"What's wrong?" He asked, holding a glass of water.

Yazi said weakly, "the deputy director of action has an opinion on you... If you give him a handle, it will affect you."

"Hiss!" Zhuang Shikai drank warm water and tutted, disdaining to answer at all.

He walked directly into the conference room with a water cup

On the street.

Chen Haonan shook an iron chain and said, "brother B asked you to take the number. Did you get it?"

A short blade hangs at the head of the chain.

This is Chen Haonan's unique weapon: chain sabre, also known as light steel Lancet. It is the unique weapon of Qianniu guard in the Tang Dynasty. Later, it was integrated into the strange soldier spectrum of the Southern Sect and was not among the 18 kinds of weapons.

The pheasant, with yellow hair on its head, leaned against the side railing and held a cigarette in its mouth: "got it."

"That's good." Chen Haonan smiled confidently and unrestrained. Big day two and foreskin two brothers surrounded him.

At this time, Chen Haonan put down his weapon, took the chain knife as a belt, inserted it into his waist belt, put it on, pulled it tight, and couldn't see anything wrong.

Big day two murmured: "brother Haonan, brother B either asked us to find children or let us collect bad debts. When can we get ahead?"

The pheasant agreed: "yes, yes, it's not easy for us to join the powerful hall leader like brother B. the red seal costs 2000. We're not here to help the police wipe their ass..."

"Yes, brother Haonan." Even Baotou, who seldom speaks at ordinary times and has a simple character, supports him.

But Chen Haonan supported the railing, turned over the hurdle and said, "what's the hurry? I'm afraid I don't have a chance to get on top? "

"Go! Let's go to Portland Street! "

"Portland Street?" Pheasant, big day two, foreskin, shining eyes, laughing loudly, and keeping up with debauchery all over his face.

Four brothers crossed the road, very natural and unrestrained.

This is the happiest and happiest time when they have just joined the club and joined the club.

Please cherish this time!

Next, they will really welcome the Jianghu life, full of blood, fighting, conspiracy and calculation.

If there is a way of Infernal Affairs in the world, there must be a hungry ghost way!

Countless people who join the underworld because of ugliness, greed and impulse are like hungry ghosts of the hungry ghost road. They are always greedy, do not know how to be satisfied, and eventually die at the mouth of other hungry ghosts and are swallowed up by thousands of hungry ghosts.

Jianghu will never be a happy enemy.


"You're dead!"

"I said!"

"You're dying!!!"

South Africa.

A small war-torn country.

Frank, wearing a camouflage suit and holding a rifle in his hand, roared loudly with the muzzle of the gun against the head of an African man!

The African man swallowed his saliva, looked pale and trembled, and stretched out his palm.

He spread his palm: "here."

In the palm lies a pink diamond the size of a thumb.

Under the refraction of the sun, fan diamonds glitter and exude charming brilliance.

Even if it is not polished, even if it is covered with dirt, even if it is bloody.

These are the most beautiful things in the world!

Ignorant African mineral slaves know its value!

This is the smell of money, dollars and tens of millions of dollars!

Frank took a deep breath, carefully explored his hand, grabbed the powder drill, then put away the muzzle of the gun, turned and left, and scolded as he walked: "fuck! FUCK! FUCK!”

Hell in the world!

Right here!

Even if frank, the criminal genius known as Skywalker, was thrown into a small war-torn country in Africa, it would almost drive him crazy.

The country here was once peaceful and free until an invisible black hand reached out and used armed forces and separatist warlords to excavate and smuggle minerals. Since then, several countries with huge mine resources have been in chaos, such as life grass mustard. Government forces and anti-government forces fought back and forth, fought against each other, and kept diamonds at a low price forever.

The people here are very hard-working and diligent, but no one praises them.

No pay, no holidays, as long as they live, they will continue to open mining stones for you. Can you say you can't be diligent?

But try to fart! The diamond business here has been dominated by the major gangs in America, and behind the scenes is related to the five major diamond companies in the United States!

The five diamond companies raise the price of diamonds, and then control the source of diamonds, diamonds will become a "symbol", a "symbol" for harvesting world wealth and allowing fat people to eat oil!

This naked atrocity and bloody crime is different from the high IQ crime Frank was good at. It almost made Frank lose his mind and become a madman under the smoke of gunpowder.

Finally, Frank went through many crises, passed through life and death several times, and got the most important pink diamond! About to stand on the stage of the troubled times in South Africa!

"Fuck village! Do you understand? Do you understand? "

"You know how crazy your plan is! How desperate? " Three days later, Frank drove back to the city, hid in a hotel and roared at the phone.

Zhuang Shikai stood in the office, from beginning to end, listening to Frank's arrival in South Africa, how to find the pink diamond, and how to save the slave's children and let the slave hand over the pink diamond.

