456 Dinner with the Devil 4

Rychell has had enough of paying this game with Mikaela. She has worn out her welcome.

Dropping the chucks of what was left of his mask to the floor, Rychell began to really hunt Mika now.

"I will skin you alive when I find you." He said before disappearing from right in front of her eyes.

Feeling of the hairs on the back of her neck stand at attention, got Mikaela to make a run to her air carrier.

"Aaahhh!" Something slammed into her body with brutal force, causing her to fly into the air then bounce like ball into a couple of ship before finally crashing to the floor.

"Dear daughter-in-law...where are you going? Didn't you hear what I just said. You can't leave until I'm finished with you."

Mika laid on the floor knowing a couple of her bones are broken. She could get the nanos to patch her up, but that would take time she doesn't have.

Rychell began walking towards her, but then thought better of it. Allowing his body to float in the air, the King made his way towards her.

With some of her bones damaged, Mika couldn't move from the floor as easily as she would have liked. 

She needed to do something else other than running to buy herself some time to heal.

Rychell smiled at the sight of her panicking, "You are the first person in a very long time to hurt me. I must admit that I did underestimate you, even after you had already tricked me once before." 

He stopped above her feet and peered down at her as if he is looking at a bug.

"Do you know I paid a lot for that mask you ruined…"

Mika was struggling to breath, not only did she suspect that one of her broken ribs might have punctured her lung, but also the pressure that the King was letting off added to her breathing problem.

"Well, it couldn't be much....considering how ugly you still are. You should....you should really get your money b-back...did you happen to keep the receipt-argh-haa!"

Rychell stomped on her ankle, making a resounding crack echo in the room along with Mika's scream.

"One would think, that smart mouth of yours would have learn from the last time…"

"No...t-that's the problem with smart mouths. The lips tend to move on their own."

"Is that so…? Then do you want to me to permanently close it for you..." Rychell lifted his foot off of her leg.

"No, I think they learned their lesson now." She smacked her lips.

"Good… Now my dear daughter, shall I finish where I left off in the dining hall?"

Pulling a knife from his pocket, Rychell floated to hover above Mika's prone body.

"At first, I was going to just cut off your head and send it to Ailwin, but since you had to ruin my mask, I plan to send your skin to him instead. So, hold still. I want to send him a whole piece."

"S-Shouldn't you give me some lotion first?"




The knife hit nothing, but the hard floor.

"Oh! little mouse still has tric-boom!"

The carrier Mika had planned to leave in, rammed right into Rychell's hunched over body. Tossing him out of the garage, into the awaiting palace walls, to burst into a ball of flames.

"Ahh!" Mika felt the vibrations from the explosion up above as she landed hard on the dirt ground.

Covering her head encase stones fall, Mika waited a few minutes before finding it safe to move. Allowing the nanos to numb her pain sensors, she had them also fixed her ankle and repaired her broken bones.

Examining the place around her, she realized that she must have landed in one of the palace's underground escape tunnels.

Knowing she couldn't stay in this spot for too long as the King surely find her. Mika tried floating in the air like Rychell did before moving deeper into the tunnels. 

About hour into her travels, she heard voices coming from up ahead. Slowing down her speed, she used the shadows of the jutting rock walls to peek down the tunnels to see who was talking.

"Is the King still up there killing Prince Ailwin's fiancée?"


"I'm surprised that she could last this long against someone like the King."

"You think it's by her will alone that she has lasted this long...tsk, the King is just toying with her before he finally kills her."

Mika saw two males talking as walked towards a door at the end of the tunnel. They both have boxes in their hands as they pressed in a code for the door to open.

"...so he is doing all this just for fun?"

"You don't know who you are working for huh." The older male, shook his head at his friend's ignorance.

Mika wanted to shake her head at the young male's stupidity as well. Anyone could see that the King is one step away from make a death star and blowing up his own planet for fun.

"Then how can we be sure that we will ascend like they promised?" The younger male grabbed the older one in fear.

"Look, just do what you are told. This batch will be our last chance... If it works, do you really want to miss this opportunity to become a god."

The younger male shook his head.

"Good. Then let's get these boxes inside so we don't give them reasons to kill us, yes?"


When the two passed through the doorway and the door closed behind them, Mika was alone again in the tunnel.

She couldn't grasp all of their conversation, but she was pretty sure she has stumble upon the King's hidden base.

Staring at the door at the end of the tunnel, Mika contemplated.

Should I take the chance to break in or walk away….Tch, who am I kidding?

Mika made her way towards the door after checking that no one was around.