still an acquaintance! I've just let off all the gas from other people's tires. It seems that I'm still a little guilty

What makes Lin Hao feel confused is that he was still thinking about finding out the clue of this teenager, but the other party appeared in front of him in this strange and frightening way

This is the 28th floor, OK? You just came up with your bare hands? Lin Hao himself has never done such a dangerous thing, OK, you are really a junior high school student?! But Lin Hao's hand on the gun is down. I think the other side should be a junior high school student who likes extreme sports.

Two people are a little embarrassed, Ren He directly turned over and completely climbed up, at this time, the voice of the heaven punishment system sounded: "host complete the task, reward: Master fighting!"

I didn't think that his skills in fighting were so full. He could not make complaints about it. He found that the skills that he had passed to him were not only capable of controlling muscles but also had a deeper skill of killing.

It's the skill of striking acupoints!

As we all know, the reason why hitting the carotid artery can cause the other side to faint is completely due to the lack of blood supply to the other side's brain at the moment of hitting. In fact, the lack of blood has little effect, but people are in a coma!

This inside the door is let Ren he feel very interesting.

But now is not the time to study master fighting, because he is still staring at Lin Hao

This can't, have to resolve this embarrassment, Ren He said with a smile: "ha ha, the moonlight tonight is really good."

Lin Hao's face is black. If he can't change the topic, just wait for others to speak first

As a result, Ren He continued to smile: "your telescope is on the shelf. Do you look at the stars?"

Then Ren he bent down to look into the mirror tube. It doesn't matter. The mirror tube is facing Yang Xi's home! Ren He thinks of the other party's behavior of tracking Yang Xi... I can't bear it on the spot. The so-called guilt of sticking the tire is gone for a moment. I think I may have misunderstood you, but I find that I didn't misunderstand you at all!

Lin Hao immediately felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, as if it was murderous?

As a result, in the next moment, Lin Hao saw that Ren he suddenly twisted his waist and sank his body. The strength of his whole body was transferred from the soles of his feet to his fists. The slender fists smashed Lin Hao's face like a cannonball. However, Lin Hao is not a vegetarian. Although Ren He is very fast, it's still easy for him to avoid such an obvious blow. Lin Hao's sole of his foot moves to Ren He's side. He wants to catch Ren He first on the spot. He doesn't know what's wrong with this young man. He even fights hard. Moreover, the way of exerting force is so standard, and the efficiency of muscle linkage in Lin Hao's eyes is just like praising perfection, which is really a good seedling! But he is not the opponent of his top fighter. Lin Hao's mouth flashed a smile. However, at the moment when he arrived at Ren He's side, he suddenly felt a little nauseous! Lin Hao vomited on the spot! The so-called routine of catching and fighting also has rich combat experience. It's dregs in the face of vomit... The physiological reaction from instinct is enough to make people lose most of their fighting power in an instant. But Lin Hao's will is really firm. Even if he doesn't know why he suddenly vomites, even if he vomites like this, he will continue to fight, Looking at him, he was about to fight back with a fountain. As a result, Ren He didn't give him a chance. He punched his right side! Of course, Ren He didn't use his full strength. He didn't want to be a murderer, but it was enough to make Lin Hao lose his fighting power completely because of the double effects of pain and vomiting. No matter how strong a soldier is, he will lose his fighting power under such pain and vomiting. In the movie, dozens of shots in Superman don't exist. Ren He ran to the spot and threw Lin Hao's telescope on the ground. He stepped on it and said, "pervert, do you want to stay away from me? Do you hear me, or I'll enlarge my move!" Lin Hao's lying on the ground is a little puzzling. How can I become a pervert? Don't go away. You can tell me clearly. It's expensive to smash my telescope indiscriminately. Ok... The people of Los Angeles are not so simple! Can you still do the task well 1.13 on the shelf, that is, next Friday, the day of the launch of 10 chapters, I hope you support