
Lin Yumeng gives Su Chen a white look and runs to the kitchen like a frightened rabbit.

Su Chen Junlang's face was covered with a smile, and his fingers moved slightly, reflecting on the wonderful feeling just now.

The noodles are quickly cooked and served on the table. In the super large bowl, the light noodles are covered with two half cooked soft boiled poached eggs. The green green scallion is dotted with them. It seems that the noodles are more appetizing than those delicacies.

Su Chen can't wait to rub his hands, picked up chopsticks and began to eat.

"Eat slowly, there is still in the pot!"

Lin Yumeng sat opposite him, his right hand propped up his chin, and looked at him with a smile as he ate his own cooked noodles. He only felt that his happiness was about to overflow.

"Why don't you eat it?" Su Chen asked vaguely.

"Don't you think I'm too fat to eat a snack?" Lin Yumeng rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I was joking. You should take it seriously. Go and have a bowl." Su Chen laughs.

Lin Yumeng laughed and shook his head: "I'm not really hungry, you eat it!"

"If you don't eat a little, be careful. You won't be strong enough." Su Chen smiles and blinks.

Lin Yumeng was slightly stunned, and then understood what he meant. He glared at him with a blush: "eating noodles can't block your mouth."

Su Chen laughs and continues to eat noodles.

Maybe it's greedy, or maybe it's really afraid that she won't have enough physical strength to be tossed around. Lin Yumeng still goes to the kitchen to serve a small bowl with a red face.

"Full, full."

Su Chen touched his stomach with satisfaction.

Lin Yumeng had already finished the small bowl and got up to collect the chopsticks and take them to the kitchen for cleaning.

The ancients said that it was reasonable to think about what was full of warmth. Looking at Lin Yumeng's graceful back, Su Chen seemed to have a small flame burning in his mind.

Su Chen stealthily walks past, directly lazy, a princess holds up Lin Yumeng, who screams out loud, and quickly walks upstairs.

"What are you doing? The bowl hasn't been washed yet."

"I'll do it tomorrow morning."

Su Chen rushed up three or two steps and yelled, "Xiao Meng, turn off the light!"

The lights are out downstairs, and Su Chen rushes into the room with a beautiful woman in her arms.


The atmosphere of the Spring Festival has passed, my father's company is ready to open business, so my parents left the villa and moved back to live.

Before the beginning of school, Su Chen asked Liu Xin to meet and have a meal. After telling him the details of the gene project, she left the rest of the cooperation, responsibilities, interest differentiation and other matters to her. She started the research directly.

On the first floor of the villa, there is a lab specially arranged by Su Chen, which has placed various advanced and precise experimental instruments.

Some of these experimental instruments are not available on the market, or Su Chen took two bottles of good wine to pay a new year's visit to the principal Wei Wenming, and asked the principal to ask for help in purchasing these instruments.

At this time, Su Chen was studying Terry's blood.

During this period, he has asked Xiaomeng to help sort out and systematically study the books and materials on biological genes.

With the help of systematic black technology, his knowledge reserve is now fully sufficient, which is no less than that of the scientists in the National Research Institute.

Isolation of serum, extraction of DNA, detection of foreign genes

All kinds of professional operation, Su Chen orderly, meticulous step-by-step, from time to time to let Xiaomeng on the side of the record of experimental data and some questions.

Similar to the iron man and steward Jarvis in Hollywood movies, Su Chen and Xiao Meng work together to study armor.

In Su Chen's opinion, the research progress is not fast, and there are many problems. But in fact, if the scientists who created this gene technology in the United States can see it, they are afraid to find a hole in the ground.

Lin Yumeng and Su Mo also know that Su Chen is carrying out an important research. They try not to disturb him. Sometimes when Su Chen doesn't come out at the dinner point, Lin Yumeng will be responsible for cooking, warming the food and waiting for Su Chen to come out to eat.

On the other hand, the cooperation talks between chentian technology, Zhongshi pharmaceutical and the four big families were also very smooth.

A few days later, a company named "chentian biopharmaceutical" was established. Then a press conference was held. Liu Xin, Zhong Cheng, President of Zhong's pharmaceutical company, and the heads of the four families appeared at the same time to announce to the media that a large project cooperation was being carried out.

As for the specific situation and content of the cooperation project, Liu Xin and others gritted their teeth in the face of crazy questions from media reporters and did not mention a word.

However, even so, this incident has also set off a storm, causing widespread concern in the industry and the media. There are various opinions on the Internet and all kinds of speculation.

After all, so far, chentian technology has achieved miracles again and again. Countless people are talking and looking forward to whether Su Chen, who did not appear at the press conference, can create miracles again.

The next day after the press conference, Su Chen, who had been busy all day and night, came out of the laboratory tired and saw Qin Yun and the two little guys coming."Su Chen, the old man asked you to go there. I couldn't get through to you." Qin Yun helps Lin Yumeng in the kitchen. When she sees him yawning, she says with a smile.

Su Chen nodded his head and said, "I turned off my cell phone. I'll go after dinner."

"Are you all right? Why don't you go to sleep for a while?" Qin Yun was concerned.

"It's OK. No need."

Su Chen smiles and shakes his head.

In fact, it's nothing for him to stay up all day and night. It's just that he's devoted to research for such a long time that his body can hold on, but his mental consumption is a little serious.

"Brother Chen, go upstairs and have a bath. The meal will be ready soon." Lin Yumeng's eyes are full of heartache.

Su Chen nodded, went upstairs to have a bath, and then changed his clean clothes. The whole person immediately woke up a lot, and then went downstairs to eat.

"Brother Su Chen, the teacher told us that we should combine work with rest to get twice the result with half the effort. You should also work hard and not be too tired!" Qin Keke said in a small adult's tone.


Su Chen's heart is slightly warm. She rubs her small head with a smile, looks at Qin Yun and asks, "sister Qin, what can I do for you?"

"It's very important for you. Send someone to talk to you." Qin Yun explained with a smile.

Su Chen smell speech Leng next, and then suddenly nodded.

In order to get the support from the above, Mr. Qin was responsible for the matchmaking, contacted the official old friends and explained the situation of the project. Unexpectedly, someone came here so soon.

"Eat more, brother Chen, you are really. You can't work like this and don't eat breakfast. You can't bear it. Don't do it again." Lin Yumeng put some vegetables in his bowl and blamed him heartily.

"Well, I see."

Su Chen agreed with a smile.

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