Twenty minutes.

Zhuang Shikai drove to the intersection of the night market.

He looked at the policeman's spot, smiled bitterly and drove directly to the stall.

Although Cai Yuanqi and his team work according to standard procedures, Li Changjiang, as a fugitive, is much more vigilant than ordinary criminals.

In the face of their standard stalking procedures is not enough, the best way is not to contact criminals, not even eye contact!

But now Cai Yuanqi is only two tables away from Li Changjiang. She looks like a thief. It is clear that she is watching the messenger.

It's no use hiding at this time. It's better to go up and have a showdown! Let Li Changjiang work for himself!

"Qi, bring a chair." Zhuang Shikai parked his sports car next to the stall and strode to the wooden table where Li Changjiang and Jixin sat.

Cai Yuanqi stood up embarrassed, got up from the next table, brought a chair and set it in front of the wooden table.

"Thank you very much." Zhuang Shikai tidied up his clothes and nodded his thanks to Cai Yuanqi. Cai Yuanqi turned back to his brothers' table, and Zhuang Shikai sat down slowly,

When diners in the night city saw a big boss driving a sports car to have supper, their faces were full of envy, surprise and longing.

A group of brothers in charge of pretending to be diners in the booth and secretly monitoring in the car, when they saw the bright action of detective Zhuang, they knew that they had been exposed and were embarrassed.

Li Changjiang and Jixin immediately raised their hearts to their throat, exchanged eyes, forced their hearts down, panicked, barely maintained their composure and sat at the table.

Compared with the previous sneaky actions of CAI Yuanqi and others, Zhuang Shikai's direct attack on them makes them full of a sense of oppression.

Just now, they did find that there were police stalking, so they planned to find a way to get rid of the stalking police.

Unexpectedly, before the police got rid of it, a big "officer" appeared in advance.

"If big brother he knows we're sneaking out and the police touch the tip of our tail, I'm afraid he'll kill us directly?" Li Changjiang and Jixin looked at each other and felt uneasy. Zhuang Shikai sat in front of them, took out a pair of chopsticks from the bamboo tube, clicked twice, leaned on the table, and picked up a piece of marinated meat in the plate.

He is putting the marinated meat into his mouth, chewing, swallowing and tasting.

After swallowing the marinated meat, he patted his head and shouted, "sorry! Forget to introduce yourself! "

"My name is Zhuang Shikai, inspector of the plainclothes team in Causeway Bay. I made an appointment with my brothers to have supper here at night. I happened to meet two big men and came up to say hello."

"It's the director of public security!" Li Changjiang was shocked. In fact, he did not quite understand the meaning of the "inspector" and could only be simply understood as the director of Causeway Bay.

Although there is a lot of difference between the inspector and the director, it is no problem to simply understand it,

As for the excuse to eat supper with my brother, who believes who has a ghost!

Shit, you're going to eat supper with your brother! What are we doing here? And fucking rob us of meat!

But on the surface, Li Changjiang adjusted his mind, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said according to the table: "detective Zhuang, if you want to eat supper, we can invite you..."

"But if you want to catch us, we won't be caught without a hand."

As he spoke, the chicken heart quietly opened the white suit and revealed a black star pistol at his waist.

At the moment when the chicken heart put her right hand on the handle of the gun, Cai Yuanqi and other brothers sat next to her, also quietly opened the gun bag at her waist and put her hand on the gun.

The scene was immediately tense, and the sea breeze smelled of gunsmoke.

There's no way. Li Changjiang and Jixin have guns in their hands. They won't wait to die. Just now, they didn't start, but were waiting for the opportunity. As long as Zhuang Shikai opened his mouth to tear this layer of skin, a gun battle would break out immediately.

If the criminal wants to go, the police won't let him go. It's normal to have a fight! But Zhuang Shikai deliberately didn't know it. He continued to eat with marinated meat and said, "catch you? How come? I came out to eat supper, not to catch people! "

"I caught you. Who will pay for me?" Zhuang Shikai smiled. His smile was full of innocence and kindness, but he was looking at Li Changjiang with his eyes.

Li Changjiang didn't understand what the other party was selling. He simply continued to pick up chopsticks and put a piece of marinated meat into his mouth to join the ranks of eating meat.

Slap, the two hit each other with chopsticks. Zhuang Shikai looked up at him and said, "by the way, the Causeway Bay police station arrested an illegal immigrant named Chang man last night."

"It's beautiful! Do you know him? " Zhuang Shikai still smiled very kind, but Li Changjiang stopped moving. Then he suddenly patted the table, stood up, and shouted excitedly: "ah man is in your hand! What the hell do you want! "

Li Changjiang's chest fluctuated, and the diners turned their eyes to him.

Zhuang Shikai spoke clearly and spoke in a clear tone: "take me to he Zhuo! Now

Since he Zhuo had a pile of criminal evidence in the police station, Zhuang Shikai never wanted to delay for a second. Just find someone! Kill him as fast as you can!

This is not only because of the time limit given by Luo Ge, but also because he Zhuo doesn't want to set aside time for his next action.

Li Changjiang thought that he didn't see "aman" today and wouldn't doubt Zhuang Shikai's words. It was like being pinched to death and suddenly fell into silence.

This may be an opportunity for him to get out of the control of he Zhuo. Although the method is a little shameless, it can't beat the ending.

In silence, Li Changjiang sat back on the stool, while Cai Yuanqi got up in time to catch up and let the diners nearby mind their own business.

The fragile interest alliance between Li Changjiang and he Zhuo was broken in an instant, which made Li Changjiang tend to be a 25-year-old.

Hello! Detective Zhuang likes Twenty-five children best! If you don't have Twenty-five children, you create Twenty-five children, and if you have Twenty-five children, you buy Twenty-five children. In short, twenty-five is ten! Perfect ten!

The chicken heart saw his brother's mind, and the corners of his mouth turned up. He took the lead in saying, "OK! Detective Zhuang! We promise to help you lead the way! "

Jixin knew that Li Changjiang couldn't directly agree to the police's request because of his presence. So he immediately showed his attitude to support his brother and didn't want him to miss a chance to get out.

In the final analysis, boss he repeatedly forced Li Changjiang, which has violated the word "righteousness".

If Laixing doesn't even say the word "righteousness", don't talk about "loyalty" with your little brothers.

Moreover, the chicken heart is not the direct line of boss he. When he Zhuo resolutely gave up the chicken heart in the robbery, he Zhuo was no longer regarded as the real big brother. But he took Li Changjiang who saved him as his real brother!

I didn't have a chance before. Now I have a chance to help Li Changjiang out of his misery. As a brother, chicken heart should help the field!

"Thank you for drying!" Zhuang Shikai smiled at the two Twenty-five children in front of him, took out a 100 Hong Kong dollars, patted it on the table, raised his hand and shouted, "boss, pay!"