Chapter 69

As everyone in the bar knows, there are many people who want to step on the reputation of kingship. That's what the entertainment industry is like, even in the seemingly free and easy place like folk songs.

No one can escape Vanity Fair.

But you never thought that today, when Wang Quan said that he would release a new song, someone would really kick the hall!?

How? Most of the people present are royalists. If you can't produce amazing works, who will agree with you?

And... The other side seems very young! And according to the truth, even if it is to kick the hall, it should be the kind of little famous. You can't suddenly come out with two people who don't know each other and who are not in the circle at all!

However, Ren Hecai doesn't care so much. Yang Xi turns to look at him in shock. Because of the cap, other people can't see Yang Xi's expression.

She suddenly realized that Ren He had planned to take him on a different road from the beginning. From the beginning, she planned to surprise four people!

It's no wonder that the other party joked that they should be a bit murderous when buying clothes, so the effect is obvious. This is a challenge. Yang Xi suddenly remembered one thing. A few days ago, she heard that the folk singer who wrote on the road last year was going to release a new song in a bar in Houhai today. She also wanted to see it. Unfortunately, she was banned by Su Ruqing.

But she had planned to listen to music, not to play in the hall!

Ren he grinned at her strangely and said in a low voice, "show yourself well. The road to success starts today."

Everyone didn't hear what Ren He said, but turned to look at Wang Quan. After all, today is his home court. It's impossible that he didn't respond to someone's kicking.

But he saw the king's calm smile: "little brother, are you coming to play with your works today? Why don't you sing your song first? If I don't think so, my new song will be released half a year later! If I don't think your song is good, and you don't have to pay any price, sit down, listen to my new song, and have a drink, we'll let it go, OK? "

I'll go and gamble on the release time of new songs. Everyone knows that in places like entertainment circle, if you lack exposure and gradually withdraw from everyone's view, your popularity will be reduced, your appearance fee will be reduced, and all treatment will be reduced. It's all money.

Of course, kingship seems to have absolute confidence!

"It seems that the other party is just two children. Should they come here for fun?"

"It's a good deal for kingship. No one will say that he doesn't have enough manners."

"Ha ha, when they're finished, just listen to the new song of kingship."

Ren He laughs and pulls Yang Xi onto the stage. He silently moves two stools. He signals Yang Xi to do it, while he pulls the stool slightly to the left rear of Yang Xi and sits down.

He is holding a guitar, but Yang Xi doesn't even take the microphone. This is to start without Mai. The bar is quiet, and the background music is turned off. The whole bar is only breathing at this time!

However, when they saw Ren He pulling the stool behind Yang Xi, they realized that it was the little girl who wanted to sing!

Yang Xi is very nervous. It's the first time that she sings in front of so many people, and she still comes down from the sky by kicking the hall. It seems that her knight is a little too murderous

However, she was very happy. She calmed down when she thought that Ren He was by her side and played guitar accompaniment for herself.

What do you sing? Let Ren he choose! She turned her head and looked at Ren He's face under his cap. She nodded with a smile. Ren He also laughed, and her fingers were plucked from the string. Ren He's exquisite piano skills brought by the master guitar skills were refreshing at this time.

The sound of the guitar alone is a shock to everyone!

"The sound of the guitar seems to be a little different, it seems to have a special charm in it!"

"It turns out that I have a good hand. No wonder I will play in the hall. Even if their songs are not good, I would like to invite him to join my team as a guitarist."

However, Ren He's smile has never disappeared. Most of them look at things from their own point of view. They think that the two children can't have any good works. They think that there are too many impossibilities in their life. They can't be angry and they can't complete the feat of leaping over the teaching building, They can not play wing flight, however, all this is impossible to put on their own shackles.

When you get used to this shackle, it will become more and more mediocre.

Until someone comes out and tells you that all these things can be done, your time has been spent in the impossibility.

And Ren He is waiting for Yang Xi's voice to ring out, smashing all the contempt and colored eyes in this bar!

"I'm not satisfied with my life."

"I haven't laughed for a long time, and I don't know why."

Yang Xi's voice is clear and steady. Ren He is a little surprised. It seems that there is a sense of vicissitudes in this voice. He always worried that Yang Xi could not interpret this song, but now Yang Xi gave him a big surprise!

These two opening lyrics suddenly pierce the hearts of many older singers in the audience. They have been drifting North for many years, struggling in Kyoto. They go to the bar at night to sing. It's midnight when they sing. Sometimes they don't know where to go after they finish. They light a cigarette and stand on the wide road, empty. And I have worked hard for so many years, but I am still alone. The girl I used to like has gone away with the wind. It is said that she married a stable man and a son. But I'm still here with almost nothing. They began to get tired of it and wanted to run away. At that moment, when they heard the song of going to Dali, they almost burst into tears. They didn't even know what kind of mood they were in when they finished listening to the song. Many people were silent when the song ended. It's these two young girls they once despised. They even came to play with such a song! Everyone's next thought is: kingship... May lose! Almost everyone gave a high evaluation after listening to it. I'm afraid that this kind of song only has one or two songs a year in the whole singing world. The other party came prepared! The king was silent, he didn't know how to respond, because he knew he had lost! After writing on the road, he was addicted to the praise of others, and he was intoxicated with money and paper. Today, this quiet song has brought him a great shock, as if it reminds him of his original intention. He decided to take his new song with him, put aside all social activities, and take a cool look at his creation. Just like the song, he wanted to go to Dali. However, at this time, Ren He's guitar sounded again. This is the melody of another song“ Is there any other song? " Someone said in a low voice Thank you for listening to the wind and watching the moon, love in the ice age, Chen Chen Xu, sniping against the sky, Lei poyunxiao, Fu Yaoyao, X beast, fleeting dream, Yongyi, Ziwei Dijun, my surname Qian how, LV Xiaotu, euifu, dark wind shadow, CI Liuyi angel, ejejejd, yishaoxie, big screen, chaoyuwei, CW pawn, song's eldest disciple, boundless chicken feather, Diao Wen, name really annoying Fire @ dance, flying 125410, Gemini change, Camellia ball, flea, elf maple, cloud and wind fly, you10086, Shuyou 16110912, MI Luan, Mo yeyin, today's grave grass, brother Muqi, delicious beef, maple Kyle Muran, jade silk ads, silent, jonghi, under the dark night, swimming to happy people, pure white memory, the beginning of Yunlong, what's your name Who's feeling of the book and who's feeling of the haze? The reward from the students... A lot... Thank you. If it's on the shelves, it'll have to be sent to the author, or it'll be a cheat