For the employees of the company, the surprise came too suddenly.

Su Chen a word does not pay bonus behavior, successfully brush a wave of favor.

He and his staff are happy, but Liu Xin is rolling her eyes.

"If you are not like this, I have worked hard to make money. You are better off. If you open your mouth, you will be rewarded to buy people's hearts. If you are not in charge, you don't know the price of firewood and rice, right?"

"Don't be so stingy. It's only half a month's salary. It's a small problem." Su Chen smiles.

"I I'm mean? "

Liu Xindeng was so angry that she glared round her beautiful eyes and gnawed her teeth.

"Smile, smile." Su Chen blinked.

Liu Xin took a few deep breaths with a black face, and then suddenly she couldn't help laughing.

As a matter of fact, she had planned to pay the bonus, but she didn't expect to be preempted by Su Chen, who was always the shopkeeper. She was a little angry at the moment.

But then again, before she and Su Chen are not very familiar, now after such a row, let her feel closer to a lot, Su Chen in her eyes is also vivid and interesting.

A group of female employees got the bonus and ran to ask for autograph and group photo.

Su Chen said to do, for their request are gladly agreed, but have the courage more intentionally or unintentionally tease and wipe money, let him quite helpless and embarrassed.

There were only 20 or 30 female employees in the company, and the autograph and group photo of them were all finished quickly. Then some of the male employees also had his fans to sign. Su Chen didn't value women more than men, so they all signed.

"OK, OK, with the bonus and the autograph and group photo, let's start to work. Don't make a fuss." Liu Xin clapped her hands and said in a loud voice.

In just a few days, Liu Xin's dignity as the general manager of the company has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. After hearing her say, although the employees still want to get close to Su Chen, they all obediently return to their work positions.

"I'll take you down? It's just that I'm going down to eat something. " Liu Xin looks at Su Chen and says.

"You haven't had lunch yet?" Su Chen was surprised.

"Just ready to go, that Lin always came." Liu Xin shrugged.

"That's just right. I'd like to invite you. Thank you for letting me shake hands so easily." Su Chen grinned.

"That's a good thing to say!" Liu Xin rolled her eyes,

the company is surrounded by business circles, and there is a western restaurant across the road.

Su Chen invited Liu Xin to have lunch in the western restaurant. Although she had eaten at home, she also had two pieces of steak and a meal.


After saying goodbye to Liu Xin, Su Chen first went to Xinglin hall to buy a bunch of side-effects, and then went home and began to boil the ointment.

Su Chen selected the 200 year old wild Ganoderma lucidum and two small pieces cut from the thousand year old wild ginseng.

First, put the side-effects into the medicine pot in order, boil it for a while, and then add the thousand year wild ginseng and red ganoderma lucidum.

Due to the open kitchen, the pungent smell of traditional Chinese medicine immediately diffused in the home.

Su Mo and Lin Yumeng, who are discussing how to modify the cartoon settings in the living room, immediately run to the balcony and close the glass door. The small pot and basin nose is more sensitive, and they have already escaped to the balcony.

Su Chen in front of the medicine can guard for a while, see no problem, then the fire into slow fire, let it slowly boil.

Clap hands, wash away the residual impurities and Chinese medicine flavor, Su Chen also went to the balcony.

There are two reclining chairs on the balcony, which are covered with soft and comfortable thin blankets.

Su Chen lies down on one of them with a cartoon in his hand.

After the most sunny afternoon, the balcony window is open, the breeze blowing, it is very comfortable.

"Brother, if we change the name of the cartoon, what's your opinion?" Su Mo looks at the elder brother lying on the chair.

"You talk about it and ask me everything. Is that my work or yours?" Su Chen replied lazily.

Su Mo rolled her eyes and pointed her index finger on her chin and muttered: "the reincarnation love of the demon? Or fox demon and little Taoist? "

Then he looked at Lin Yumeng and asked, "sister Mengmeng, which one do you think is good?"


Lin Yumeng didn't know how to answer for a moment. In fact, she felt that neither of them was good enough.

"No, no, neither of them."

Put aside in the mobile phone, came Xiao Meng's negative voice.

"Not good?" Su Mo frowned.

Then, two girls and an AI girl murmured and put forward several names one after another, but after discussion, they were all rejected.

"Mistress, that little fox demon is not a matchmaker, so call it a little red lady of fox demon!" Su Chen or said the name in the memory of the mind.

"Fox demon little matchmaker? Good name Su Mo's eyes brightened.

"It's quite appropriate." Lin Yumeng nodded in favor."That's good. It's still my father." Xiao Meng's mouth echoed.

"Just be satisfied. Keep your voice down. I'll take a nap." Su Chen turned over, closed his eyes and took a nap.

As soon as she sleeps, she wakes up in the evening. Su Chen sits up and yawns and stretches. She finds that Su Mo and Lin Yumeng are still writing and painting together.

"You are not tired. Do you have to finish it today?" Su Chen asked in a funny way.

"Brother, you wake up. You're not tired. Today it happens that sister Meng Meng doesn't go to work. We have to set the settings first. I'll start painting tomorrow." Su Mo head also does not return to say.

"Well, come on, then." Su Chen smiles.

"Brother, how long does your ointment last? You can't go into the room." Su Mo said again.

"You can't exaggerate, and it's very expensive medicine. It's good for your health to smell it more!" Su Chen said with a smile.

"Believe you, ghost." Su Mo turned his head and gave him a pair of white eyes.

Su Chen went into the house, went to the kitchen to turn on the switch for smoking and ventilation, and then began to prepare dinner.

Because the ointment had to stay up all night, Su Mo couldn't stand the pungent taste, so she got up quickly and was ready to go upstairs.

"Why are you going? It's up to you to clean up the mess!" Su Chen frowned.

"This smell is too bad, brother. I'll trouble you and sister Mengmeng to clean up today. I have to modify the settings."

Su Mo hands together, squint bitterly ha ha left a word, and then can't Su Chen reply, directly on SA Ya Zi ran up the stairs.

"I'll take care of the rest."

Su Chen is about to open her mouth when the voice of her sister on the stairs comes again.

"It's yours." Su Chen didn't have a good breath, and then looked at the side of Lin Yumeng shook his head and said with a smile: "this dead girl."

"It's OK. Let's eat slowly and clean up together." Lin Yumeng said with a smile.

"Spoil her Su Chen curled her lips. , the fastest update of the webnovel!