Half an hour later, at the door of Rose Restaurant, a white ghost cursed and walked into the restaurant with a reluctant face.

Zhuang Shikai took May's hand and scolded in his mouth as he walked into the restaurant: "what a bad luck."

The two waiters at the door bowed, brought their front and rear feet in, and the two guests walked to the two adjacent tables.


Detective Zhuang didn't expect that he had just been promoted in the afternoon, and someone dared to touch the bad luck in the evening!

TMD! He parked the Pingzhi sports car at the door of the restaurant and just met the ghost driving a Mazda backing up.

Due to the white ghost reversing too fast, a strange noise suddenly sounded under the car. The two cars stopped urgently. The white ghost's Mazda almost hit the front headlights of Pingzhi.

Subsequently, both parties immediately opened the door and got off to check the vehicle condition.

After taking a lap, I found that the two cars didn't collide.

The different direction from the wheel is just a coke aluminum can.

The matter should have ended with polite apologies from both sides at this time, but the white ghost in a suit didn't show his due demeanor. Instead, he stared at him and told him to lose money! He even glanced at Amy with a pair of dog eyes!

Both of them were dressed up before they went out. May was dressed in a red dress with high heels and was gorgeous. Detective Zhuang was dressed in a suit and shoes with elegant demeanor.

These beautiful men and women are walking on the road. At first glance, they are people with status. I really don't know what qualifications ghost guy has to make a big or small voice with him.

Ordinary Chinese will be afraid when they see the ghost guy. Maybe they will call the traffic police. The traffic police will let the Chinese lose money to the ghost guy.

Sorry, it's bad luck for the ghost guy today. Detective Zhuang's national pride wants to dump dozens of ghost guys without civilization.

He not only didn't apologize and lose money, but also took the initiative to lift the corners of his clothes and expose the police gun at his waist. He succeeded in closing the mouth of the white ghost.

This white skinned ghost guy is obviously just the general management of a foreign-funded company. He may have a little money, but he no longer looks down on the Chinese in his heart and dare not challenge a Chinese police officer in the street.

If the ghost guy is bold, if he dares, this is the concession, then he is inferior! Zhuang Shikai took out his gun and smashed the ghost man's mouth on the spot. He asked him to count how many front teeth and back teeth he had!

However, the white ghost was a little unwilling after he was bitterly defeated.

After he sat down in the restaurant, he suddenly raised his tone and ordered loudly: "give me a bottle of Bordeaux from '53, an Australian steak and an Iranian caviar. Please prepare me with food and fruit."

"Thank you very much."

The ghost guy returned the menu to the waiter and turned to Zhuang Shikai with a provocative look in his eyes.

Zhuang Shikai was about to order. When he heard the voice next door, he immediately closed the menu without looking at it, and said to the waiter, "as the ghost guy at the next table, only one bottle of red wine and all the others are double."

"Thank you very much."

Zhuang Shikai raised his hand to return the menu, glanced back at the ghost guy, and a sneer appeared in the corners of his mouth.

Sorry, you met stubble today. Not only is the barrel harder than your bones, but your wallet is harder than your wallet. You have bad luck today. Meeting me will let you realize what despair is.

Zhuang Shikai has never been afraid of anyone, especially "good places" such as restaurants, bars and golf courses.

And the restaurant with caviar, once he brings enough money, it will be extremely cruel to the enemy, not the ghost guy can't bear to start.

"Yes, sir. Just a moment, please." The waiter took back the menu, listened to the conversation between the two tables, and then left with the waiter at the ghost table.

Knowing that the two guests were on the bar, they hurriedly ran to inform the manager, who would serve the two tables of guests.

As a high-end restaurant, "Rose Restaurant" is not only famous for its dishes and environment, but also a major feature of serious dining. The so-called "expensive is expensive", so the restaurant waiter quickly captured the relationship between guests.

Although most of the consumers in the restaurant are ghost guys, the Chinese guest in front of us also looks very annoying. The restaurant didn't dare to help, so they had to find a way to serve.

Soon, the restaurant manager personally opened wine for the two tables, introduced and provided complete beverage service


When Zhuang Shikai and ghost guy dislike each other and are ready to make each other ugly.

At the door of the restaurant, a middle-aged killer in a jacket sat back on the wooden stool of the stall and gently put a pistol on his lap.

"Wait until the target comes out!" The middle-aged killer wears a pair of sunglasses and puts a curry fish ball in front of him.

Twelve big circle Gang gunmen scattered in the street to disguise passers-by, and were on standby on both sides of the street. All of them were the elite of the stronghold who got a lot of money and was responsible for a shooting mission.

These people received the shooting task three days ago. After observing it secretly for some time, they think tonight is the most appropriate time to start.

But just as they were preparing to do it, the target characters suddenly mixed up with the ghost guy, adding a lot of unnecessary risks to them.

So the killer sat down again and decided to wait until the target left the restaurant.

The sentence just said by the middle-aged killer was for himself. Other people just look at his actions and gestures and know what to do.

At this time, he freed his hands, holding the bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other, and the process of eating curry fish balls was very natural.

The modified pistol he put on his thigh was very stable.

This way of hiding the gun can save him from the action of drawing a gun.


Time goes back a week ago.


Yunlai Teahouse

Yan Tong sat at a tea table, stretched out his hand and pushed a paper bag towards the young man opposite, saying, "this 200000 is my little intention. Take it away."

The yellow kraft paper bag is filled with bundles of Hong Kong dollars, which adds up to 200000. Chen Tianxiong grabbed the paper bag, took a deep breath and asked, "who killed my brother."

"Leave it alone. I've buried the body of killer Xiong in the cemetery mountain. Go and see him when you're free." Yan Tong stared at Chen Tianxiong's eyes and saw that the other party didn't respond. He was a little dissatisfied and said, "killer Xiong died miserably. If you don't want to be like him, don't be miserably with it."

"What are you, a little old fool? Qualified to talk so much? You are not qualified to be an opponent! It's better not to know some things! "

Zhuang Shikai only knew that the real name of "killer Xiong" was called "Chen Zhixiong", but he didn't know that "Chen Zhixiong" had a brother called "Chen Tianxiong".

However, "Chen Tianxiong" is not generally poor compared with his brother who became a security director. Up to now, he is also an unknown rotten boy of Dongxing, and can't help him on the table at all.

If Chen Zhixiong hadn't helped Yan Tong work for many years and made a little incense and face, Yan Tong wouldn't come and personally give Chen Tianxiong the settlement fee, let alone ask Chen Tianxiong, a rotten boy, to meet in the teahouse.