This includes masquerading as a reporter, hiring soldiers with start-up funds, buying anti-government soldiers, going to the concentration camp to rescue slave children, and the slave finally wants to repent. Bloody news in the concentration camp

Zhuang Shikai understood Frank's mood, waited until Frank's roar was over, played the ash, and gently said, "I'll allow you to scold fuck again!"

"There's a second sentence. I'll send someone to South Africa to pull out your tongue!"

"Hiss!" Frank took a deep breath and calmed down his good mood. He stopped talking about FCUK and scolded: "fuck your mother, what diamond lasts forever and true love lasts forever!"

"The diamond company makes money stained with blood, and you propose with blood stained diamonds to show your holiness!"

"I'm going to vomit when I think of here..."

Frank retched.

Zhuang Shikai raised his eyebrows: "people always like things with blood. How can they express its advanced, noble and unique without blood?"

"As long as you live in the world, there is always a sickle for you."

Frank didn't scold "fuck" any more, but scolded "fuck your mother" in Cantonese. Moreover, the object of scolding clearly refers to the diamond company, so Zhuang Shikai can't be investigated again.

I just don't know which cellmate Frank learned from? Genius is a genius! Just a few days to learn the essence of Chinese culture in prison?

admire! admire!

Due to the change of identity and purpose, Frank's competition for the blood diamond in South Africa is more intense and bloody. Finally, he can get the blood diamond, which is enough to prove Frank's criminal ability.

This is not just criminal ability, but the organization, leadership and adventure of genius!

No wrong person!

Zhuang Shikai was satisfied.

Frank shouted at the phone: "I have never despised my country and hated those capitalists... And I have never imagined that there is another world in the world..."

Zhuang Shikai smiled and said, "congratulations on discovering the truth. Your motherland is very ugly. However, it's a pity that there is no really perfect country in the world. It's just a game of strong people bullying the weak. You should understand that you are born a man."

"And you were born in the United States, maybe you should thank Jesus."

He added: "just as I was born in my motherland and thank Yanhuang very much..."

"If there is hell in the world, TM is on earth!" Frank finally yelled at the phone.

He immediately calmed down and said, "I will trade with the people of the diamond company in two days. What code do you think I should use, or what name should the organization use?"

Zhuang Shikai's goal to him is not to simply grab the powder diamond, but to use the powder diamond to make a reputation in the diamond smuggling industry, stay in South Africa and build a strong diamond smuggling group, and the bigger the group is, the better!

Zhuang Shikai thought a little: "your criminal files on Hong Kong Island have been destroyed, and your arrest records are also top secret. You don't have to worry about exposure risk at all, so you are you, the talented criminals frank and Skywalker!"

This will help Frank better open the international market and attract the attention of the etheric society

"The name of the organization... It's called blood diamond!"

Zhuang Shikai preached in a deep voice.

"Blood diamond?" Frank was in Africa. He raised his head and looked out of the window. There were still a pile of corpses on the street, with dried blood clots under them.

"This is really a good name..." Frank said with emotion: "blood diamond will be my company in the future!"

For a criminal, terror, blood, can arouse anger, but can never stop a heart that challenges the bottom line and is eager to try.

He is also a devil in his mouth!

Dancing with demons is the world!

Standing opposite him is also the king of hell!

Zhuang Shikai suddenly lost his conversational nature and asked blandly, "do you still need money?"

"No need." Frank replied, "after the pink diamond is sold, I can make a lot of money, enough to build the blood diamond, recruit and develop in South Africa."

"Well, I believe you."

"Patta." Zhuang Shikai hung up the phone, looked at the landline and whispered, "I hope you can be obedient after you sit up, otherwise... The police will catch criminals!"

He was not afraid of Frank's anti bone behavior after his development. It was not that the diamond smuggling group was not qualified or Frank was not qualified.

On the contrary, diamond smuggling groups have guns, guns, soldiers and people in South Africa, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

Frank is a brilliant criminal again.

The combination and continuous development of the two are qualified to listen to the tune and not listen to the propaganda, or even "betray the revolution".

However, if you want to use a criminal, you have to bear the risk of a criminal.

Zhuang Shikai also has absolute personal force to exercise. There are people who can do things in a goods factory. They are not afraid of a moth and can afford the risk.

"Hoo." Zhuang Shikai looked out of the window, spit out his cigarette for a long time, and turned to put out the butt.

Two days later, a hotel in Los Angeles.

Frank was wearing a suit and tie and his hair was neatly combed.

He looks handsome and full of gentleman.

It's like going to a party.


He sat at a table, took out a black brocade box and pushed it forward,

The lid of the palm sized black brocade box was opened to reveal a pink diamond lying inside.

A drop of dry blood hung from the corner of the pink diamond.

An appraiser gently picked up the diamond inside, didn't care about the blood stain, but indulged in the color of the diamond, picked up the magnifying glass and looked at the diamond quietly.

Finally, he smiled, put down his telescope, held out his hand and said, "thirty million dollars! Deal! "


The reputation of "blood diamond" has been thoroughly launched!