Chapter 33

The 21 chapters are short of chapters, and Rao Shi Ren He can't bear the speed of the code. Finally, he paid all the debts four days later. When he finished, some people began to coax: "roe deer, when will you play the game next time?" Play with your sister, play dead for yourself... But in the case of more updates, the reward is naturally more, and the number of subscriptions is growing at a abnormal speed. After a big push, the number of divination books directly soared to 15000. Moreover, because of this divine battle, the influence of divination books is also increasing, which is a virtuous circle. Now we can relax at last, and the divine war has come to an end. The promise sitting next to him looked at his face: "Why are you so haggard..." "said you don't understand," Ren he rolled his eyes, he wrote a small note to Yang Xi: sing the brightest star in the night sky to you at night? Yang Xi was a little bit surprised. She replied with a note: OK, let's go after school in the evening! Promise suspiciously watching two people pass notes to each other, when did these two people interact so frequently? After Yang Xi came to school, she quickly became famous in the school because of her outstanding appearance and temperament. However, the junior high school students in 2005 did not catch up with girls in such a high profile. There were only a few of them, most of them were watching from afar. Of course, when he received a love letter, sometimes Ren He would stand at the gate of the class if he had nothing to do. As long as someone wrapped up the letter for him and said: please give it to Yang Xi of your class. Ren Hedu promised directly to his face and then threw it into the garbage can. He still hesitated to make the promise: "is it a bit bad to do this?" Ren he glanced at him and ignored him. When school was over, they promised to call him home together, and the two families were on their way“ You go first, "Ren He waved and walked towards the school gate. He promised to be a little curious. Then he watched Ren He and Yang Xi meet and didn't know which way to go to Yang Xi's house... He felt that he was hit hard in his heart. These two people... Yang Xi took Ren He home. Before Yang Xi's father came home, Yang Xi took Ren He to the roof with his guitar. The family building they live in is old-fashioned. If they want to get on the roof, they have to climb up the ladder on the top floor. Yang Xi originally planned to go up first, but blushed and said, "you go up first."“ Good, "Ren he happily promised. Today Yang Xi is wearing a skirt. He thought he didn't notice it... Now it's autumn. Although Yang Xi is wearing leggings, it's still a bit awkward for a boy to watch her climb the ladder under her. Yang Xi goes to the rooftop to close her skirt and quietly do it. Her hair flutters gently with the wind. This is probably the girl Ren He wants in his dream. Youth blood to come again, of course, there is also a haunting girl! Yang Xi said with a smile: "I play the guitar to accompany you. I'll listen to how the creator understands this song." When it comes to singing, Ren He is still a little nervous. Although the reward of the natural punishment system is magical enough, and he has tried to sing, it's really nice to hear, but it's still a bit awkward in front of the girl he likes. However, when Yang Xi's guitar Prelude came out quietly, Ren He seemed to be quiet. "Is this your new one?" he recalled When Yang Xi saw that it was not a love letter, she put down the stone in her heart. However, when she tried to sing this song, she found that this song attracted her very successfully again“ Just take it as it is, "Ren He said with a smile." you should be familiar with the score first, and I'll sing it to you when you have time. "“ Are you going to be a singer Yang Xi asked: "I can't take your score. It's too precious. You sing so well. Why don't you sing by yourself? You can definitely succeed with your talent."“ I have more important things to do, "Ren He said calmly. He didn't want to do that. Yang Xi's eyes filled with light, she suddenly said with a smile: "OK, do you want to write ten songs for me directly, and I'll make an album?"“ Ha ha, no problem, "this little thing can definitely be satisfied, isn't it ten special tasks... Never advise me when chasing my sister“ What's the name of the album? " Yang Xisi cableway: "since you wrote the song, you should name it?"“ You who pick the stars. "